Global Powers: I Control All Elements

Chapter 621 The Spirit of Styx (Subscribe)

"This is…….

Qin Feng looked at the giant egg in surprise.

The giant egg was completely black and had a gloomy aura.

"Dad, what is that?

"Yes! This thing is strange!

"Qin Feng, isn't this the only will of the blood world? Look at these blood beasts! They seem to be protecting it!"

The voices of Emperor Feng and several people resounded in his mind.

Qin Feng was also greatly surprised, and his divine sense passed through the layers of blood beasts and probed towards the giant egg.

As soon as his mind touched the giant egg, it was rebounded by the eggshell.


A soft sound!

Dome shakes!

It seems that a certain will has been awakened.

Immediately, a will containing various negative emotions such as resentment, worry, hatred, hatred, fear, etc., radiated from the giant egg...

Hundreds of millions of miles of heaven and earth are shrouded.


There is also a weak idea in that will, which is actually frightening the intrusion of strangers, just like a child seeing a stranger...

Its thoughts express the meaning of expulsion, wanting Qin Feng to leave...

All around, hundreds of blood beasts became restless, watching Qin Feng warily one by one...

What surprised Qin Feng was that these blood beasts did not know that they were besieging them together, which seemed a little lacking in intelligence.

To put it bluntly, the will behind them is not enough to control them...

"Qin Feng, this giant egg has a will. It should be the will behind the control of these blood have to be careful!""

Yu Qilin's worried voice resounded in his mind.

Qin Feng nodded slightly.

In fact, he really wanted to know what this giant egg was.

At the moment, he took a step forward quietly.

But in the next second, the mutation mutated.


The whole blood beast group is restless!

Countless blood beasts exude a strong hostility, and the violent momentum is linked together, which is earth-shattering.


The giant egg also sent out a super pressure, comparable to the low-grade star master, directly oppressing Qin Feng, destroying the sky and destroying the earth!

Ka~! Ka~! Ka~!

This is….?

Qin Feng was startled.

His body actually cracked under the pressure, and the pain was all over his body...

He quickly took a step back...

The blood beasts immediately calmed down.


Even the dome was quiet for a while, and his will was no longer impetuous...

very strange!

Qin Feng breathed a sigh of relief.

"Qin Feng, we can't get close to it!

"We seem to be on its warning line, one step closer, it will attack..."

"Yeah! However, it only had coercion just now, and had no Yuan force field. Could it be that it couldn't take the initiative to attack? This is different from ordinary low-grade star masters!"

"Fortunately it's different! If it is really the same as the ordinary low-grade star master, we would be in danger just now..."

The girls chattered in the small universe.

Qin Feng also said: "This giant egg seems to be just an idea, and he has not yet started to cultivate, so he has no vitality. However, his will is comparable to a low-grade star master, and it can generate the coercion of a low-grade star master. …”

"So this is ah!

The girls suddenly realized.

"Wow! The low-grade star master is too scary! The will of the low-grade star master is so powerful. If it is a complete low-grade star master, I can't imagine it!"

Chu Chu sighed.

All the women nodded, sighing with emotion.

Qin Feng thought of Xuan Xi.

This beautiful sister looks so kind, but she is so powerful!

Just the will of the low-grade star master level, he is difficult to resist.

Not to mention a complete low-grade star master.

At the moment, Qin Feng said through his mind again: "Even if it is will, this giant egg has its own way of attacking, and these blood beasts are created by it..."

"Qin Feng, then you should not provoke it lightly. Otherwise, it will be besieged by a herd of beasts, which will be dangerous. 99

"Yes! Let's go back!

Yu Qilin, Feng Di and others suggested to evacuate.

This dome is really too dangerous.

Qin Feng was a little unwilling: "Don't be afraid! The dome's intelligence is very weak, and it basically acts on instinct. According to my judgment, its intelligence is not as good as that of a half-year-old baby. It is estimated that it has just formed..."

This shocked the girls.

This will has just been formed, and it is so powerful.

How awesome would it be if it fully grew?

I am afraid that there is hope to become a mid-grade star master level.

Actually, Qin Feng didn't say a word.

He felt that the breath of this giant egg was similar to the breath of the three thousand innate souls in his own small universe.

It's just that the three thousand innate souls are still hatching, and the will has not yet been born.

The dome in front of him has already initially had a will.

This made him suddenly think of a question.

When he created the small universe, three thousand congenital beings were born.

When this great universe was created, there should also be congenital spirits appearing.

Could this dome be one of them?

And this blood world should be the nest for cultivating giant eggs...

"Dad, let's go! The baby is a little scared!"

Qin Baobao was shocked by the power of this giant egg.

"I will try again!"

Qin Feng's thoughts were certain, his eyes suddenly lit up with white light, and memory snooping started...

His secret technique instantly passed through the blood beasts and landed on the giant egg.


The giant egg actually sensed, trembled slightly, and instinctively resisted...

However, its will is born, and even if its soul power is strong, it does not know how to resist...

At this moment, Qin Feng spied a little memory...

In addition, a light screen popped up in his eyes, showing the information of the dome.

The more he cultivated to the later stage, the more advanced things Qin Feng came into contact with, and many things could not scan the information at first glance.

Name of thing: Spirit of Styx (body, inborn spirit)

Grade: low grade star main grade

Origin: At the beginning of the universe, a hell river was born. The Hell River Styx encounters the blood nest, and the Qi of the River Styx and the Qi of the Blood Nest meet, and the spirit of the River Styx is born.

Seeing this, Qin Feng suddenly realized,

All of this is pretty much what I guessed.

This guy is indeed a congenital god!

He looked around at the sea of ​​blood, it should be the blood nest.

Looking at the black dome again, it should be transformed by Hell Styx, and the will inside is the spirit of Styx.

It's just that this Spirit of the River Styx has just begun to form, and everything is like white paper, so the growth is extremely slow.

In addition, Qin Feng learned from the memories he snooped on.

The energy provided by this blood nest has been difficult for it to grow, almost to its limit.

In other words, this Stygian spirit longs for a better living environment.

Otherwise, it will not be able to make progress even after hundreds of millions of years.

Qin Feng's eyes lit up.

This Stygian looks good!

He has the mind to conquer.

It's just that this Spirit of Styx is too strong, and he can't conquer it now.

However, he can support him first, and when he breaks through to dominate, there is hope for him to be subdued.

But how to take it?

But at this moment, an angry will came from the front.

The giant egg exploded at this moment!

Qin Feng's memory snooping just now completely angered it.

It's just that its intellect is too weak (baeh), and its reflex arc is too long.

It was only at this moment that it reacted.


Thousands of blood beasts roar!

He was about to slaughter Qin Feng.

"not good!"

"Brother, run!

Chu Chu and the girls were so frightened that their expressions changed drastically.

Qin Feng was unmoved, his whole body burst out with aura, blood piercing the sea.

Shocking situation!

Overturn the river!

The endless sea of ​​blood stretched out from his body!

The blood is rolling!

Murderous Roar!

Thousands of blood beasts are entangled as soon as they enter the sea of ​​blood...

The blood beast is roaring, imposing in the sky!

The entire blood world trembled violently.

In an instant, the players in the blood world felt it.

One by one looked at the sky in astonishment.

what happened?

Why did the blood world suddenly vibrate?

It made them vaguely uneasy.

But on this side, thousands of blood beasts rushed into the endless sea of ​​blood.

It looks like a war is about to break out.

The women were uneasy.

But at this moment, a mutation suddenly occurred.

The will of the giant egg that was originally angry, after seeing the endless sea of ​​blood, actually sent out a joyful thought...

Like an angry baby who suddenly sees milk and calms down his anger all of a sudden...

Thousands of blood beasts calmed down.

Qin Feng was delighted.

It was exactly as he had guessed.

He hurriedly spread out the endless sea of ​​blood and wrapped the giant egg...

The giant egg did not resist, and took the initiative to merge into the sea of ​​​​blood...

It found that this endless blood sea was obviously much more advanced than its own blood nest, reaching the peak of the low-grade star master...

If it can be nurtured in the endless sea of ​​blood, it will definitely grow faster...

Soon, it took the initiative to absorb the blood energy in the endless blood sea...

At the same time, it sensed the existence of the ghostly yellow spring in the sea of ​​​​blood, and also took the initiative to absorb the gas of the yellow spring...

But the endless blood sea and the ghostly yellow spring have a strong repulsion to it...

Relying on instinct, the giant egg dissolves automatically, turning into a long dark river, and actively integrating into the endless sea of ​​blood...

It only has a ball of will light left, suspended above the sea of ​​​​blood...

In the next second, the light ball took the initiative to absorb the Qi of the Sea of ​​Blood, the Qi of the Yellow Spring, and the Qi of the Stygian River, forming a three-color giant egg and entering the depths of the sea of ​​​​blood...

Its breath and the sea of ​​blood are perfectly integrated, as if they are one.

At the same time, it also has a long-lasting attachment to Qin Feng, like a child of its own...

Afterwards, the three-color giant egg fell into a deep sleep just like those congenital beings.

This Styx Spirit seems to have evolved.

As it slept in deep sleep, those blood beasts became quiet, and one by one, they voluntarily sank into the endless sea of ​​blood and disappeared...

Not only that, the blood beasts in every corner of the blood world also disappeared one by one.

They are all teleported, one by one into the endless sea of ​​blood.

On the sea, Yu Chen and the others were dumbfounded.

They were originally fighting with blood beasts.

But in the next second, those blood beasts all disappeared out of thin air.

They don't have anything to hunt...

In a blink of an eye, the blood beasts of the entire blood world entered the endless sea of ​​blood.

This peculiar scene made Chu Chu's children stunned...

At the same time, Qin Feng's mind sounded a prompt from the system...

"Ding! Hell Styx (low-grade star master level) was automatically merged into the endless blood sea (low-grade star master peak) successfully.... The endless blood sea was promoted to the middle-grade star master-level treasure... The host's combat power increased to 24,000 Beijing ( Basic combat power)..."

Qin Feng opened his eyes with joy.

Endless Sea of ​​Blood has been upgraded.

He finally had a mid-grade star master treasure.

In the next second, his mind moved, and the endless sea of ​​blood quickly entered his body and disappeared.

To his surprise, the three-color giant egg also entered his small universe.

You must know that only the creatures who have signed a contract with him can enter his small universe.

The Spirit of the Stygian River has already given birth to a will, and it is considered a living creature, but it has not signed a contract with him!

How could the Spirit of Styx get in?

At this moment, a system prompt sounded in his mind.

"Ding! The host adopted the congenital soul-Styx Spirit (low-grade star master level, fetus) successfully, achieved supreme merit, and obtained merit value of 500,000..."

"It's all right?!"

Qin Feng was stunned.

Immediately, he was greatly surprised.

I never thought that adopting a congenital soul would have so many merits.

Come to think of it, these innate souls are born from heaven and earth.

It's just that this world can't support it.

Qin Feng's adoption is equivalent to helping this side of the world, which is a great merit.

In this way, his merit value has accumulated to 730,000.

After accumulating 800,000, he can promote the Golden Wheel of Merit to the eleventh level.

At this thought, Qin Feng was full of expectations..

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