Chapter 387 Competing Mechanical Clusters!!

“World tree species? What do you want that stuff for? ”

Xuan Ying was slightly stunned.

Although the name of the world tree species from the elven tribe still sounds quite tall.

But reincarnation players are well-informed,

This obviously does not know what to use,

Nor will it bring a significant increase in strength to itself.

It is not easy to spend all your belongings to buy back for research and play.

“I have my own wonderful uses.”

Liu Xusheng sold a guanzi,

No further information was revealed.

In fact, he did not buy this prop to use himself.

Rather, it is to borrow flowers to offer Buddha,

To a legendary powerhouse of great strength and status! It was also by chance that he learned of this information.

Even the legendary strong man who desperately needed the world’s tree species did not necessarily know this information.

Therefore, Liu Xusheng tried his best to gather millions of reincarnation points.

It is to brush up on the favorability of that legendary strong man in one fell swoop!

Compared to the human feelings of a legendary strongman.

What are the millions of reincarnation points!

Suddenly, a bright and pleasant voice came from the radio.

【Distinguished guests, welcome to the auction held by the Black Lion Chamber of Commerce】

【Next, officially enter the auction link】

【Each private room has a terminal device for participating in the auction】

【I wish you the best of luck】.

“The auction has begun.”

Lane looked at the screen in front of him.

It presents a close-up of the booth area.

The screen below is information about the product you are currently shooting.

I have to say that although there is no intention of purchasing.

But the effect of some rare props still makes Lane marvel.

For example, magazine props brought out of zombie quests.

Just flip through the magazine and you’ll get a few basic attributes.

And comes with knowledge skills such as fashion, cars, disguises, etc.

Another example is the queen bee pet named Queen of Orange, as long as it has been cultivated by the class of animal trainers.

You can continue to produce B-grade precious consumables of the world’s best jelly! In short, a variety of auction items,

It opened Lane’s eyes.

“Finally there’s something I can use.”

In the 55th auction, Lane finally found the prop suitable for him to bid.

【Knowledge and Skills: Principle of Cluster Control】

+ Level: C

+ Pre-emptive: Intermediate AI Lv10, Deep Learning Lv5, Sociology Lv5

+ Effects: Equip you with knowledge of how to manufacture and manage clusters of intelligent machines

+ Note: Distribution and concentration, the two become one, it is the cluster

+ Starting price: 150,000 reincarnation points, each price increase must not be less than 1500 points

This knowledge skill is based on derivative knowledge in the field of artificial intelligence.

In a post related to the tech side of Hidden Dragons.

It is known as one of the necessary knowledge reserves for legion flow mechanics.

Because the mechanic’s own computing power is limited.

Therefore, a highly automated intelligent management model is required.

This theory is the basis for building clusters of intelligent machinery. Lee’s previously manufactured stinger could apply this technique.

And not only that.

After obtaining this knowledge,

Lane had many more ideas to come to fruition.

“Let’s start the auction [Knowledge Skills: Principles of Cluster Control].”

The host’s voice was loudly broadcasting to the whole audience.

“The starting price is 150,000 reincarnation points, and each price increase must not be less than 1500 points.”

As soon as the words fell, I saw the price of this product soaring all the way to the bandits! In addition to Lane, there are many people who have their eyes on this book of physical energy!





Lane looked at the price that hovered between twenty or thirty thousand with each markup.

Then press a number to go out.


At this moment, I don’t know how many mechanics players broke into scolding.

Where is the rich second generation to grab skills with us?!

To have money is to be willful!

Of course, if there is enough contribution to redeem.

Lane doesn’t have to spend this kind of unjust money either.


“No. 307 buyer bid 500,000 reincarnation points, is there any price increase?”

The host is also a person who has experienced the big scene,

This level of markup, while rare, is not without it.


Lane gave a sigh of relief,

A Brilliant Diamond card pops up in the card slot next to it.

At the moment of the transaction, 500,000 reincarnation points were deducted from the card.

If the balance on the card is insufficient.

He just couldn’t raise the price.

This avoids deliberate price increases…

Of course, for Lane, who has a unique 50 million diamond cards.

He wouldn’t do this kind of cost-averse behavior.

Soon, a skill book was teleported from the tray next to it.

It is the [cluster control principle] that Dawn just photographed.

“There is still a pre-skill that has not been learned, go back and talk about it.”

Lane threw the skill book into the Space Ring,

Refocus your attention on the screen in front of you.

A total of 100 high-value items will be listed at the auction.

And the lower the serial number, the higher the value.

The next few items that begin with serial number 8,

Millions of reincarnation points have been photographed.

Lane was also amazed,

It was the first time he had experienced this feeling of squandering.

If you really spend a lot of money.

The tens of millions of reincarnation points on the body are really not enough to squander.

Suddenly, Lane saw a number of feelings.

【No. 423 buyer bid 1.5 million! 】 】

Buyer No. 423… Isn’t it Liu Xusheng?!

He hadn’t taken pictures of anything just now, just to wait for this item? Lane raised an eyebrow and looked at the product details on the screen.


【Unknown Seed】

+ Level: X0·

+ Description: The tree species that contains the life force of terror emits a pure mysterious side atmosphere, so it is impossible to identify its true origin

+ Note: “Please give it a piece of soil…”

+ Starting price: 1 million reincarnation points, each increase must not be less than 10,000 points

X-class mystery items!

This X alone is worth the 7-figure base price!

Lane was shocked.

He has a couple of X-rated things on him.

Like what……

“Void Emperor” bloodline! And taboo knowledge!

“Good fellow, it was waiting here.”

Without even thinking about it, Lane inserted the diamond card into the card slot.

Directly added another 500,000 points!

【No. 307 buyer bids 2 million reincarnation points! 】 The whole audience is boiling!

Private room 423.

“Damn, where’s the rich man?!”

Liu Xusheng looked at the auction booth that had entered the countdown and added 100,000 reincarnation points again.

What he fears most is to get someone’s attention!

Among the reincarnation players, there are more senior players with wealth than him.

He could only hope that the effect of this prop was very vague.

No one else would waste money on such props of unknown significance.

【No. 423 buyer bids 2.1 million reincarnation points! 】 】

【No. 307 buyer bids 2.6 million reincarnation points! 】 】

Li En held his chin in one hand and waited with a smile for Liu Xusheng’s counterattack.

“I’d like to see whose bottom is thicker.”

His psychological expectation is 5 million reincarnation points.

If beyond this price,

Even if it is possible to take down this X-rated seed.

He won’t keep following the price.

After all, his points weren’t from the wind.

Instead, it is earned, taking various risks.

【No. 1551 buyer bids 3 million reincarnation points! 】 】

New buyers became interested and went to the auction.

The price that can be quoted shows that the buyer really has so much liquidity in his hands.

“More than 3 million…”

Liu Xusheng’s face turned pale.

In his gold card, there are only 4 million points for one supply! Then he gritted his teeth.

3.5 million! That’s all he gets!

But just a moment after he made the offer.

A bidding message followed.

【No. 423 buyer bids 3.5 million reincarnation points! 】 】

【No. 307 buyer bids 4 million reincarnation points! 】 4 million!

Liu Xu Sheng was in place, and his head was blank.

“No, except that I shouldn’t know the real purpose of this prop…”

“What to do now…”

Until half a minute later, a loud transaction sounded.

Completely cut off his hopes.

“Mourn brother.”

Xuan Ying patted Liu Xusheng’s back with pity.

“By the way, don’t forget to pay back the interest on the loan.”

(New copy will be added tomorrow)

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