Global Powers: I Control All Elements

Chapter 846: The Essence of Rengui (for full order)

As soon as the voice fell, the jade tablet in the center of the hall released a bright light and made a clear sound.

The big game is finally about to begin.

Many people have nervous expressions on their faces......

In the next second, the initial ranking and points will be displayed on the jade tablet.

1st place, Qingqiujing (Qingqiu family): 391440 points...

2nd place, Baizujing (Baizu Mountain): 9372 points....

3rd Place,

No. 374, Star Alliance (Star Alliance): 344 points......

The points and rankings have continued the results of the last competition.

The Star Alliance replaced the Bone Realm, and also inherited the Bone Realm's points of 344 points, ranking the third from the bottom...

As for the highly popular Fire Virtue Realm, Bichi Realm, and Shuangjiao Realm, they are all ranked outside the top three to one hundred...

As soon as this initial result appeared, Huo De Tianjun and the others were very unhappy, and they all showed disdain...

In their opinion, it was entirely because the Star Alliance concealed its strength that it was unexpected and allowed Qingqiujing to get so many points...

In other words, they think the Covenant is close to cheating, and they're not convinced. …

Of course, they don't want to admit the excellence of the Covenant, so they think so.

Even the ancestors of Tiansheng showed a touch of disdain when they saw the difference in points...

At this moment, Geng Yi Tianzun waved his hand, emitting tens of thousands of golden lights...

Each golden light is a jade talisman, which is used to record the points and information of the competition.

All the players took the tokens one after another and bound them with blood dripping according to the rules.

Afterwards, everyone infiltrated their divine sense to check the jade talisman, which recorded the rules and regulations of this competition...

After a while, everyone was overjoyed after reading the information.

This time the way of the big comparison is a little different from the past...

Even Qin Feng's eyes lit up, secretly thinking that this competition is a bit interesting.

At this moment, the voice of Geng Yi Tianzun sounded above the hall.

"Everyone, have you read the rules of the game?

Geng Yi Tianzun looked down at the audience.

"This time the competition is held in the Spiritual Water Illusory Realm. What you have to do is to kill the spirit of water mist."

"Reminder everyone, those spirits of water mist were born from the suffocation emanating from the spiritual roots of heaven and earth. Some were only born for hundreds of years, and some were born for hundreds of billions of years. Their strengths range from quasi-gods to half-step gods...

"They are a special kind of spirits, between the living and the non-living, with the special ability to melt the god base and absorb the soul of the sky, you must be careful..."

"In addition, I would like to remind everyone that this competition does not advocate killing each other. Any behavior that actively attacks other players will be forcibly deducted 10,000 points..."

"If the attacker counterattacks, no points will be deducted. In addition, if you kill a player without any reason, you will be forced to deduct 100,000 points. If you kill a player in self-defense, no points will be deducted..."

"Do you all understand?"

Geng Yi Tianzun glanced at everyone...

In the crowd, Huo De Tianjun and the others couldn't help but glance at Qin Feng, all showing a sneer...

Even if the rules have restrictions, they can't stop them from killing Qin Feng's heart.

It's just 10 points, they can fully afford it...

"Okay! Don't talk nonsense, let's start the competition!"

Seeing that there was no objection to the selection, Tianzun Gengyi waved his hand, the surrounding space shook for a while, and a white door of light appeared in the center of the hall...

"The entrance is open!"

"Let's go! Take the time to kill the spirit monsters, the more you kill, the more points you get, and the more benefits you get..."

The players are excited. …

Immediately, several impatient players rushed to the entrance first.

In the next second, the players followed closely and filed in...

"Qin Feng, let's go in too!" Qing Lin whispered.

Before she knew it, she had handed over all dominance to Qin Feng.


Qin Feng nodded slightly and led the girls in Qingqiu towards the entrance.

The phantom avatar led the people of the Covenant to follow.

Just when Qin Feng arrived at the entrance and was about to go in, he felt a pair of cold eyes...

As soon as he looked up, he saw the ancestor of Tiansheng looked at him coldly, with a sneer on the corner of his mouth...

Qin Feng frowned slightly and sneered in his heart.

It seems that this old guy thought he had settled for himself.

He didn't bother to pay attention, and stepped directly into...

The people from Qingqiu and the Star Alliance also followed into the competition area...

After seeing Qin Feng and others all entering, Huo De Tianjun and others looked at each other.

"The boy is in!"

"let's go!"

At the moment, Huodejing, Bichijing, Shuangjiaojing, Yanshenjing and others followed closely...

Ancestor Tiansheng saw this scene, and a smug smile appeared on the corner of his mouth...

But he said that Qin Feng stepped into the door of light, and the next second he found himself in a place similar to Daqian World...

The surroundings were foggy, the ground was a swamp shrouded in miasma, the sky was gray, and the sun, moon, and stars could not be seen.

In the distance there are mountains, rivers, lakes, and even farther, there are seas and icebergs....

According to the introduction in Jade Talisman, this is a real world condensed by the law of ice water...

According to the introduction of Jade Talisman, this world was personally created by the masters of the three superpowers...

In addition, this side of the world is connected to the crack of the return to the ruins.

The Gui Ruins contained immeasurable amounts of malice and water mist spirits...

The water mist spirits in this world escaped from the ruins...

That day, the spiritual roots of the earth matured once every trillion years, and after they matured, a large number of by-products were born, that is, the endless hostility and water mist spirits...

This time, the three superpowers have attracted some water mist spirits to assess these players...

However, Qin Feng just finished looking around when there were surprise cheers not far away.

"Spirits! There are spirits!"

"Don't grab it! Don't grab it at all! This is what we discovered first in Wumeng..."

Hearing these shouts, Qin Feng looked up and saw a pale white shadow floating over the swamp not far away.

The shadow resembled a human shape, similar to a mass of fog, exuding a faint aura.

If there is no aura, it is difficult to distinguish, and in a blink of an eye, it is not much different from the miasma around you...

Judging from the strength of its aura, it should be the weakest quasi-god-level spirit monster.

At this moment, eight quasi-gods are rushing towards it...

Killing the lowest level of quasi-god-level monsters also has 1000 points!

This competition is not only about strength, but also about luck and means.

Whoever kills more gets more points.

In other words, that side has a lot of power and has a big advantage...

But he said that the monster, when he saw the eight humans rushing over together, did not avoid it, but went up to meet it...

Everyone sneered for a while, secretly thinking that this thing is really low in intelligence!

It is a quasi-god-level spirit monster facing eight quasi-god humans, obviously at a disadvantage.

But this spirit not only didn't run away, but took the initiative to fight, obviously not smart enough...

"Shoot together! Destroy it!

With a loud roar, the eight quasi-gods shot at the spirits together...

These eight people come from the same source, they are all people from Wumeng realm, and they naturally work together. . . .

Boom~! Boom~! Boom~! ….

Eight attacks were fired at the same time, with amazing power...

Bang~! Bang~! Bang~! ….

Eight attacks hit the spirits at the same time...

The spirit monster was blasted away in an instant and turned into a fog that filled the sky...

The eight were overjoyed, secretly thinking that it was all too easy.

But before they can be happy, a mutation suddenly occurs...

The mist condensed in an instant, and the spirit monster was reborn, directly pounced on the nearest person.

The man was shocked, and quickly condensed a mask to resist...

But the ghost actually ignored the mask, and as soon as it passed through, it burrowed into the body of the person at once...

The man seemed to have been electrocuted, his whole body twitched violently, and he let out a shrill scream...

Then, at a speed visible to the naked eye, the body shrank rapidly, and the skin also quickly withered and shrank...

In the blink of an eye, the man had only one human skin left, his body turned into a pool of yellow water, and a cloud of white mist flew out from under the human skin. It was the water mist monster...

This scene suddenly made everyone dumbfounded...

Eight quasi-gods besieged a water mist monster, and the opponent killed one person...

What's even more terrifying is that the water mist monster can not only melt the flesh and blood, but also melt the god base, so that the person has no chance to be resurrected...

However, after the water mist spirit killed one person, it seemed to become stronger, and it rushed to the other seven people again...

The seven quasi-gods exclaimed, turned around and fled, not daring to confront them...

A pseudo-god saw it and greeted the water mist spirit...

The two sides fought together immediately, and it was indistinguishable.

When everyone saw this scene, they couldn't help but take a deep breath...

Only a false god can tie a quasi-spiritual monster...

The difficulty of this assessment was much more difficult than they had imagined.

No wonder, if you kill a quasi-spiritual spirit, you can get 1000 points.

At this moment, in the depths of the swamp, the thick fog rolled, and five or six spirits appeared, rushing towards the crowd...

·0 for flowers......

One of them is a pseudo-god-level spirit...

There was a commotion in the crowd, and then dozens of people fought.

The pseudo-god-level spirit was stopped by a true god.

The two sides are fighting together, it is hard to part...

But this scene made everyone's heart sink.

All these spirits can leapfrog and fight, so humans will not have the advantage.

You must know that there are half-step god-level spirits in here, so it doesn't take the gods to deal with it...

Thinking of this, the players are a little bit big...

"Qin Feng, this competition is much more difficult than before!"

Qing Lin whispered, a little worried between his brows.

She just said these words, and the battlefield changed and regenerated.

I saw that the pseudo-god-level monster actually killed the true god to the point of defeat...

This time, the crowd was even more flustered.

No way?

The true god can't deal with the pseudo-god-level spirits?

But without waiting for everyone to think about it, the mutation regenerates.

The surrounding swamp mist rolled violently again, and then hundreds of water mist spirits rushed out of the mist in all directions and slaughtered at the crowd...

Obviously, the fighting here attracted all the spirits around...

Someone with sharp eyes suddenly saw that among the hundreds of spirits, one was at the pinnacle of true gods, and suddenly screamed...

"Oh my God! Really... a spirit at the pinnacle of the true God!

"Oh my God! This... how should this be!"

"Are there any masters of the Great Perfection of the True God? Hurry... hurry up and stop it!

"The masters of the Great Perfection of the True God have not come in yet! Hurry up... hurry up!

The crowd panicked...

Even the true gods have fled.

Facing the spirit monsters at the pinnacle level of the True God, only the Great Perfection of the True God can stop it...

In the blink of an eye, all the fighting stopped.

Everyone gave up the battle and scrambled to escape.

Hundreds of spirit monsters, led by the pinnacle of the true god, chased and killed thousands of humans...

Humans ran away in panic, screaming and screaming all the way, for fear that they would be sucked into human skin...

At this moment, these people only care about running away, and they don't even dare to look back...

At this critical moment, a golden sea of ​​fire rose behind the crowd, like destroying the sky and destroying the earth, rolling out towards hundreds of spirits...

Wherever the sea of ​​​​fire goes, it is like destroying the world, and the heaven and the earth are scorched. . . .

Whether it was a quasi-god-level, pseudo-god-level spirit, or the true god-level spirit, they were all evaporated to dryness in an instant and killed on the spot...

In just one second, hundreds of spirits were instantly killed!

The person who shot it was Qin Feng.

At this moment, Qin Feng was greatly surprised.

Killing a quasi-god-level spirit monster gets 1,000 points, a false god-level 10,000 points, and a true god-level 100,000 points...

He slaughtered hundreds of them in one second, causing his points to skyrocket like crazy...

Sure enough, the Creation God Fire can kill these spirits in seconds.

With a wave of Qin Feng's hand, he retracted the sea of ​​flames into his body...

In the sky, only hundreds of black and silver water droplets were left, all of which contained the energy of destroying the sky and destroying the earth.

Seeing these water droplets, Qin Feng was overjoyed.

Sure enough, the introduction in the Jade Talisman assessment is true.

Although these spirits are difficult to deal with, they will leave the extremely precious essence of Guishui and Renshui after they are killed.

The black water drop is the essence of Gui water, and the silver water drop is the essence of Ren water...

Any drop is not a small gain, and hundreds of drops in front of you are a big gain.

As soon as Qin Feng waved his hand, he put away hundreds of drops of Rengui Water Essence...

Among them, the pinnacle-level spirits of the true gods are the largest, and they are the size of a fist...

After collecting the spoils, the girls of Qinglin gathered around.

"Wow~! Brother-in-law, you are too powerful, you killed hundreds of spirits in one fell swoop..."

"This is not the place to talk! Let's go!

As soon as the voice fell, Qin Feng left first.

Qinglin everyone followed closely.

Qin Feng felt that the essence of Rengui water was very useful, he wanted to try it in a place where no one was there, so he couldn't wait to leave...

But said that thousands of players are fleeing.

run away! run away!

Everyone suddenly felt that something was wrong.

Why does it feel like no one is chasing after you?

At the moment, everyone couldn't help but look back.

Seeing this, everyone was surprised to find that hundreds of spirits had disappeared out of thin air, leaving only a scorch mark between heaven and earth, and the backs of Qin Feng and others leaving.

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