Chapter 237 Usurcoping the Assassin King to Kill the Driver!!

The secret base of the [Funeral Society] is located in the area of Roppongi Fort, which was blockaded a few years ago. This is the disaster area where the “Lost Christmas” first erupted. Because of the bizarre nature of the “Apocalypse virus”.

Even GHQ, which was not previously taken over, can only be forced to block.

This also gives a rebel organization like the “Funeral Society” room to survive and grow.

Of course, the reason why the “funeral society” has been able to develop to the current scale. Nine of the successes are due to the leadership of this organization. As one of the important characters and colors of “The Crown of Sin”.

It can be said that the male protagonist “Sakura Manji” is the opposite existence. Handsome appearance, innate leadership temperament and charisma. Decisive, strong and brave perfect character.

And orthopedic hands that don’t match the age at all.

Simply a natural “leader”, or “king”.

Without him, I’m afraid that the [funeral club] would have fallen apart directly. This is also the reason why the members of the “Funeral Society” are desperate to snatch antibody serum and vaccines from the GHQ’s airdrop supply box.

Because “Poor God” has been infected by the Apocalypse virus. Regular treatment is necessary to maintain stability.

Therefore, when Lane wears the face of the battle captain of the [Funeral Society]. And when I pulled out the medical kit.

The members of the [Funeral Society] battle who surrounded him were relieved.

“Twin Islands, what about the others?”

One of them walked over and seemed to have a good relationship with Lane’s disguised identity.

“In the process of snatching the airdrop supplies, we encountered [antibody] man Lane replied in a low tone.”

Short words that reveal sad information.

“Those GHQ lackeys, damn white dogs!”

Hearing Lane’s words, the patrol of the funeral club did not suspect it, and they all showed a tragic expression of hatred and hatred.

“At least you didn’t let everyone’s sacrifice go to waste.”

The funeral club member who had spoken to Lane earlier patted him on the shoulder.

“Chief Ya’s condition has deteriorated again in recent days.”

“The base’s supply of drugs has also been exhausted.”

“These vaccines and serums that you bring with you are very critical!”

“I’ll take you to see Chief Ya!”

Hearing this, Li En was relieved.

He was also the first to use [genetic mimicry] to infiltrate. I didn’t expect the effect to be surprisingly good.

Maybe with the effect of “no restraint of the eye”. The fault tolerance rate of [gene mimicry] is greatly improved. These peripheral combatants, whose strength is generally at the E+ level, simply cannot see through Lane’s disguise.

This is also a feature of the tech-side quest world.

For example, the typical mysterious side copy of Devil’s Blade.

The enemies encountered are often extremely effective in individual combat.

For example, Oni Mai Tsuji no Misery and Twelve Ghost Moons.

The power of the copy on the technology side lies in the high-tech weapons that are made of them.

The combat members of these [funeral societies] are not high in their physical attributes.

Maybe it is a little more well-trained than the average person.

But the “magnetic storm rifle” in their hands is a real future weapon. Only two or three people needed to form crossfire, and even Lane did not dare to be exposed to the rain of bullets.

Electromagnetic firearms with almost no recoil are matched to extremely fast rates of fire.

Even in seconds

Directly evaporate the Dawn even with the shield!

This is also why Lane chose to sneak into this way and did not enter the secret base of the [Funeral Society].

If it’s hard…… I’m afraid I’ll die a miserable death.

Even at night and night, his calluses are not omnipotent.

Especially in the face of hot weapons, the night and night disadvantages that do not have long-range attack means are very large.

The secret base of the Funeral Club is located underground.

After a long passage, you can see the entrance full of fortifications.

Unlike the “Tenno Prefecture First High School”, the release line of the different secret bases is extremely tight and strong.

Enough to make the invading enemy pay a terrible enough price.

On the way, Lane found many fragments of crystal skeletons on the ground.

“Look at the second [Lost Christmas], he spread it down here.”

Lane thought.

Then, his eyes moved slightly.

Because from the corner of the corridor, there was a sound of wheels rolling.

“Well, aren’t you patrolling near the base?”

A young girl in a wheelchair looked at several combatants with a look of surprise on her face.

“Miss Shinomiya, that’s right…”

After listening to the patrolman’s explanation, the girl looked at Lane and her eyes fell on the medical kit in his hand.

His face was suddenly happy.

“Great, this will alleviate Ya’s crystallism!”

“Go ahead… The little prayer should be over at this time. ”

Prayer for…

Hearing this name, Li En’s face did not change color, but his heart was moving.

“Yes, at this point in time, Yuki has not yet carried out the theft of the [Void Genome].”

“Nature is still in the base of [funeral club].”

As for the girl in the wheelchair.

He is a member of the “Funeral Society” named “Ayase Shinomiya”. Unlike these ordinary patrol members.

Her status can be said to be a unique existence.

Because Ayase Shinomiya is the only “pilot” in the “funeral club” who can skillfully fly the “humanoid fighter mech” though… Ironically.

Such a good mech pilot.

However, he has been disabled in both legs since he was a child and can only rely on a wheelchair to get around.

Lai En looked at the wheelchair girl who was gradually disappearing behind her.

【Ultimate Roar】

Or “endoskeleton-type long-range operating armor.” ”

It is one of the most valuable specialties in the Crown of Evil quest.

Technical and related knowledge of the manufacture of such large combat weapons.

Lane must be inevitable.

The contact with the “Shrine Consortium” is arranged in advance in order to obtain the manufacturing of the “Ultimate Roar” body, the means of production, but the light organism is not enough, and there must be a driver to match it.

Even if artificial intelligence can be written instead of manipulation.

The corresponding operating data must also be collected from the driver.

Relatively speaking, the value of the driver is even higher.

Like a pilot in the real world, it is more expensive to train than to build an airplane.

“Ayase Shinomiya is also a talent who doesn’t ask for much.”

“Her legs… I may have a cure for it. ”

A series of thoughts flashed through Lane’s mind.

But for now, the most important thing is to get out of bed.

“When you arrive, Chief Ya’s office is in front.”

The voice of the patrolman leading the way had just dropped.

The office door was pushed open.

A beautiful girl with light pink hair walked out of it with elegant steps.

The delicate face is hardly the slightest flaw.

The only regret may be the cold look of the girl without the slightest emotional fluctuation.

She nodded slightly in greeting to several members of the funeral club. However, when the line of sight swept over Lane.

But his eyes suddenly froze, and he was a little confused.

It was as if Lane’s presence had awakened something in the depths of her spiritual pip.

“Hmm… Kan Wei [Sakura’s real name] has begun to wake up. ”

Li En looked indifferent and brushed past Yu Qi.

At such a time, he cannot show half a flaw.

Because what he wants to do next will never allow failure!

“Please come in.”

After knocking on the door a few times, Juen walked into the Li Mansion of the Poor God.

“Leader Ya, this is the crystalline disease vaccine that our squad collected, as well as antibody serum.”

Lane placed the medical kit on the table and slowly opened it.

“Oh, good job.”

Shōnen Ya lifted his head, and the full color of his hair slid down his cheeks.

A handsome and extraordinary young man’s face was revealed.

“That way I’ll be able to survive until next week’s “combat.” ”

Cho Shen Ya took the injection from Lane and just wanted to inject himself.

A floating cannon suddenly spawned out of thin air and landed on the door of his head.

“It’s a pity.”

Lane said lightly.

“You can’t make it to the factory.”

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