"Crimson Chest...... It seems that this is the benefit of killing players. "

Looking at the special treasure chest that emitted a strange glow of blood, Lane walked over and put it away.

"I don't know if I can sanitize the risk of killing value. "


【Crimson Chest】

Level +: Special

+ Fruit: After use, you can randomly draw some reincarnation points and equipment items from the killed player

+ Note: "This locket is your forever home"


"Killing a player can only be rewarded at random?"

Confused, Rien walked over to a player's corpse,

I found that after the death of the other party, all the equipment on the body became something that was not recognized by the reincarnation space.

In other words, trying to kill a player to loot the player's belongings won't work.

7 players, a total of 7 Crimson chests, including 1 D-rank player's chest.

To be on the safe side, and also to test,

Lane first opened an E-Rank player's chest.

[Random Reward Type: Reincarnation Points]

[You will get 20% of the player's points balance]

[You have earned 619 reincarnation points]

"There is no 10 times the resource gain, it is lost. "

Shaking his head, Rien was a little disappointed with the benefits of some Crimson Chests.

He spent thousands of points just with special bullets.

This little benefit is not eye-catching to him at all.

The remaining E-level Crimson Treasure Chests have opened some points one after another, as well as a few props.

The quality and variety of items vary, and the best one is nothing more than an E+ staff.

It's a pity that Li En can't use it, so he can throw it into the space ring and wait to sell it for money.

It was the Crimson Chest of the D-class reincarnation player that gave him a surprise.


【Insulator-Tortoiseshell Shield】

Level +: D

+Amount: 500 (Energy Shield)

+Resistance: +33% Electrical Resistance

+Ability: 5/sec, 1 hour recovery time after the shield is reset to zero

+ Note: This item is regarded as an accessory, and only one type of similar item can take effect


"The shield generator looks familiar. "

Looking at the palm-sized device in his hand, Li En was thoughtful.

"It's supposed to be a tech item from the world of Borderlands. "

"Was this the thing that resisted nearly a thousand points of additional damage just now? "

The Shield Generator, an iconic item from a previous game called Borderlands.

This small and delicate device has a decent defensive ability.

In addition, various effects are attached depending on the manufacturer.

For example, the characteristics of the "Tortoiseshell Shield" are high shield value and low charge speed.

It takes more than 1 minute to fully charge from 0 to recovery.

If the shield is directly shattered,

It takes up to 1 hour to recover.

But in exchange, it is a high shield capacity,

Able to withstand a lot of damage in a short period of time.

"Nice stuff, it's mine. "

This is the biggest benefit that Lane has gained from the players in this battle.

Of course, more of the benefits come from the chain event that has just been triggered.

[You have completed the chain event "Danger Everywhere"]

[You get 50,000 reincarnation points, Skill - Elven Eye Lv1, Skill - Spell Disintegration Lv1]

[The next stage clue will be triggered after a specific event!]

[Advance mission progress is about to reach 50% threshold]

[Completing the next stage of the chain event will unlock a new attribute cap!]


Seeing the last piece of information, Li En didn't even look at the new skill.

"New Stats Cap...... That means I can add stats to 100?!"

This is great news for Lane!

Although he didn't completely complete the promotion, at least he was able to get a wave of all-round improvement!

The increase in attributes brings the most intuitive strength enhancement.

For example, your health can be doubled to 1000 points!

The power of the machine will also increase by leaps and bounds with the increase of the will attribute!

At that time, both the "Magnetic Storm Crown" and the conventional mechanical power will be improved!

However, although the battle was crushing, Lane did not swell. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

On the contrary, after reviewing it in his mind, he checked for many flaws.

For example, after discovering the ambusher with the help of the dungeon map at the beginning,

An unsolicited sneak attack could have resulted in a better result.

Instead of just killing two E-rank players, he also revealed his location.

"Next time, you should kill the player with the scouting skill as soon as possible. "[]

Rien thought silently.

The second is the D-class player named Murata,

Although in the end, he was killed by his own unexpected wounded attack.

But it still poses a slight threat to him.

And the reason for all this is that Ryne's long-range attack methods are limited by the protective enchantment.

Lucifer can only be manipulated for melee attacks, leaving a chance for the Assassin player's sneak attack.

"At least I can make a lot of mistakes, and they can only make one mistake. "

Lane took one last glance at the corpses strewn down the alley and left the scene.

As for what happens after that, it's not his business.

After completing the chain quests for this stage, Rien gains two new skills.

It's also the magic that the original male protagonist himself mastered.。

"Elven Eyes" and "Disintegration".

The former is a "perception" spell in non-system magic, which belongs to the range detection skill.

The latter is the magic of the decomposition system,

Spells that only exist in theory are extremely difficult to cast!

However, Li En has the "information decomposition" ability of [Technique Deconstructor], which can be easily applied.

Without a doubt, both of these are very practical skills

Li En was also directly promoted to the full level.

As for the conquest...... Lane is a little shy right now.

D-level skills often cost 50,000 to conquer, and even he can't afford to spend it.

Like this ordinary skill, Li En decided to let it go for the time being.


【Elven Vision】

(Upgraded from "Eye of the Elves Lv10")

Level +: D

+ Fruit: Centered on oneself, expand the realm of perception, and present all the information within a certain range in the mind.

+Positive: The radius of the field is (willpower) meters, and it costs 10 manna/s


【Disintegration of Surgery-Chain Collapse】

(Upgraded from "Dismantling Lv. 10")

Level +: D

+ Resist: Will (Primary, affects the success rate of disintegration)

+Result: Cast on a target who is casting a spell, causing the spell being cast to disintegrate

+Positive: This skill can be chained 1 time, each time it consumes 50 mechanical power, and it has a cooldown of 15 seconds


The direction of the Elven Eye's advancement is to expand the radius of the perceptual realm.

Originally, the Lv10 radius was only 50% of the will attribute at most.

After Li En promoted him to the "Elven Vision",

Area modifier is now 100% will.

The radius has been directly doubled!

On the other hand, "Disintegration of Techniques" chose "Chain Collapse" as the promotion reward.

This trait grants the skill 1 "Chain".

That is, it can affect an additional enemy, one cast, two targets.

"In addition to interfering with mechanics and techniques, I can now counter ordinary skills. "

Lane's fighting style has taken shape,

At the lower level, he can use [Organ Forbidden] and [Surgical Disintegration]

Disrupt the enemy's ability cast, then have the float cannon and automaton do the output.

This is the safest tactic.

As for hand-to-hand combat, it is in the full crushing of combat power,

Or it may be a last resort.

"The club recruitment week has passed, so just wait for the next stage of the chain task to be triggered......"

However, what Lane didn't expect was his biggest crisis.

It happened the day after he "dated" with Sayaka.

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