Global Powers: I Control All Elements

Chapter 853 Mysterious Whispers (Subscribe)

However, after Qin Feng and the others dispersed, they searched for their own targets...

Before, Qin Feng's battle with Huo De Tianjun and others wasted a lot of time.

But his subordinates are not idle, they have already found many targets of spirits and monsters, waiting for him to annihilate...

In this way, Qin Feng started another wave of points harvesting....

This time, his strength has greatly increased, and the speed of killing spirit monsters is also faster, and he can kill many spirit monsters in seconds without even the assistance of Creation God Fire...

In just a few minutes, Qin Feng harvested hundreds of spirit monsters and devoured a large amount of Renguishui essence. His combat power was improved unknowingly, and his physique was getting closer and closer to the body of a water saint...

After killing hundreds of spirit monsters, it stands to reason that Qingqiu and Xingmeng can harvest two or three million points...

But in fact, the points of Qingqiu and Xingmeng only increased by 600,000 points...

Because Qingqiu and Xingmeng's slaughter on Huodejing, Bichijing, Shuangjiaojing, and Yanwangjing has already started...

Qin Feng has three sisters, phantom avatar, star master Ziwei, Fengdi, and Qinglin, all of whom are more than true gods.

Panzu, Fuzhi, and Qin Baobao also all have the power of pseudo-god Dzogchen.

There are only remnants below the false gods left in the four realms, how could they be their opponents, and naturally they only have to be slaughtered...

That's it, Qin Feng is harvesting points, and the phantom avatar and others are responsible for the slaughter...

The remnants of the four realms are constantly decreasing...

But it didn't take long for Qin Feng to receive a distress signal, which was sent by a woman from Qingqiu Realm...

He didn't say a word, just dodged and disappeared out of thin air...

Right now, in a valley...

A beautiful and graceful woman in a white dress is being surrounded by seven men without attacking...

Those seven men, all wearing red and yellow suits, are the remnants of the Fire Virtue Realm...

However, these people still don't know the news that Huo De Tianjun was killed, and they are molesting that beautiful woman...

"Tsk tsk! The women in the Qingqiu realm are really stunning! Especially your Qinglin realm master, she is so beautiful! It's a pity that she was taken care of by the ancestors of Tiansheng, I can't even think about it..."

"Brother Lu, the master of the Qinglin realm doesn't dare to think about it, but the girl in front of me is also a great beauty. I'll be able to feast my eyes when I see it!"5

"What on earth did you grow up eating? Why is she so white and tender? Why is Laozi so dark!"

"Hey! Brothers don't understand, no matter how white a woman is, there are things that are not white..."

"Ha ha!!!

Several men laughed wanton...

The beautiful woman blushed with anger...

She is a child of the Qingqiu clan, named Hua Yu, and she is a pseudo-sacred realm.

The seven people in front of them are also false gods.

She originally entered this valley and found a quasi-god spirit.

Just when she was happy, these seven guys just arrived.

Afterwards, these seven people joined forces to grab the monster, and after a lot of hard work, the little monster was destroyed...

This made Hua Yu very dissatisfied.

She didn't want to care about it at first, so she looked for another place...

But at this moment, Qinglin sent her a message, asking her to report the news of the Four Realms Remnant Party...

Hua Yu thought it was a coincidence and was just about to report...

But they didn't want to, seeing that she didn't leave, and seeing that she was so beautiful, these seven men surrounded her and flirted with words...

The later words, the more unreasonable and the more unbearable they become...

Hua Yu's body was trembling with anger, and her face was flushed...

"You... you bastards! Don't say anything about the spirits I found, and even humiliate me. When my uncle arrives, you will all be dead!

"Your uncle? Oh! You mean Qin Feng, right? Haha!! That guy is probably dead at the hands of our realm lord!!

The men laughed again.

They knew that Huo De Tianjun brought nearly a hundred true gods to encircle Qin Feng.

You don't have to guess to know that Qin Feng will die!

Hua Yu was furious: "Bullshit! You bullshit! My uncle is still alive and well!"

"Haha!! Live well?"

Those people laughed even more wildly.

In this competition area, no one can survive in the hands of Huo De Tianjun and others, unless it is a god!

But are there gods in this division?

No matter what they thought, Qin Feng was dead.

After so long, I'm afraid I'll die early.

Thinking of Qin Feng's death, Qingqiu was finished.

Even if they bullied the woman, they didn't have to worry about retaliation, and they were even more embarrassed...

"Little girl, you are still too tender! Do you think that Qingqiujing has found a Qin Feng to come over, and the ancestor of Tiansheng will let you go? To tell you the truth, this time, not only will Qingqiujing be finished, Qin Feng will also have to pay. Lose your life!"

"Bullshit! You bullshit! 35

"We are talking nonsense? It seems that you are not dead until the Yellow River! Do you have to wait until the news of Qin Feng's death?

"Old Lu, you are too bad. It's not good to have to tell her such cruel facts?"

"Haha! 35

Several people laughed again.

But at this moment, a sneer sounded above everyone's heads.

"Hehe! Who said I was dead?

As soon as those words fell, an incomparably cold aura descended from the sky and instantly enveloped the audience...

Those people were startled and looked up one after another, and saw Qin Feng walking out of the void...

"Yes... it's Qin Feng!"

"You... how could you possibly be alive! 35

Those people were so frightened that they stepped back again and again, as if they had seen a ghost...


Hua Yu was overjoyed, and her beautiful eyes were full of brilliance...

Qin Feng gave her a slight nod and looked at the seven people.

"You guys just cursed me to death?"

"No! No! No! Master Qin Feng, misunderstanding! You misunderstanding! I... we didn't say it!

Those people waved their hands in fright...

Qin Feng sneered, do these people think they are deaf?

In an instant, his killing intent surged, overwhelming the sky, and he was about to shoot...

Those seven people were so frightened that they lost their minds...

At this moment, one of them said wisely: "Lord Qin Feng, you can't kill us! Killing one of us will deduct 100,000 points, seven people are 700,000 points... No!... Ah! 99

A loud bang!

Before the man could finish his words, Qin Feng slapped his palm down, and all seven people were bombarded to pieces.

Qin Feng opened his mouth and took a breath, swallowing it all, his breath increased slightly...

In this way, the seven people completely died and disappeared...

These guys were overly self-sufficient and threatened with points before they died, but they didn't know that the most important thing Qin Feng lacked was points...  

After reading all this, Hua Yu was amazed and adored at the same time. She stared at Qin Feng's handsome face with a pair of big eyes, giving birth to a strange brilliance...

"Are you OK?"

"I'm fine! Thank you uncle for your help! 35

"That's good! Next time there is an emergency, contact me immediately!" 387

Qin Feng dropped this sentence and disappeared out of thin air.

After this episode was over, Qin Feng continued to harvest spirit monsters while killing the remnants of the four realms

Time flies!

In a blink of an eye, an hour passed.

The Four Realms Remnants were finally wiped out...

Qin Feng found a strange change.

The spirits that were about to be wiped out, for some unknown reason, have become more and more numerous, even more than before the start of the competition...

It stands to reason that the number of spirit monsters in this competition area is limited.

This phenomenon is completely unreasonable!

The more Qin Feng thought about it, the more wrong he felt.

However, he also got more benefits from it.

Because the more spirits there are, the more Renguishui essence he can get, and the closer he is to the body of the water saint...

In fact, not only Qin Feng found the abnormality, but other players also found the abnormality.

It's just that everyone doesn't know that in the depths of the fantasy world, the cracked peak of the snowy mountain has been completely shrouded in silver mist, forming a huge sea of ​​fog...

Thousands of water mist spirits emerged from the sea of ​​fog and slashed towards all directions of the examination room...

At the same time, five golden beams of light shot out from the center of the dense fog, sweeping across the entire test area...

Actually, that's five eyes!

After a while, a low animal voice sounded in the thick fog, as if someone was talking.

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