Chapter 386 Road Narrow World Tree Species!!

“In the end, I still didn’t say the code name of the copy.”

After hanging up the communication, Lane thought about it.

I found that there were no works in my memory that matched the number.

Or, just the information he knew,

It is not enough to infer which work was derived from the copy.

Or it has undergone a large-scale magic transformation in the reincarnation space.

Or it is not a copy of the world formed by the works of the past life at all.

“Anyway, these replica features that Xuejie said are also very important.”

I think back to the information I just recorded.

Lane’s brow furrowed.

One seals up skills, professions and even

A quest world of bloodline power, basic stats and all items on your body.

There are only two things that all reincarnated players can bring in.

One is their own talent.

The second is the knowledge mastered.

The latter has little effect in the absence of occupations and skills.

So innate ability is very critical.

Fortunately, Lane’s innate abilities… Very much.

There are 3 legendary talents alone!

As Yan Tianyi said, this copy is for him.

Maybe there is a certain danger,

But more than that’s the opportunity!

After all, it is the mysterious copy of the Hidden Dragon and even the officials of other countries who are trying to fight for the quota!

“More and more looking forward to it, this so-called mysterious copy.”

Although the next quest ability will be temporarily sealed.

But Lane won’t stop his ascension either.

Early the next morning, he followed the address given by Yan Tianyi.

I came to the shop of the Black Lion Chamber of Commerce.

“Well, it’s really hilarious.”

Watch the various reincarnated players pouring into the halls of the auction house.

Lane also experienced the feeling of visiting the supermarket for a long time.

Most of the people who choose to come to the Black Lion Chamber of Commerce at this time basically come for the weekly auction.

The same goes for Lane.

So he went directly to the crowd, after a simple registration,

I came to a private room assigned to a separate room.

There are thousands of similar private rooms in a circular venue!

“Space expansion technology, sigh, big money.”

After obtaining the bloodline bonus of the affinity of the law of space.

Dawn could faintly feel it at this time,

Ripples of space came from inside the auction house.

Every time a reincarnated player enters a room, there will be a circle of ripples like water.

There should be a more complex technical makeup behind this.

Lane could only detect the traces that emanated from the operation.

Just then, he suddenly noticed two people.

In an instant, his eyes narrowed.

“Liu Xusheng…”

appeared in his field of vision,

It was Liu Xusheng who joined the Hidden Dragon with him! He wears the same suit as the people next to him.

Decorated on the chest are the emblems of two black snakes with their tails attached. – Ouroboro!

Lane automatically had in mind the information he had gathered earlier.

The Ouroboros Squadron, a faction of players formed by several A-level members of the Hidden Dragon.

Privileges owned by advanced Hidden Dragon members. Much more than a newcomer like Lane. A warband organization created by A-level members,

You can also enjoy some of the resources support of [Hidden Dragon]. Even if you are not a Warband player of [Hidden Dragon],

It can also be nominally counted as an external member of the Hidden Dragon. Liu Xusheng belongs to this list,

After joining the Ouroboro,

You can enjoy the resources and status of the [Hidden Dragon], as for what you have paid… Only he knows. Lane didn’t care about that.

He had only one thought.

“Now I… Compared to Liu Xusheng, who is a B-level player. ”

“If there is another life-and-death battle, who will be the loser?”

As he pondered, Lane noticed that they had entered the private room numbered 423.

Obviously, Liu Xusheng is also one of the buyers of this auction.

“I don’t know what he’s going to buy, maybe I can make some trouble.”

Lane was suddenly interested.

Can’t do a real knife and a real gun…

It’s not impossible to do something small in the dark.

Anyway, he was now worried that the eight-figure reincarnation points on his body could not be spent.

It is better to add a little blockage to the nemesis.

If nothing else, it is rich and willful!

Of course, Lane doesn’t simply want to waste points.

In his opinion, it can be seen by Liu Xusheng, a B-level elite player.

Even if the premium is 50%, it will not lose much.

Private room 423.

“Xuan Ying, have you had enough money?”

Somehow, Liu Xusheng said to his companion with some nervousness.

“That’s all, that’s all.”

Another member of the Ouroboros touched his body.

Pulled out a gold card from the Xingzuan Bank.

The 3 Venus above are shining.

For the minimum denomination of the white card, the maximum point access limit is 100,000 points.

This is followed by the bronze card, which is capped at 500,000 points.

Then there’s the Silver card, which is capped at 1 million points.

The face value of the Gold Card is ten times that of the Silver Card.

Each Venus represents 1 million reincarnation points! This means that the balance of points in this gold card is between 3 million and 4 million.

Even for B-level players.

This is also a huge number.

A strong B-level player like Liu Xusheng. Count some items that didn’t sell, hard currency.

The net worth is only more than a million.

Of course, if you count the equipment of the whole body.

Probably more than that,

But no one would be stupid enough to sell the equipment they depended on for their livelihood.

Unless there is better equipment to replace it.

So, this cash,

It was already all the funds raised by Liu Xusheng.

Unlike other people who come with a shopping mentality.

He knew there was a special item in the auction.

For some reason, he was bound to get this special item!

“So many points, just interest, a few times a day.”

Xuan Ying threw the card to Liu Xusheng and commanded.

“Don’t know what you’re going to do with all this money… Don’t forget to pay me back. ”

“Rest assured, who are we to talk to?”

Liu Xusheng smiled and grabbed the golden card in his hand.

Then, with an anxious look, look at the booth in the middle of the venue.

“How come it hasn’t started yet?”

“Don’t worry, it’s all appetizers in front, and high-value items will come later.”

Xuan Ying saw Liu Xusheng’s appearance and shook his head helplessly.

“What equipment are you going to buy that is worth spending so many points?”

“Not equipment… Forget it, I’ll be on the booth anyway. ”

Liu Xusheng thought about it and said casually.

“Specifically, it’s a tree species.”

“Tree species?”

Xuan Ying wondered.

“What level of props?”

Liu Xu raised the low voice.

“Legend has it that… This is a world tree species that has been passed down from the Elven Clan! ”

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