Chapter 318: Search for Waterway Adventures!!

Peripheral area.

Away from the hustle and bustle of the city center.

The desolate wasteland under the sunset also has a special flavor.

The huge stone stele stands at the end of the line of sight,

It seems to be a constant warning of danger from outside the forbidden area. This may be one of the reasons why people are reluctant to develop the outer area. No one wants to look up and see a sword hanging in the air.

In this inaccessible ruin,

A figure marched steadily and unswervingly.

“According to the information provided by Ruri…”

The “smell of Yanzhu” should have disappeared near here. ”

Although Li En asked Ye Ye and Liu Li to go and find the traces of Yan Zhu.

In fact, the former is just a bodyguard.

The latter’s keen sense of smell is key.

Although it is the first time to perform the task,

Ruri’s performance did not disappoint Lane.

When he had just left the headquarters of Sima Heavy Industry,

I received feedback from the night.

“According to the plot… I’ve got to find a manhole cover. ”

Lane looked around and saw a scene of ruin.

However, there are still some buildings in operation.

There are three main uses for the peripheral area. One is to house nuclear power plants at risk of leakage, and the other is to deal with garbage produced in the city center. Finally, there is the trial planting of genetically modified crops.

Either way,

Little consideration is given to the residents living in the outer perimeter.

Comparing a glance at the copy map,

Lane determined a certain direction.

Walk towards the manhole cover on the path.

Boom, boom, boom…

After a few knocks, Lane waited patiently.

Not long after,

The rusty manhole cover makes a heavy muffled sound.

A young girl holds up a manhole cover, revealing half a small head,

He looked at Lane with a puzzled look.

Her eyes were the characteristic crimson of the Cursed Son.

“…… Can I help you? ”

“I’ve come to your elders here.”

Lane had a smile on his face,

Try not to scare the Cursed Son in front of you.

Although his appearance is not aggressive.

“Oh, I’ll call him, and you’ll come in and wait.”

The little girl easily believed Lane’s words.

Maybe it was because he directly called out the term elder.

This is the code name of the adult who adopted them.

Stepping down the ladder, Lane entered the sewer for the first time.

The space inside is surprisingly wide.

Maybe it’s because someone lives,

The environment is also much cleaner than expected.

But the air was still filled with the stench of dampness and decay.

But the little girl who showed Lane seemed to have long been accustomed to such an environment.

She led Lane to an iron gate,

After leaving a word of please wait here, you will jump deeper and deeper.


At this moment, a sudden cry of surprise came from Lane’s side.

“How are you?!”

“What are you doing here?”

Lane’s heart skipped a beat,

He wasn’t actually aware of the other person’s presence!

He subconsciously summoned 10 floating cannons,

The gun muzzle was turned in unison, directly aiming at the location where the sound was emitted.

Unexpectedly, the visitor is not the enemy…

Or, rather, the enemy before,

It should not be considered a hostile relationship now.

“It’s really rare.”

Seeing the appearance of the person in front of him, Li En’s eyebrows couldn’t help but be raised.

“I didn’t expect to see elves in such a place…”

“Don’t you elves like a clean and natural environment?”

Standing in front of Lane, with a slim posture holding a bow and arrow, it is Anthenas’s sister,

Elf shooter Celia.


A combination of “sewers” + elves. It’s a little weird.

Lane’s gaze rested on Celia’s chest.

Against the backdrop of plump and fair skin,

An emerald green necklace is shining.

Exudes a refreshing magical aura.

It should be this necklace,

Resisted his mindless mind-reading effect.

“Look at what you see!”

“Don’t face, stinky man, big devil!”

Celia noticed Lane’s gaze, and her pretty face blushed a few times.

But after hearing footsteps echoing from afar.

She hurriedly put away her weapon,

Removed a few shopping bags from the space gear.

In the large shopping bag,

Filled with a wide variety of food and everyday items.

Only then did Lane realize that the elven maiden was still wearing a blue-and-white clerk’s uniform.

It looked like I had just finished my part-time job and rushed in.

This leads to forgetting to change the casual clothes you usually wear.

“It’s also hard for reincarnated players to integrate into the quest world…”

The corners of Lane’s mouth twitched, deciding not to see the scene.

Otherwise, I always feel that the style of the elf painting in the impression is a little strange.

“Hello, young man.”

A figure coming from the depths of the sewers,

He was a short, white-haired man on crutches.

Not an old man, just a middle-aged man with glasses and a rather old attitude.

“I’m the elder here, hehe, I’m used to being called by the children, it’s actually just a nickname.”

“You can call me Matsuzaki.”

This was a remark to a new guest like Lane, and then Matsuzaki turned to look at the elven maiden.

“Miss Celia, today is also here… It’s been a lot of help lately. ”

“The children love to hear your stories and cry out every day to see Sister Celia.”

Perhaps the title of Sister Celia touched the shyness in the elven girl’s heart, and her ears turned red.

“Where, there is!”

“I just did some small work…”

“These, these are gifts for you today, I’ll go first!”

Looking at Qianying wearing a convenience store uniform and leaving in a hurry.

Matsuzaki struggled to put a large pile of supplies on the ground.

Then he smiled and said to Lane.

“What a good girl, isn’t she?”


Lane laughed twice.

A few days ago, when she killed me with an arrow of 2,000 blood, she didn’t blink an eye.

After some greetings.

Lane said what he really meant.

“I know Yanzhu is here.”

He didn’t need to confirm with Matsuzaki at all.

“Although she may not have calmed down yet…”

“But I need to take her away.”

Hearing this, Matsuzaki was slightly embarrassed.

Apparently, Yeon-joo must have told him before that she was going to keep her here a secret from Lane.

But I didn’t expect that Lane didn’t play his cards according to common sense at all.

It came up and directly exposed the lie he had not yet said.

“Mr. Lane, IMHO.”

Matsuzaki thought about it and said with affection.

“Instead of letting the blue original students return to an environment full of disgust.”

“Better to let her spend some time here with the other children of the curse.” ”

“Maybe it will make her feel better.”


Lane groaned for a moment and suddenly smiled.

“You’re right.”

“I don’t know… Have you asked the kids to change to a new home. ”

“What are you going to do?”

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