Global Powers: I Control All Elements

Chapter 852: Illusory Realm Cracks (Subscription)

In an instant, countless information merged into Qin Feng's mind.

After a long time, he slowly opened his eyes, his face full of joy...

Great harvest this time!

Not only has his strength soared, but the God Foundation of Creation has also been consummated.

God's foundation is complete, which means that he can create the God Realm, become the new God Realm Lord, and is beyond the existence of the ancient God Realm Lord.

Because his path is different from that of the Lord of the Ancient God Realm.

He re-improved and innovated on the basis of the failure of the Lord of the Ancient God Realm...

That's a much stronger and unknown route....

Whether it will succeed or not, even the system cannot predict...

But once it succeeds, it will be able to control the reincarnation of the heavens and reign forever

Thinking of this, Qin Feng's heart is full of excitement, and he is looking forward to the challenges in the future....

Of course, he is now opening up a new world of gods, and he still lacks some foundations and external conditions...

For example, the cultivation base has broken through to above the gods...

For example, a substantial increase in physical fitness. . .

According to the system prompt, the physique of the Lord of the Ancient God Realm is Creation Wind and Fire, which is a collection of Creation Wind and Creation Fire.

But the Lord of the Ancient God Realm failed to resist the power of derivation that created the God Realm. In the end, his fleshly body fell apart and fell into the heavens, with a tragic end...

This shows that the physique of the Lord of the Ancient God Realm is not solid enough.

If Qin Feng doesn't want to follow in the footsteps of the Lord of the Ancient God Realm, he must raise his physique to a stronger level...

But now he only has the Creation Fire Body...

In terms of water cultivation, it is still only the body of water virtue, and it is still a little far from the water body of creation.

Even if he becomes the "Three Eight Seven" fire body of Creation Water, it is not enough...

He must at least improve his physique to the three bodies of creation, such as the creation of water, fire and wind, the creation of water, fire and thunder, etc. in order to surpass the master of the ancient gods...

This will reduce the risk of his fall.

Otherwise, he will also fall like the Lord of the Ancient God Realm...

Thinking of this, Qin Feng's goal became clearer.

Next, he has two things to do.

One is to break through to the realm of gods as soon as possible, and the other is to get the creation water body as soon as possible...

"Your Majesty, your cultivation is about to break through to the true god, right?"

At this moment, the voice of Star Master Ziwei rang in Qin Feng's ears.

I saw Star Master Ziwei fly close with a happy face...

Seeing Qin Feng successfully kill many true gods, she was very happy in her heart...

"It's almost there!"

Qin Feng looked at his beloved wife with a look of relief.

His current cultivation progress is 96%, as long as he works harder, he can break through to the realm of true gods.

At that time, the strength will be greatly improved, and it will be easier to deal with the ancestors of Tiansheng.

In fact, his current combat power has reached 9,500 trillion Zi, which has surpassed that of the ancestors of the Heavenly Sage.

The ancestor of Tiansheng is only 9000 trillion Zi.

However, the increase of the ancestor of Tiansheng was only 120 times.

After Qin Feng completed the creation of the gods, the increase was increased to 200 times.

Comparing these two, his strength is a lot stronger than that of the ancestor of Tiansheng.

In other words, his current strength is comparable to that of the gods of the Jiuji God Base, and he will be able to approach the peak of the gods if he goes one step further.

And among the ten top forces, only three have reached the peak of the gods.

Among the three superpowers, there are only a dozen or so people at the peak of the gods.

In other words, Qin Feng has stepped into the top level of the southern gods, and there are no more than twenty people stronger than him.

Of course, Qin Feng's ambitions don't stop there.

Not only does he want to dominate the southern part of the God Realm, but he also wants to dominate the entire God Realm...

As for the ancestor of Tiansheng, it is just a stepping stone for him...

When he wins the True Extreme Pill reward of this competition, he will have to deal with that old guy...

"Strange! We have been fighting for so long, and we should have alerted the entire examination area. Why haven't we seen other contestants come to visit?"

Qin Feng glanced at the battlefield, and there were 70 or 80 heaven and earth spirit artifacts suspended in the air. These are all peerless treasures...

"Your Majesty, your fight just now is comparable to that of the gods. No matter how brave those players are, they wouldn't dare to check it out..."

Star Master Ziwei's smile is like a flower, and it is really good-looking.

"Yun'er, you've worked hard this time..."

"If your majesty, this is what the concubine should do. Besides, the concubine didn't help much. If you really want to thank you, you have to thank your child. He has done a lot..."

"That's right!"

Qin Feng stretched out his big hand and gently placed it on the slightly long belly of Star Master Ziwei, gently soothing...

He could feel the joyful mental fluctuations from his own child, very intimate...

Qin Feng is very pleased.

This little guy's mental will is getting stronger and clearer...

Star Master Ziwei felt the warmth of the big hand, narrowed her eyes slightly, and her eyes were full of a strong sense of happiness...

"Your Majesty, my concubine has conceived this child for thousands of years, and I don't know when he will be born? 95

Qin Feng smiled slightly: "My Hongjun child is a holy fetus, how can it be compared with ordinary children? It is normal for a holy fetus to be born for hundreds of millions of years!

As soon as these words came out, the fetus Hongjun seemed to understand, and unexpectedly sent out a burst of self-confidence, as if to prove himself.

"Your Majesty, looking at this child's reaction, I'm afraid it's really the Holy Womb! He won't be born, will he be an eternal and immortal existence?"

Qin Feng smiled and nodded: "Mostly so!"

Another burst of spiritual resonance, Hongjun Fetus once again sent out a confident thought, as if to say that he can do it...

Star Master Ziwei caresses her bulging belly happily, her eyes full of pride...

"Yun'er, choose one of these spiritual tools!"

Qin Feng pointed to the seventy or eighty heaven and earth spirit artifacts in front of him...

This time, he had a huge harvest, and there were too many spiritual tools to use up, so naturally he had to give some to his subordinates.

After all, their strength is comparable to the true god level, it is time to have a heaven and earth spirit tool for self-defense.

"Your Majesty, that concubine is welcome, I want that long sword..."


Qin Feng pointed, and the spirit sword flew into the hands of Star Master Ziwei.

She was instantly overjoyed and put away the long sword in love.

Qin Feng waved his hand again, and the space in the field fluctuated again and again.

The next second, Fengdi, Fuzhi, Panzu, and Qin Baobao were all present...

The four of them were stunned when they saw the many spiritual weapons floating in front of them.

Immediately, Star Master Ziwei told the four of what happened before...

The four were surprised and happy, and a little angry.

The Holy Ancestor was really vicious that day, and he had so many people join forces to deal with Qin Feng.

Fortunately, Qin Feng's strength is sky-high, and if it was replaced by other people, he would have fallen on the spot.

Afterwards, Qin Feng asked the four of them to choose a spiritual weapon for self-defense.

The four of them each picked one, and they all rejoiced...

There were more than 70 pieces left, and Qin Feng put them away.

As for the other subordinates, the strength is not enough, and it is too early to use these spiritual tools.

The three Qinglin sisters have spiritual tools themselves, and they don't need it for the time being...

"Hey! Father, where are there two Jiaolong corpses!

Fuzhi pointed down...

Everyone looked down and saw the corpses of two golden dragons buried deep in the blood-stained snow...

Qin Feng smiled slightly: "This is the corpse of the Golden Flood Emperor and the Golden Flood Emperor! I already knew it!

When these words came out, everyone was a little surprised.

"Father, Heavenly Lord Huo De and Mother Bichi have been cut into pieces by you. How can the Golden Flood Emperor and Golden Flood Emperor keep their bodies intact? Could it be that the bodies of these two are treasures?"

"That's right! The flesh of these two people is extremely powerful, comparable to the spiritual tools of heaven and earth. Even if their gods and heavenly souls are destroyed by me, their flesh bodies are still intact, which is really rare! Maybe they can be directly refined..."

Qin Feng's thoughts moved, and he moved the seals one after another, and the treasures were banned one after another, and they were printed on the two corpses...

In the next second, the two Flood Dragon corpses sensed, emitting a golden aura...

Qin Feng flicked his fingertips, and two drops of true blood flew into the eyebrows of the two corpses.

After a while, the two corpses were activated as if they were activated, and they let out a shocking dragon roar, causing thousands of miles of snow-capped mountains to crumble...

Seeing this, Qin Feng popped out two innate yin and yang energy and injected them into the two corpses...

The two corpses suddenly seemed to be completely alive, and they flew directly into the air, showing their teeth and claws, and the weather was extraordinary...

Qin Feng choked again, and one after another thunderstorm fell from the sky, landing on the corpse of Jiao...

The first layer of thunder, the first layer of innate prohibition...

In a moment, the thirty-six-fold prohibition combination was completed...

roar~! roar~!

There were two dragon roars again, and the two corpses were head-to-head like scissors, tail-to-tail like strands, intertwined, and turned into a pair of golden scissors in a blink of an eye, exuding a monstrous aura, extremely fierce...

The blade that shines with cold light seems to be able to turn everything into two stages, and it is irresistible. …

"Ding~! Congratulations to the host for refining the Heaven and Earth Spirit Artifact - Jin Jiao Scissors (Top Grade)  …

"Ding~! Congrats on obtaining the high-grade spiritual weapon's luck and nourishment... Obtaining an epiphany..."

"Ding~! Congratulations to the host, your subordinates are also nourished with luck... ․ Get epiphany...

After a while, Qin Feng opened his eyes from the epiphany...

His combat power has increased to 9600 trillion, and his strength has increased again...

Star Master Ziwei and Fuzhi also opened their eyes one after another, showing joy.0

They also get a lot of benefits.

"Your Majesty, your weapon refining skills seem to have improved!"

"It's really improved!"

Qin Feng smiled with satisfaction, then waved his hand, and put away the golden Jiaojiao in the air.

He just made it on a whim and made it casually, but he didn't expect it to be successful.

Afterwards, he entered into an epiphany with the help of his luck, and learned a lot of artifact refining skills.

Unconsciously, his artifact refining technique rose a small step.

After this competition is over, he intends to use the many spiritual tools he just obtained as materials to raise the rank of the Heaven Punishing Sword by another level.

If each handle of the four swords of Heaven Execution is upgraded to the top grade, the combination of the four swords will be comparable to the Heavenly Grade Spirit Tool.

At that time, his combat power can be greatly increased....

"Okay! The business here is over, it's time for us to move on to the next step!"

"Your Majesty, what shall we do next?"

"Continue to search for water mist monsters. This thing is of great use to me. In addition, let me know, and I will kill anyone who sees Huodejing, Bichijing, Shuangjiaojing, and Yanwangjing! If it's not an opponent, let me know!"

Qin Feng's eyes filled with killing intent.

The powerhouses above the true gods of the four realms have all fallen, but the false gods and quasi-gods are still alive, and he must be killed.

The so-called cutting grass and rooting, he can not leave scourge.

"Father, according to the rules of the Great Competition, one hundred thousand points will be deducted for killing one person..." Fu Zhi reminded in a low voice.

Qin Feng smiled coldly: "What we don't lack now is points!

When everyone heard this, they nodded slightly.

Now the points of Qingqiujing are more than 5 million points, and the Star Alliance is more than 2 million points. There is really no shortage of points.

What's more, their people are still searching for water mist spirits everywhere.

At the speed of Qin Feng hunting spirit monsters, it is easy to get points, so they can afford 4.7 points.

This time, the Remnants of the Four Realms are going to spread rumors.

"Your Majesty is right! The Holy Ancestor was too Damn it that day, and he wanted to put you to death. The people of the Four Great Realms are accomplices. To eliminate them is to eliminate the minions of the Heavenly Holy Ancestor!"

"Stop talking so much! Act!


Immediately, everyone sent messages one after another, and then dispersed again, disappearing in all directions...

But Qin Feng didn't realize that shortly after he left, a silver mist slowly escaped from a corner of the battlefield, like mercury, seeping out of the snow and spreading out to the surrounding area.

As soon as the silver fog came out, the temperature of the entire snow-capped mountain suddenly dropped by hundreds of degrees, freezing everything, even the howling cold wind, and the entire snow-capped mountain became dead silent, extremely quiet.

It's as if time is frozen at this moment...

At the same time, the silver mist was getting thicker and thicker, and two extremely evil auras emanated from it, both reaching the level of a god...

It turns out that the water spirit illusion world is connected to the return to the ruins, but the structure is not solid.

In the previous battle, Qin Feng's combat power reached the level of a god. He inadvertently blasted a space crack, allowing stronger spirits in the return to sneak in...

Qin Feng did not expect this matter...

The gods outside did not expect it.

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