Chapter 210 Rebellion Against Infinity City Now!!

Just when Lane was stunned.

A copy notice popped up again in front of his eyes.

[Quest Notice: “The One on the String – Black Death Mu” has been killed by the players of the Ghost Clan! 】

Even in the Twelve Ghost Moons, the strongest “Black Death Mu” was killed by the reincarnation players of the Ghost Clan camp?!

What exactly do they want to do?!

Compared to Lane, who was in shock. Ansenas wasn’t too surprised.

Just said with some emotion.

“I didn’t expect it to start now.”

“You knew this was going to happen?”

Lane asked in surprise.

“You don’t think much about reincarnation at first glance.”

The elf maiden sighed, as if there was some headache to explain this basic problem.

“Two factions in the Devil’s Blade quest.”

“Although nominally ghosts and humans.”

“But in reality, it is a confrontation between the camp of order and the camp of chaos.”

“That’s why elves like me, and orcs, will join the Terran camp.”

Anzenas pointed to herself, and to Lane.

“And the reincarnation players on the other side of the ghost camp.”

“For example, dark elves, blood tribes, werewolves…… There are also High Demons. ”

“They are all camps of chaos to the letter.”

“And mostly the chaotic evil camp.”

The elf shrugged, accustomed to this kind of thing.

“You can’t expect a bunch of chaotic and evil guys to play by the rules.”

“Even if this rule is set by the space of reincarnation.”

After listening to Anthena’s explanation, Lane couldn’t help but be stunned.

Although he is also a stakeholder…

But if you let him kill the “pillar” of the ghost killing team in order to get more benefits,

He certainly couldn’t do such a thing.

“But there should be other reasons for this.”

Lane thought for a moment and added.

“The specialties of the Ghost Clan camp are [Ghost King’s Blood] and [Ghost King’s Essence Blood].”

“In addition to the merit exchange…… Kill can also be obtained, right? ”

Lane picks up the fallen object.

These are two Bounty Tokens and two Loot Chests.

Throw half of it to Anthanas.

Lane continued.

“In contrast, the specialties of the Terran camp are [knowledge] that can be copied, whether it is breathing methods or Japanese wheel knives, ghost squad uniforms and other specialties.”

It’s all something that can be mass-produced.

Although the value may not be able to match the blood line bonus that can be increased.

[Ghost King’s Blood] or [Ghost King’s Essence Blood] comparison.

But the victory lies in the amount of large pipes full.

“This is the difference between the camp of order and the camp of chaos.”

Annas nodded, agreeing with Lane’s statement.

“In the past, they usually betrayed near the end of the copy.”

“But now the copy is just over half the time.”

“There are only a few left in the Twelve Ghost Moons.”

“So simply shoot yourself, and the fat water does not flow to the fields of outsiders.”

“Next… They are expected to attack Wuhao. ”

Lane twitched the corners of his mouth and was suddenly silent.

It seems that the factors that contributed to this situation today are inside.

I own a large part of it………

After all, from the bottom string of the gun to the next string of one, there are 3 upper string kills.

It’s all about yourself.

“What a bunch of lunatics.”

“Congratulations on recognizing the true face of the chaos camp.”

Ansenas said happily.

Then as if remembering something, she took out the bounty order that Lane had just handed him.

“I heard the Ghost Squad headquarters is gone.”

“Where do you redeem the reward order for killing Ghost Moon?”

Infinity City.

Wu Misery has ceased to be Sven’s handsome youth image before, and has instead changed into a “complete form” for combat! Just like the true face of the “ghost” that Fallen Ji restored after recovering all the silk belts. As the ancestor of the ghost clan, Wu Mu naturally also has the true appearance of being a “ghost”. His hair turned pale, his limbs were covered with blood and hair, his body grew a huge mouth with sharp teeth, and even nine white bone pipe whips protruded from his back, looking hideous, like a walking killing machine. In front of him, there was blood scattered on the ground.

and the corpses of several players of the “original” ghost faction. Judging from the remaining bodies, it should be the corpse fragments of werewolves and dark elves.

“Naruto, where have all those damn traitors gone?!”

As the ruler of the ghost clan.

Wu Mi can communicate with the ghosts he has created at any time.

However, there was no echo in the veins.

“They… Kill Naruto before leaving! ”

“All I just killed was the bait!”

No tragic instant reaction, the face is even more ugly.

Because of his seclusion [Infinity City].

It is to use Naruto’s blood ghost technique as a support.

Now Naruto is dead………


It was as if in response to the premonition in Wu Misery’s heart.

The surrounding space began to be chaotic, and there was constantly rubble and soil falling from the void!

Infinity City, about to break away from the hidden space!

Although Koiya’s pact with the then Ren House is still a few months away.

But the few heavy gold bars that Lane paid were actually the “redemption fee” of these times. Therefore, when Lane proposed to the lady of the house at that time to take Li Xia away, he smoothly obtained consent.

Of course, this may also be related to the 50% increase in the success rate of persuasion [unrestrained eyes].

“Fortunately, the off-road vehicle has more passengers.”

Lane looked at the back seat.

Because of the relationship between going back to the knife maker’s village to exchange the bounty order.

Anzenas followed him on the road. There is also the carp summer that has just become a follower. The team already has 6 members.

Fortunately, a car can still sit down.

According to the past habits, Nameless still sat in the co-pilot’s seat, while Iluri was in the middle seat, watching the night and night with a gloomy atmosphere.

Ever since Li Xia got into the car, she had been very alert and defensive.

Of course, it is not a defensive in the sense of combat.

It’s the sense of crisis of being a “woman.”

After all, compared to the night and night that is still green, the shyness of a young girl and the dignified, mature temperament of Li Xia are very tempting in every sense.

This also makes the night have a great sense of crisis.

In this regard, Lane can only say…

Her love is tossed and turned, anyway, the favorability and loyalty have been locked.

“Huh? Glenn’s contact? ”

Lane scanned the list of friends and found that the Lion Man Warrior, who had been separated for a few days, had sent a private chat request.

“At this time, he should still be with the people of the [Silver Knight] Battle Regiment.”

As he drove, Lane agreed to a private chat request.

Unexpectedly, Grey’s first words almost made his hand shake and drive the car directly into the ditch.

“The commander of the [Silver Knight] War Regiment asked me to ask you if you were interested in going and killing the Void Pool together.”

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