"Senior Brother Lai~"

Students' Union Office, Lunchtime.

Ryne, who was dining with Deep Snow,

Glancing at the seniors who had been a little strange from just now.

It was Watanabe Morley who called out Rian's name,

But Mayumi Nanakusa also seems to be secretly paying attention to things here.

This made Rien very curious.

"Chairman, what's the matter?"

Hearing this, Morley had a playful expression on his face.

"I heard that you proposed to the second-year Mitsui at the café yesterday, is that true?"

Lane was glad he had just swallowed a bite of food.

Otherwise, at this time, you should think about how to beg for the forgiveness of the senior sister who was sprayed with a face.

No, that's not the point.

"Even if it's a rumor, wouldn't Senior Sister feel that it's too fake?"

Li En reluctantly argued.

"Even if it's a confession, it's somewhat credible, how could I propose to Senior Sister Mibu who hasn't met a few times?"

"But someone saw you bring a ring for her. "

"That's just testing an item that can increase mana......"

"So you're playing with her feelings?"

Morley's words are as sharp and precise as her swordsmanship.

"Please be self-respecting and avoid using this kind of speech that can be misunderstood. "

Rien sighed.

"Besides, the deep snow is still here, don't teach 717 ......"

Before he finished speaking, the temperature in the student union office dropped suddenly.

"Brother, I'm not a child. "

Deep snow with icy magic,

With a smile without the slightest hint of a smile on his face.

With a gentle look that makes people hairy on the back, he looked at Rien.

"So, brother...... Can you explain the matter with Mibu-senpai?"

Before they knew it, ice had condensed in everyone's cups.

Even the windows began to be covered with a hazy layer of frost.

Look at the good things you've done.

Rien glared at Morley with a look of surprise.

"Eh, this is a [change of events] caused by simply thinking about it?!"

The last female member of the Student Council,

Azusa Nakajo, who has the size of a child, sighed in surprise.

There was a hint of fear in her tone.

This phenomenon of reality interference caused by emotional out-of-control.

It is a manifestation of poor learning...... At the same time, it is also a testament to the talent for terrifying magic.

"It's like a force of interference. "

Mayumi, who is a member of the Ten Divisions, can't help but sigh.

Seeing that the president was all shocked, Li En could only smile helplessly.

"Deep snow, you calm down first, I'll explain it clearly. "

"I'm sorry......"

Deep Snow recovers from a state similar to "emotional outburst",

He whispered apologetically.

Ryne coughed lightly and told some of the news he had heard from Shayaka.

This includes the idea of establishing a "Federation of Non-Magical Athletic Societies".

"It seems that in some respects, the activities of the Discipline Committee have aroused the resentment of some people. "

Watanabe Morry, who is the head of the Discipline Inspection Commission, is as heavy as water.

"There's one thing I need to correct, though. "

"There is nothing called [performance] for the Discipline Inspector. "

"Rather, the less we can achieve, the easier it is. "

"You should know this best, our Discipline Inspector Star classmate. "

Li En, who was named the so-called "Star of the Discipline Inspection Committee", nodded helplessly.

Because of the amazing performance of the club's recruitment week, (read the violent novel, go to the Feilu Novel Network!)

Morley gave him such a nickname.

In other words, someone is deliberately spreading rumors to create this atmosphere of opposition. "

Mayumi coughed lightly and closed the coffin on the whole thing.

With such a firm tone, it seems that he should know some unknown inside story.

"To curb the spread of rumors, we must cut it off at the root. "[]

Lane looked at the student council president.

"Does Sister Mayumi know the true identity of the person behind the scenes?"


The student president and the chairman of the Discipline Committee looked at each other,

It seems that the speech just now accidentally leaked out some hidden truth.

(bgfb) "This, ahaha......"

Mayumi just wants to get through with a smile on her face.

I heard Rien continue to ask.

"What I want to ask about is not the miscellaneous soldiers at the very end, but the organization or force hidden behind the whole thing. “

Deep Snow looked up at Rien, tugged at his clothes, and shook her head slightly.

Presumably to imply that he had asked a little too deeply.

In response, Li En used a head-touching attack, and the effect was outstanding.

Rinn said as he stroked Shenxue's hair.

"Sister Mayumei, she should have been born in the Qicao family in the [Ten Masters Clan], right?"

Mayumi Nanakusa, who was suddenly named, was stunned for a moment, and then nodded in affirmation.

It's not something to hide.

In fact, with such a surname, you can't hide it if you want to.

"Well, I heard that there were disordered families who were deprived of the surname of the [Ten Masters] before......"

"In order to regain their glory as the Ten Divisions, they secretly formed an organization. "

"On the surface, it is an underworld organization, but in fact it is an underground force controlled by the disordered family. "

"The name of this organization is ...... [Yaqi Society], I should be right?"

From the first sentence, the expression on Mayumi's face became more and more stiff.

Morry's expression also became solemn, and he no longer had the banter he had at the beginning.

Only Zi's eyes widened, not knowing why the atmosphere of the student council was so serious.

"Why do you know the name......"

Mayumi said as if she had no energy.

"They've gone too far these days. "

Li En said lightly.

Those players in Sakurajima who tried to attack him, but were killed by a sneak attack,

The one you receive is the mission of the [Yagi Society].

"So, the invitation that Sayaka sent to you can be seen as the [Yaqi Society] trying to recruit you?"

"Judging by the results, they will only see me as an enemy in the future. "

Lane shrugged.

"I just want to remind the two seniors that they have planted a lot of nails in the school. "

"In the coming time, there may be some very bad events. "

That's why he's so sure.

It's not because of a mission.

Instead, a new activity was refreshed on the teaching terminal......

[Faction Confrontation Event: Let's engage in heart-pounding magical real skills offensive and defensive battles!]

Regarding the description of the convulsions of the reincarnation space, Li En is no longer able to complain.

It's not like this hasn't happened before.

It was a message from a message board that piqued his interest.

[Dragon Kingdom players who have chosen the school camp, please meet in the conference room during free time tomorrow afternoon].

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