Global Powers: I Control All Elements

Chapter 845: Joining Forces (For Subscription)

At the same time, three hundred and seventy-four large-scale forces were present in Lingyun Hall.

The cloud platform was full of people.

Only the cloud platform of the Star Alliance and Qingqiu is still empty.

This can not help but let people talk about it.

Today, the Star Alliance and Qingqiu Realm are the top five forces by default, and naturally they have become the focus of attention.

"The people from the Qingqiu family and the Star Alliance haven't come yet. Wouldn't they also be recruiting helpers?"

"Impossible? The masters above the pseudo-god in the south are basically here, and they haven't seen any changes! They want to learn Huodeshan, Bichitang, and Shuangjiao Pavilion, it's too late..."

The crowd murmured.

Many people looked strangely in the direction of Huode Mountain, Bichi Hall, and Shuangjiao Pavilion.

These three forces are obviously different from three days ago.

Beside Huo De Tianjun, Mother Bichi, and Shuangjiao Kunzhong, the number of true gods had doubled, and there were even three more true gods with great perfection.

And these true gods, everyone knows, they are from other large-scale forces, many of which are in the top 15 large-scale forces.

Obviously, these three major forces secretly reached an agreement with some powers to let some true gods join them, thereby enhancing their power.

This kind of thing, in the past, will happen in the big competition, but at most it is the transfer of the true god level, and the number is very small.

But like the three major forces each absorbed more than ten true gods, there were more than 30 people together, and many of them were full of true gods.

"Looking at this battle, the three major forces must have paid a big price 387!"9

"Yes! This time, the power of the three major forces has increased by 60%, and the situation of the Star Alliance and Qingqiu is not good!"

"Hey! These are the top power battles. We are not qualified to participate, so we can just watch a good show..."

Whispering in the crowd...

Unconsciously, this ranking competition has turned into a battle between the two sides.

One is the Star Alliance and Qingqiu, and the other is Huode Mountain, Bichi Hall, and Shuangjiao Pavilion.

The rest are just a foil!

At this moment, on the side of the three major forces, Huo De Tianjun and several others are also chatting.

"Fellow Daoist Bichi, the people from Qingqiu and the Xingmeng have not been here for a long time. It's not because they have received any news, are they afraid?"

Huo De Tianjun had a teasing smile on the corner of his mouth.

"The old man feels the same way!

The two looked at each other and smiled even more.

"Two fellow Daoists, do you think Qingqiu and Xingmeng will learn from us?"

Jin Jiaohuang was a little worried.

Huo De Tianjun sneered: "Learn? How to learn? Brother Jin Jiao, look around here, the true gods and above are all present, where are they going to find someone? 35

As soon as these words fell, the Golden Flood Emperor saw that the surroundings were really like this, and he couldn't help but sighed in relief.

After the three of them reached an agreement with Heavenly Sage Patriarch, they went back to conspiracy, but they were not willing to surrender the True Pill.

In the end, the three decided to take the surprise first, join forces to kill Qin Feng, and then concentrate on their strength to kill Qin Lei.

Without Qin Feng and Qin Lei, Qingqiu and Xingmeng would not be worth mentioning.

Not to mention the struggle (baeh) to win the ultimate pole, even if you can't get into the top fifteen.

These people do not know that the so-called Qin Feng and Qin Lei are Qin Feng alone.

In their opinion, the most threatening one is Qin Lei of the Star Alliance, whose strength is comparable to the half-step god of the Jiu Ji Shenji.

As for Qingqiu's Qin Feng, his strength was barely half-step celestial.

"Fellow Daoist Huo De, do you think that we can really kill Qin Feng in a quarter of an hour together?""

The Golden Snake Emperor was still a little worried.

He was scared by the phantom clone last time.

"Oh! Daoist Huo De, our three major forces have joined forces, and we have temporarily attracted so many true gods, plus the people from Hell Palace, that is equivalent to three half-step gods, six true gods, and twelve true gods peaking. , more than seventy true gods joined forces..."

"So many masters strike with all their strength, but still can't kill a Qin Feng? Don't say a quarter of an hour, even if you kill him within a minute, it's still very possible!"

Huode Tianjun looked confident.

Mother Bichi also smiled and said: "As long as Qin Feng is destroyed, the Qingqiu Realm will not be a problem, and the wish of the Tiansheng predecessors will be fulfilled. Then, we will join hands to deal with the Star Alliance....

"You two, when you said we were dealing with Qin Feng, would Qin Lei rush to support him?"

"He's too late to save him! Unless he can be there in a minute, do you think it's possible?"

Mother Bichi and Huo De Tianjun both showed smug smiles.

The two of them were afraid of Qin Lei, but they were not afraid of Qin Feng, and they did not take Qin Feng seriously.

"Don't say Qin Feng, Qin Lei must die this time, and everyone in the Star Alliance must die, not a single one!"

"It's natural! The women of the Qingqiu clan are the ones wanted by the Heavenly Sacred Mountain, and it is inconvenient for us to kill them. The people of the Star Alliance are not. We should kill them all, and we can't leave any trouble!

"Haha! In addition to Qin Lei's one false god, the Star Alliance has only four false gods left, and they can't be on the table at all..."

After these words fell, there was movement at the entrance of the hall.

Everyone looked around, and saw the people of the Qingqiu clan entering.

The first person was Qin Feng.

Everyone didn't know that this Qin Feng was not the phantom avatar last time, but Qin Feng's deity.

Following Qin Feng, the three sisters of Qinglin, and then the daughters of Qingqiu...

Huo De Tianjun and the others glanced at each other and smiled.

"Everyone, have you seen it? There has been no change in the staff in Qingqiu. It seems that they can't find any foreign aid..."

Huo De Tianjun and the others snickered.

At this moment, the people from the Star Alliance also came in, but it caused a commotion...

Even Huo De Tianjun and others showed surprise.

I saw that the number of people in the Star Alliance had more than doubled from the last time, and the number had reached more than 90...

There are three false gods in the Great Perfection, five false gods at the peak, a dozen false gods, and the rest are quasi gods...

Just looking at the cultivation base, it has more than doubled compared to the last time.

Huo Detianjun and the others are stunned, you look at me one by one, I look at you, some can't believe it...

It has only been three days, and the Star Alliance has risen so fast...

This made them feel a little uneasy for no reason....

Even Wen Yuan, who was hiding in the crowd, was stunned.

It was the first time he had seen that the strength of a faction could increase so quickly.

The southern part of the God Realm is really weird!

At this moment, the scene became a little quiet.

Everyone silently looked at the Star Alliance...

"Daoist Huo De, this Star Alliance is a little weird..."

"Don't worry! Although the number of them has increased, they are all pseudo-gods, and they are not good enough..."

Huo De Tianjun and others made a sound transmission and quickly regained their confidence.

They don't believe that every false god in the Star Alliance can fight like Qin Feng. . . .

After a while, the Qingqiu Clan and the Star Alliance took their places.

Qin Feng soon discovered that there were more true god masters from the three major forces, but he didn't care too much.

Qing Lin was a little worried.

Just as she was about to remind Qin Feng, the sky above the hall shook, and one after another of heavenly might came under pressure...

Everyone raised their heads one after another, and saw ten oversized cloud platforms descending from the sky.

Sitting on the ten cloud platforms are the top ten people.

The atmosphere in the audience suddenly became serious, and no one dared to speak any more...

Qin Feng also looked up and saw the people from Tiansheng Mountain on the third cloud platform.

The ancestor of Tiansheng sat in the center of the cloud platform.

At this moment, the ancestor of Tiansheng is curiously looking at the three major forces of Fire Virtue.

Obviously, he saw changes in the lineup of the three major forces.

After a moment, he smiled knowingly.

It seems that Tianjun Huo De and others are determined to win the big game, and he is relieved.

"Tiansheng Taoist friend, this conference is a bit interesting! It seems that Qinglin girl can't escape from your palm..."

A deity also saw the change in the lineup below and couldn't help but tease.

The rest of the gods also looked at each other and smiled, everyone knew it.

The ancestor of Tiansheng smiled without saying a word.

This scene was not a sound transmission, everyone below heard it.

For a time, everyone's faces were strange, and they thought that even the gods were not optimistic about Qingqiujing, I was afraid that Qingqiujing would really lose.

Huo De Tianjun and others are naturally secretly happy.

The girls in Qingqiu and the members of the Star Alliance frowned, thinking that these gods actually looked down on them...

It seems that they are used to being superior, and they don't know that Qin Feng is no longer under them, this time will definitely open their eyes...

At this moment, another heavenly might descended from the sky.

Geng Yi Tianzun slowly fell from the sky.

He glanced around and said: "It seems that everyone is here! The next big competition will be hosted by the deity!""

As soon as the voice fell, the jade tablet in the center of the hall released a bright light and made a clear sound.

The big game is finally about to begin.

Many people had nervous expressions on their faces.

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