Chapter 211 First Kill Final Raiders!!

“No misery…”

After the end of the communication.

Lane couldn’t help but think.

The direction of the entire dungeon, except for the initial plot.

The subsequent plots have exceeded his expectations.

Or rather, he underestimated the influence of reincarnated players on the quest world.

As the reincarnated player levels up, the strength increases.

Coupled with the emergence of player forces like “Warband”. The actions of the reincarnated player in the quest world may be able to change the direction of the world! And that’s just the D-level gamer…

If it is a higher level C level, B level player.

Lane couldn’t even think about what kind of heartbreaking behavior they would do.

Of course, this may also be related to the extensive intelligence of “Ghost Blade”.

After knowing how to brush resources with maximum efficiency.

Reincarnation players will certainly not miss any chance to earn points, skill points, attribute points and items.

“First destroy the Ghost Slayer stronghold and receive the reward of the Ghost Clan’s camp.”

“And then after there is no oil, go straight to the battlefield.”

“Kill Ghost Moon to collect [Ghost King Essence Blood]………”

“This group of chaotic camp players really eat both ends.”

Lane suddenly remembered something and asked in a loud voice.

“Before that, did any other player kill Oni Maitsuji?”


Anzenas also seemed to have inquired about the relevant information, so 027 did not hesitate to give an answer.

“There are a lot of players who have tried, but in the end there has been no news of a successful kill.”

“So… If we can succeed this time, will we be the first to kill? ”

Lane’s interest suddenly rose.

For a top gamer.

There is nothing like a challenging and honorable word like “first kill” that piques their interest and enthusiasm!

“Then you have to succeed in killing no misery.”

The elven maiden was also invited by Greyne, but she did not have much hope for the operation.

Although the two joined forces to kill the winding land.

But there are very complicated factors in it.

The first is the intelligence superiority, allowing Lane to arrange the battlefield in advance and spread the “stars” throughout the battlefield area.

During the day, she cleaned up the silk belt of the fallen Ji Ji by the way, directly weakening her strength to the level of the lower string.

The second is the night after becoming a “divine skill”, which can directly suppress the prostitute Taro!

After all, although only a minute or so of battery life.

But the Night and Night’s combat power is enough to rival B+-level melee units during this period!

Suppressing a C-level leader unit is not a problem at all.

If it weren’t for the mental limitations, she alone would have been able to crush all the land under the string.

Of course, if there is no final nameless repair, perhaps the process is more complicated.

Finally, there was the array of “Stars” casting units prepared by Lane. Although the scene of 50 casting units at the same time casting spells is spectacular.

The effect is also very good, directly pressing the blood line of the lower string of the land to a degree that is enough to kill.

But the mechanics of each casting unit… Not out of thin air.

Instead, Dawn uses his own mechanical power to fill it one by one through the transmission of the mechanical network……… The reserve of one casting unit is 500 maneuvers.

Dawn now has only the most basic local machine network, and the transmission efficiency is only 50/s.

It takes 10 seconds to fill an casting unit with “oil”. By filling the capacity of up to 4 casting units in a row, Lane either had to take the drug or rest to replenish his strength. 50 casting units, it will take him at least two to three days to replenish

So……… Salvo for a moment cool, recharge the crematorium.

Even while driving, Lane has two or three floating spellcasting units with empty mechanical forces to ensure maximum efficiency and use of the natural recovery of mechanical power for charging.

“Mr. Lane, you’re finally back!”

As soon as he returned to the knifesmith village, Rie En received an invitation from Yoshiya Sanyashiki.

“Hmmm… Looking at the way you look, there is something to say. ”

After arriving at the temporary residence of Yoshiya Shikishiki, Li En swept around and was surprised to find that the nine “pillar” level swordsmen were actually there.

“Is there a meeting of the pillars?”

“That’s right.”

Yoshiya nodded slightly.

A hint of joy appeared on Junxiu’s face.

“If nothing else, this will be the last pillar meeting.”

Hearing this, Li En’s expression moved slightly.

Don’t……… What did the Ghost Squad also receive? Logically, the news of the total extinction of the twelve ghost moons can only be known to the reincarnated player through the copy.

But now in the knife maker village, there is only one reincarnation player himself.

Soon, however, he extracted the relevant information from Yoshiya Yashiki’s excited thoughts.

Things weren’t what he thought, but more impactful!

“Just yesterday, the [Infinite City], where Onimai Tsuji lived miserably, came into the world!”

When it comes to the name of no misery, there are some gritted teeth in the tone of Yoshiya Yashiki.

“The location is a street in the capital city.”

“The Ghost Squad’s stronghold there is still intact.”

“So the news came back very quickly.”

“No misery is in [Infinity City]!”

That’s the way it is.

Lane was stunned.

It seems that the players of the ghost faction, while mutining, conveniently killed Naruto, who maintained the Infinity City, and he felt quite sorry for this…

After all, Naruto’s Blood Ghost Technique is a rare type of space.

He originally wanted to steal a few hands from the teacher to see if he could parse out the space technology from it.

“So, what do you mean?”

Although the plans of the Ghost Slayer are already known.

But Lane asked the question anyway.

Because if not to say it… He had no reason to meddle.

“The duty of the ghost killing team is to kill the evil ghosts!”

Yoshiya Sanyashiki’s tone was firm, and although her voice was very gentle, she revealed an unshakable determination.

“Although I don’t know why the location of the no tragedy is exposed.”

“But there is only one chance…”

“Since a thousand years ago, when the ghost king was born and the evil spirits were rampant.”

“When the Ghost Killing Team was founded, all the Ghost Slayer Swordsmen of the Ghost Killing Team were waiting for this moment!”

“No matter what the cost, we must kill him completely!”

“Will this night of being ruled by evil spirits…… Give it back to humanity! ”

Yoshiya Shikishiki is worthy of being the lord of the Ghost Killing Team.

Words can maximize the morale of everyone.

Even Lane, some blood boiled.

But……… Think of the news that Glenn revealed.

Lane coughed softly.

“Mr. Yaoya, I have a reluctant request.”

“Please speak.”

Sanyashiki was a little confused, but respectfully gave the right to speak to Lee.

“There is no misery to kill, and it is incumbent upon my generation.”

“I also organized a group of strange people and strange people to prepare for a decisive battle with Wu Misery.”

“All of you in the Ghost Squad…… Can you take us to the slaughter? ”

Last time, the headquarters of the Ghost Squad was directly taken down by Wu Misery with 4 windings.

This…… Li En wanted to take 9 “pillars” to surround and beat up without misery!…

(Absolute Zone Zero ended the test today, the recording material went, first more chapters) (Absolute Zone Zero True tm Fun.jpg)

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