Chapter 326 Clash Outlaw Sniper!!

After losing the war with the protozoa.

The Sakurajima country in the copy of “Dark Bullet” is divided into 5 areas by the forbidden area.

Dongjing District is just one of them.

The Holy Son of Heaven is the supreme leader.

And the president of the big plate area,

It was the Qi Wu Xuanzong she had just mentioned.

Although the name sounds catchy.

But in fact, he is a true monologue.

Heavy taxes are levied within the territories under their rule.

There have even been double-digit assassinations by cornered civilians.

It is a notorious tyrant.

But Li En was more concerned with Qi Wuxuanzong’s other identity.

“Qi Wu Xuanzong… I remember it in the original setting. ”

“He is one of the most senior members of the [Five Xiang Society].”

Lane listened to the work arrangements of the Holy Heavenly Son.

While recalling the plot of the original work in his mind.

Although this role does not appear much.

But the identity setting is a real senior villain.

【Wuxiang Society】

An evil fan organization that seeks to conquer the world and gain world hegemony.

According to legend, the leader of the Five Xiang Society is the head of the Four Sages.

As a result, the organization has extremely advanced mechanized soldier transformation technology.

The penetration of this organization is extremely strong,

It can be seen from the fact that Qi Wu Xuanzong, who was the leader of the region, was one of them.

The forces that are gathered behind this organization.

Enough to turn the world upside down!

“Hmm… It seems that I am in line with the goals of the Five Xiang Society. ”

“It’s all about conquering the world.”

Lane laughed to himself in his heart.

“But at least I’m an organized person.”

After all, there is room for reincarnation.

Lane just needs to complete the task of conquest.

You can get this copy of the World Chess.

Suddenly, in front of Lane’s eyes,

A palm with silk gloves shook.

“Mr. Lane, are you listening?”

Turning back to God, what caught Lane’s sight,

It is the slightly dissatisfied beauty of Saint Tianzi.

Even if it is a little angry, it is a dizzying appearance.

“Well, I’m listening.”

Lane said seriously.

“What I need to do is act as a guard during the meeting.”

“And when we transfer the venue, we will take a limousine to escort together.”

“Is there anything else?”

With his intellectual attributes, don’t say dual-minded.

Even if it is divided into eight cores and sixteen threads, at most it is slower.

“Ahh… Not for now. ”

Saint Tianzi was stunned,

She hadn’t expected Lane, who looked careless.

I actually remembered what I had just said.

“In a few minutes, there will be a press conference.”

“Then you can enter the field with my guard officer.”

Finally a few words,

Under the reminder of Miss Esoteric next to me,

Saint Tianzi then left the reception room.


Lane looked at his own personal mission.

【Exclusive personal mission: Tianzi Guard】

+ Difficulty: C

+ Objective: To protect Saint Tianzi and foil the plot of Qi Wu Xuanzong

+ Target (1): “Saint Heavenly Son” is not life-threatening (copper cup)

+ Objective (2): “Saint Heavenly Son” did not take any damage (Silver Cup + Saint Heavenly Son’s favorability)

+ Objective (3): The Saint Heavenly Son was not injured and stopped the plot of Qi Wu Xuanzong.

(Gold Cup + Goodwill + IP ranking has risen sharply)

+ Rewards: 8000/10000/15000 reincarnation points, corresponding attribute points, skill points

+ Time limit: 7 days

Frankly, the rewards for this mission are not great.

i.e. there is no bonus skill.

There are also no additional equipment and skill rewards.

Resources such as reincarnation points, skill points, and attribute points.

Because of the credit for the continuous completion of support requests by Night and Nameless, Lane has recently accumulated a lot of resources that cannot be used up.

As for the IP ranking, it has become the only reward worth considering for Dawn.

Because the conquest mission requires him to rank at least IP,

Rise to less than 100! He is now in 4500th place.

Although it has been called a little famous.

But it’s much worse than the threshold for conquering the mission.

Just as Lane pondered,

The sound of neat steps of military boots stepping on the ground,

Accompanied by a group of well-dressed men, they walked into the backstage of the venue.

A total of 6 guards lined up to look at Lane.

“Well, it’s quite imposing.”

Lane glanced at the men.

They were all dressed in white coats and uniforms, with pistols at their waists, and looked majestic.

“You should be Mr. Lane.”

One of the tall youths who looked like captains smiled at Lane and held out his right hand.

“I have heard your rumors from Lord Saint Heavenly Son.”

“I am a Ho Waki, with the rank of third lieutenant, and I have the honor of serving as the captain of the escort.”

“Please also give me more advice, Mr. Lane.”

Lane raised her gaze,

The palm of the hand and the gaze intersect with the man in front of you at the same time.

When the two are close together,

Hojo’s eyes suddenly became sharp, and his gaze was full of disdain and aggression.

He whispered.

“Stinky boy, just a policeman, actually dared to rob me of my personal escort job!”


Lane seemed to be smiling.

“Isn’t our job all escort?”

The young guard officer snorted coldly.

“Stupid, ordinary escort work, how can there be a whole process of participation in the talks, a ride together!”

“Before today, I will voluntarily give up this job to Lord Saint Tianzi.”

“In this way… I can spare your life!” ”

Lane doesn’t need to read minds,

I knew that the head of the Baowei Zhuo people was full of non-divided thoughts about the Saint Heavenly Son.

He said with a smile.

“I refuse.”

Ho’s face instantly became distorted and hard to see.

And not just because of Lane’s refusal.

In his hand, there was also an irresistible force! He didn’t think of it.

This young man who looked weak and couldn’t help the wind in front of him actually had such a strong power!

“You guys, come and help me!”

He turned his head and yelled low behind him.

The two guards on the left and right rushed forward, trying to suppress Lane’s body.

But in the blink of an eye, they hadn’t reacted to what was happening.

He lay on the floor with Takato Howaki.

– Nine Streams Martial Arts – Capture! With Lane’s attributes at this time,

Deal with these Guard Officers who are only D-class at most.

It’s as simple as an eagle catching a chick.

“Well, you didn’t even trigger a challenge mission, you guys have a lot of dishes.”

Lane glanced at the crooked guards with disgust.

Incidentally, it left an anchor point in the hearts of these people.

As long as they have any plans to get revenge on themselves.

It will attract its own listening.

With the study of the Voice of the Gods.

Lane was also able to use more and more techniques.

He felt that he now had more and more potential for a magic stick.

A few minutes before the press conference began.

Dawn walked leisurely in front of several guards.

He stood behind Saint Tianzi.

The press conference officially began.

The Holy Heavenly Son was calm, and a voice full of majesty sounded in the quiet venue.

“On this wonderful day, I sincerely wish you all gathered here… If it weren’t for the attention of all kinds of long guns and short cannons,”

Lane even wanted to yawn.

This long opening statement,

It was almost as smelly and long as the speech made by the school leaders before the sports day. Suddenly, Li En only felt a tingling in his scalp, and a chill came to his heart for no reason.

This feeling…

“Crisis reflection? But not against my killing intent, but…”

Li En’s heart was shocked, and a message of a challenging mission suddenly appeared in front of his eyes!

【Challenge Mission: Outlaw Sniper】

+ Difficulty: D+

+ Objective: Protect Saint Heavenly Son in the attack of unknown assassins! The next moment, the sound of glass breaking,

Mixed with screams, it exploded in the venue!

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