Chapter 238 Unswerving Auxiliary Linkage!!

The moment you realize you’re facing death threats.

With an almost impossible nerve reflex speed, he directly crossed his face and dodged the bullets fired by the floating cannon with a slight gap of a few millimeters!

The bullet slashed through the air pressure generated by the air, directly striking a line of blood on the cheek of the god.

The tingling sensation made him awake and at the same time, his heart was disgusted! No voice was made to ask about the identity of the attackers.

Because he knew that since the other party dared to do something at the secret base of the [Funeral Society]. You’re ready to see death as a homecoming!

The moment he subconsciously pulled out the pistol on his body and pulled the trigger, he found that the bullet suddenly jammed,——— the mechanism was banned!

Skills that had not been used for a long time were working as they should be at this time.

Lane not only directly blocked the counterattack of the god, but also incidentally took all the monitoring equipment in the office

As well as the alarm line directly paralyzed!

“What are you?!”

He frowned, his voice cold and angry.

“It’s useless, people on the outside can’t hear you.”

Dawn chuckled as he had already unfolded the Vacuum Junction Technique long before he stepped into the office. A layer of surround vacuum is constructed in the specified area. The propagation of sound can be directly cut off.

At this moment, this office has become a “secret house” of Shaanxi Yizheng! Even the movement of the floating guns firing did not attract the guards outside. Suffice it to say that the procedure has taken effect.

Nervously, he realized that the other party was fully prepared, and it was obvious that the attack was launched on the premise of “killing him”. Case………

“Then see if you have the ability to kill me!”

With a loud roar, his body was like a swift wild goodness, and he quickly attacked Li En!

Although in the Funeral Society, he usually appears as a leader. But in fact, before establishing the Funeral Society, he was active as a mercenary in the chaotic Africa. At that time, he was not yet 10 years old.

After years of fighting, it is still alive.

Suffice it to say that he also has amazing combat experience and talent! Pity…… Even so.

He still did not depart from the category of “human beings”.


Lane directly activated the Gravitational Cage on the mechanical glove. The huge force locked the right hand of the god Ya firmly!

Then he felt a whirlwind of heaven, and before the whole person could react, he fell directly to the ground! ——— Nine Streams Martial Arts – Grappling!

“I also know a little bit about fighting skills.”

Lane shrugged.

Fight for power……… There is only a D-level attribute of the Marvelous Attributes.

There was definitely no way to compete with the six-dimensional full of him.


His handsome face came into direct contact with the cold floor.

He didn’t have time to “enjoy” the rough and hard texture. He sensed that Lane had stabbed a syringe into his body.

【Resolving the gene of interest to the mimetic atlas】

【Progress 10%…… 20%………】

It didn’t take long for Lane to reach 100% of the progress bar in front of him.

This means…… The man in front of him had completely lost his value.


Beside Lane appeared 10 floating cannons.

In all directions, he locked on the poor god who was subdued by him on the ground.

This time, there was no room for him to hide.

[You have killed the leader of the “Funeral Society” camp, “Poor God! 】”

[Your reputation at the “funeral club” drops by 100,000 points!] 】

[Your reputation level at the “Funeral Society” is reduced to “Blood Vengeance”! 】

[Once your tracks are discovered by the “Funeral Society”, you will be hunted down by that camp!] 】

“Well, that’s the consequence of the leader of the original unbeaten camp.”

Lane sighed.

As he thought.

Killing “Poor Shenya” will reduce his reputation in the “Funeral Society”. It is even affected by the “10 times resource income assistance”.

His prestige level dropped directly to the level of “blood vendetta”. However, he was prepared for this.


Lane disguises himself directly as the appearance of the Poor God.

Because it is in a mimetic state.

Therefore, his prestige also inherits the prestige level of “Poor God Ya” in the “Funeral Society”………

Faction leader!

There is no doubt that as the founder and leader of the “Funeral Society”…

The only “camp leader” in the Funeral Society!

Based on your current mimetic character identity, you have gained the status of “Camp Leader” of the “Funeral Society”! 】

[Detected that you have reached the highest reputation level of a faction]

【Do you want to activate the “Faction Management Panel” of the current faction?】 】

【”Funeral Society” is a D-level camp, and activating the “Faction Management Panel” requires 100,000 reincarnation points!] 】

“Huh? Inheriting the status of “Faction Leader”, can I directly activate the Faction Management Panel? ”

Lane was slightly stunned.

He originally thought that he had obtained the highest prestige level through “genetic mimicry”. Additional effects of Ruler Assist cannot be triggered.

I didn’t expect that the two could be linked!

“Just 100,000 reincarnation points… Activation! ”

Although 100,000 points were thrown out.

It saves time, even if it costs a little more.

What’s more, Lane is now very rich.

100,000 reincarnation points is just a fraction of his point balance.

Soon, a visual, translucent panel appeared before his eyes.

It details the current situation of the “funeral society”. Specific information from each member.

Then to the various resources and strategic reserves owned by the camp, everything is available.

However…… What surprised Lane the most.

When he casually clicked on the information of a funeral club member.

Discover the “loyalty” of this member,

Qiran is also an incredible 200%!

“Isn’t it……”

A bold idea came to Lane’s mind.

He directly lifted the mimetic disguise of “Poor God’s End”. Then found that the [Faction Management Panel] did not disappear. It remains open.

The loyalty of all the members of the “funeral society” is firmly locked in the 200% position, and the lines are not moving!

“The effect of unwavering assistance to death!”

“Not only followers, but even the loyalty of faction members can be locked in full value!”

Lane exhaled in a low voice, and his brain seemed to be trembling!

Soon, however, he found several disloyal camp members.

“These are… Players who joined the Funeral Society? ”

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