Chapter 319 Analysis of the Arrival of the Queen!!

Dongjing District, city center.

Celia walked out of a convenience store called Senro.

“What, because of this kind of small thing, people are fired.”

“The human working environment is also too bad!”

Because of the private removal of employee uniforms

The elf girl rightfully lost the part-time job.

She walked down the street with a bitter little face.

Ignore the gaze that comes because of her beauty.

Instead, he pulled out an artistic money bag.

“There’s not enough money left…”

“Copies have only just begun.”

“There are still more than two months to go.”

“The forests of this world are full of protozoa.”

“It’s still safer for human cities.”

“It looks like we have to find a new job.”

In Celia’s broken thoughts.

The morning passed quickly.

Although the characteristics of the elves, such as the long pointed ears, are masked by the space of reincarnation.

But the elves are innate

Her magically perfect appearance still brought her a lot of trouble and strange job opportunities.

Under some kind of intuition called a sense of crisis,

She decisively rejected these jobs that exuded a suspicious atmosphere.

The result was a busy half day

Except for the physical exertion, there is no gain.

“It’s hard not to succeed, you can only go to what kind of police.”

Celia did not resist this mercenary-like work.

After all, she was a killer herself, a hunter, but lately didn’t know why

Very few players receive support missions posted on the Police’s website.

It’s like the moment when support is emitted

It has been snatched away by lightning.

Do it again

Celia could only sleep in the wind

Although this is also the “old line” of the nature elves. ”

“Well, this is.”

Suddenly, Celia saw a new notice posted on the recruitment board.

“A new research institute has opened in the outer circle?”

“Even the security guards are paid such a high salary?!”

“As long as there is no prejudice against the Cursed Son.”

The elf girl’s eyes lit up

The job was simply tailor-made for her!

“Let’s apply for a job and see.”

Humming the little tune of my hometown

Celia was in a happy mood and rushed to the location of the job posting.

“I have to say that having money is good.” Look at the several buildings that have been built in front of you. ”

Li En couldn’t help but sigh at the efficiency of Sima Heavy Industry. Just a few days.

The main structure in the design drawing is built. As for the rest, it is up to him to make up for it.

But until then…

He needs to gather the employees.

Do you summon followers? 】

【Based on the current quest difficulty (D level)】

【You need to pay 100,000 reincarnation points】


Tens of millions of dollars in the body of Dawn is not worth this expense at all.

【Please select the followers you want to call】


Lane looked at the long list of followers in front of him. After thinking for a moment, the first one chose to endure.

Shinobi’s identity is more special

Although butterfly harmonizes the specialty

It allows her to exert quite good logistical skills.

But she herself is also a serious C-level combat force.

In the D-level difficulty dungeon, it has a good self-protection ability.

As the first follower to be summoned

It couldn’t be more suitable.

With a burst of light

Butterfly ninja appeared in front of Lane.

“Be on guard nearby, and wait for people to come together later.”

“Yes, sir.”

The butterfly responded softly.

Then jump in

The figure disappeared lightly into Lane’s field of vision.

“Well, what’s next.”

Since the Dimensional Contract has a cooldown of 1 hour. And the delay time of summoning is too high.

This dooms it not to be a surprise attack ability in combat. However, Lane did not intend to summon followers during the battle.

While the cooldown isn’t over yet

He took out a Rubik’s cube-type portable technology workbench.

In order to cope with such a scene in front of you.

During a two-month break.

Other countries have accumulated a lot of similar devices.

These portable technology workbenches are unfolded and only need to be plugged in

The corresponding research environment can be constructed immediately.

It can be said that it is an indispensable prop for researchers to travel at home.

The second person summoned by Dawn was Sakura-man.

“I didn’t expect that the world had such an interesting research object.”

Hearing the task that Li En had assigned to him, Sakura was full of eyes in the spring and summer.

“Master, I applied to do research with Miss Shinobi and Miss Zhu Shi.”

“My theoretical results can be transformed into technical achievements by them, killing two birds with one stone.”

“Well, you’re up to you in this regard. Lane nodded. ”

To put it simply, Sakura Manchurian specializes in theoretical research.

Zhu Shi and Ren are responsible for collating this knowledge into technical applications to develop corresponding potions, consumables and other props.

“Sure enough, there are many people with great strength.”

I saw the building that immediately entered the research state full of spring and summer.

Li En was quite emotional in his heart.

If you let him do the work himself

It’s not impossible.

But it will definitely take up a lot of time.

It is much better to share with research-oriented followers.

You only need to prepare the site and research materials.

You can wait to receive research results!

Because of the requirements of Sakura full of spring and summer. After Zhu Shi was summoned, Dawn took a deep breath.

Then calm down.

Perform the 4th summoning.

【Do you summon the real name of the follower Sakura?】 】


Accompanied by a sigh of delight.

A pair of white jade-like slim jade hands gently caressed Li En’s face frequency.

“My king, you are finally willing to see me.”

Sakura Man’s real name is the queen of the Apocalypse virus, obeying Lane’s call.

Coming into this world. She is not a researcher.

But Lane summons her to have her own considerations too.

“How do you feel about the world?”

Lane grabbed his real name’s hands

So as not to make her make more outrageous moves.

“This world?”

Sakura’s real name tilted her head to reveal an innocent and cute expression

In his eyes, an amethyst-like prismatic emblem appeared.

“There’s a lot, a lot, a lot of breath like me.”

The Queen of Viruses said softly

Her eyes looked in the direction beyond the monument.

It was as if the line of sight crossed the distance of space

Look straight into some extremely powerful beings.

“But it’s just similar.”

“Their life forms are still very low-level.”

“But they qualify as nourishment for [evolution].”

Sakura’s real name suddenly became excited.

“My king, let me conquer them for you!”

“Conquer this virus completely!”

“Let this world be our hunting ground!”

(This month’s flowers are also over 10,000, originally today is to add more, but the finger is a little painful tomorrow must be added)

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