Chapter 327 Slaughter Partial Folding Shield!!

The speed of sound is usually defined as 340 m/s.

The bullet speed of military sniper rifles is often several times the speed of sound,

When the reporters in the conference room heard the muffled gunshots, it was already a full few seconds before the bullets were fired.

Even the sound of glass breaking,

Faster than the sound of gunfire reaching everyone’s ears.

There is a situation!

The experienced reporter first crouched in the corner with his head in his hand.

Those newcomers who have not experienced – too big a scene,

Apparently there is no reaction yet.

Standing stupidly in the midst of the noise—in place.

Subsequently, someone noticed the situation of the protagonist of the press conference, Saint Tianzi.

“Mr. Lane…?”

Saint Tianzi, whose face had become as pale as his dress, looked forward with a look of surprise and confusion.

In her line of sight,

An extra shield of light appeared in front of Li En.

The delicate and beautiful superposition structure like petals protects the two people layer by layer.

“Please be careful.”

Lane said lightly.

“The attack is not over yet.”

He quickly glanced at the copy map. The people involved in this assassination operation are not only the characters in the original plot.

More than… Reincarnation player!

“Oh, [League of Assassins]… It’s a real headache. ”

In fact, the League of Assassins is not the name of an organization.

It is a mechanism of reincarnation space.

The player who carries the killing value,

You can join the killer factions and factions in the dungeon world to get assassination and killing-related tasks.

It’s a special mechanic for Red players.

This is not a bonus, as certain players with high kill values are also wanted.

It can only be regarded as an additional high-risk, high-reward challenge.

This is the information that Lane learned from Celia’s mouth.

Another side of glass broken,

The sniper hiding in the shadows, as if unwillingly, fired a second bullet from another angle!

But he was still blocked by the petal shield in Lane’s hand.

The only price paid,

It is the petals that make up the shield that dissipate in an instant.

If you count the previous bullet.

This shield was supposed to have 7 petals.

This means… This shield can withstand 7 attacks!

[Void Armed: “Partial Folding Shield”]

+ Void value: 1000

+ Effect (1): 1 Void value absorbs 10 damage of any type

+ Effect (2): Consumes 1 petal, so that a single attack that consumes more than 10% of the Void Value will be invalidated

+ Effect (3): Consumes 1 petal, which will bounce the absorbed attack back to the attacker

+ Petals: 7 pieces (base 5, +1 for every 500 void values)

+ Charge: 10 Void Values/Hour

+ Note: “Beautiful things are often accompanied by pain. ”

This is the Void Arms from the Shrine House of Arissa.

Also because of the problem of the charge of the void value,

He had never used this defensive weapon. After all, he could handle the usual scenes. But this time was different, he needed to protect the Holy Heavenly Son.

If only he were the only one,

The scene wasn’t really too bad.

If there are no reincarnated players present in the venue.

Several players of different races with greedy eyes,

Gaze at the Holy Heavenly Son hiding behind Lane.

One of the Dark Elf players let out a cold laugh.

“I didn’t expect to have a player to protect him, but he only had one person, and we were on.”

“Whoever grabs it is whoever gets it!”

Obviously, these are all players who have received the League of Assassins mission. And…… Not all of the attackers.

Lane threw out several mechanical boxes,

The sudden appearance of the sword dancer directly stops the player in front.

But there was a sudden chill on his side!

An assassin player breaks away from stealth,

The sharp blade in his hand swung directly at the back of Saint Tianzi’s heart!

However, faster than the weapon, it is the spell that Lane unleashes! – Magic – Gravitational Cage!

The Assassin player is crooked,

But it is not affected by the gravitational cage,

This spell only eliminated a layer of immunity in his body! Just when he thought he was about to get his hands on it,

As if he had expected it, Lane cast a second spell at the same time! ———————————

The previous gravitational cage was only meant to break the “skill immunity” in his body. ”

And the second technique is the real killer! Saint Tianzi covered his small mouth in horror,

She watched as a big living person,

In front of her, it suddenly scattered into a particles on the ground!

This scene also deterred the frontal attackers,

The tragic situation of “peers” forced them to face up to the threat of Lane. But Lane doesn’t give these people time to breathe.

“The clouds are gone” is still cooling,

But…… Lane has a second Death Skill that doesn’t need to be cooled down!

Suddenly, an evil and strange temperament descended on Li En, and he stretched out his palm with force and squeezed it hard in front of everyone’s eyes!


An unlucky player without any immediate death resistance,

Picked by Lane as the first target to kill chickens and monkeys! Locked by the heart is an orc player,

His chest immediately exploded, and his face twisted and collapsed to the ground, as if he had lost his life.

“It’s a Death Skill!”

The sharp-eyed reincarnation player recognizes the essence of the skill that causes the orc player to die

Hearing the word death, the attackers finally gave up their last hope.

They had come to assassinate, not to play a game of life.

God knows if the next person to die is himself!

“Damn… Remove! ”

In the face of the scattered attackers,

Lane casually used the floating cannon to point out two people who were moving more slowly.

No more pursuit.

Instead, he inquired through the Voice of the Gods.

“How long is the bounty time?”

“5 minutes.”

Celia replied with some helplessness.

“Also, can you please stop talking casually in my head?”

“It depends on whether you are willing to cooperate.”

“Please, I’ve given up on the bounty of up to 10 gold cups, what else do you want?”

“It’s like you can get a bounty if you don’t give up.”


If you can’t beat it,

The elven maiden wanted to beat Lane to the ground.

Unfortunately, I can only think about it.

However, she was soon glad that she did not mix with the muddy waters.

Because according to the war report after the failure of the bounty,

The players involved in the assassination this time,

Not even the skin of the Holy Heavenly Son had been touched.

Several people died directly!

Several of them died at the hands of the terrifying Instant Death Skill!

Seeing this, Celia suddenly felt a pang of fear in her heart.

She remembered the day she clashed with Lane,

If it is not seen by the other party to their own appearance,

Words very similar to her sister Anzenas…

I’m afraid she was already taken away by Lane’s one-shot death skill!

“Forget it, with him there, the assassination mission is basically impossible.”

Celia sighed and looked at the institute behind her.

“It’s better to honestly do the challenge task and work.”

“I heard that there is a police company moving next door.”

“I don’t know if they recruit part-time jobs there…”

…… Work.

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