Global Powers: I Control All Elements

Chapter 620 Blood Sea Dome (Subscribe)

At the same time, the sky above the square outside.

in that special dimension.

Star Master Ziwei silently stared at the scoring stele.

Her eyes fell on Qin Feng's name.

She didn't even realize that she cared more about Qin Feng's performance than the three players from Ziwei Xing.

I wonder if that guy's grades can match Yaochen's?

Star Master Ziwei thought silently in her heart.

The Blood Realm has been closed.

These star owners can't detect the situation inside, they just don't want to put pressure on the players and let the players play freely.

After the test is over.

If necessary, the star masters can still view the entire process.

At this time, the argument behind Star Master Ziwei became louder and louder.

The Tianfu Star Lord and the Divine Auxiliary Star Lord chattered endlessly.

"Hehe!! Brother Tianfu, this old man is so proud of you. The game has just started, and you think Qin Feng can score more than 500 points. I don't know where your confidence comes from? You don't have to worry, he has to 0 points?"

The Lord of the Stars sneered.

At this moment, he died of laughter in his heart.

He specially instructed Yan Mao and the three to trap Qin Feng with all their strength, so that Qin Feng could not score.

He just wanted Qin Feng to score 0 points and be ashamed in public.

Only by doing this can he let out the bad breath he had yesterday.

The Tianfu Star Lord rolled his eyes angrily: "With Qin Feng's strength, he can even hunt down a few blood beasts, how can he get 0 points?""

"Oh! It's impossible to say anything! Who knows if Qin Feng will be so unlucky that he can't even touch a blood beast, so he gets 0 points..."

The yin and yang of the star master of the gods help with a strange air.

The Tianfu Star Master was unhappy: "You old man know shit?!"

"Haha! Don't believe it! Even if Qin Feng is not 0 points, he can't have 500 points!"

The Lord of the Stars was confident.

He didn't believe it. With Yan Mao and the three of them stopping him, Qin Feng still had a way to get 500 points? Then he would have to kill at least dozens of mid-rank dominance-level blood beasts.

The Tianfu Star Master said angrily: "Then just wait and see! This time, if Qin Feng gets 500 points, what do you think, old man?"

"Okay! Just wait and see! If he really has more than 500 points, the old man will give him three black sky crystals. If he doesn't have it? Would you like to give the old man three black sky crystals?""

The Star Lord God suddenly made this suggestion.

Tianfu Star Lord was stunned.

Immediately, he suddenly realized.

Yesterday, Qin Feng won a lot of resources from Shenfuxing players.

As for other resources, the Lord of the Auxiliary Stars is not distressed.

Only the two black sky crystals made the Lord of the Auxiliary Stars feel a lot of pain.

Now, he has taken a detour, and wants to get back from the Tianfu Star Master, even the principal and the profit.

"What? Don't you dare? Or, do you think Qin Feng can't get 500 points? 35

The star master of Shenfu deliberately mocked.

Tianfu Star Lord disdain: "You don't use this clumsy aggressive method! Three black sky crystals are three black sky crystals. This old man is not like you, an iron rooster, who is stingy and cares about!"

The Tianfu Star Master did not forget to sneer.

"Hey hey!" The Star Master Shenfu didn't take it seriously, "Do what you say! Three pieces of black sky crystal! Giant gate, land power, you two bear witness!

The Star Lord of Jumen laughed without saying a word.

Diquan Star Lord likes to join in the fun: "Okay! I'll give you a testimony!

The star master of Shenfu was overjoyed: "Okay! Tianfu, just wait and see! How can you be proud of it after a while?"

"Haha! I don't know who will cry and be sad for a while!

"The two of you don't fight! Fifteen hours have passed since the competition, and there should be a change in the results soon. Let's watch the competition! 99

Land Quanxing is the main rounder.

The two sneered and looked at the scoring stele, waiting for a change...

Meanwhile, above the square.

The players also anxiously watched the changes in the scoring stele.

Everyone can't see the scene in the blood world, and only guess the scene in the blood world through the change of points on the stone tablet.

Compared to other Polestar players, Ziweixing players all looked relaxed.

For them, the game was just a passing game.

Ziwei Xing is sure to win.

"You said, our points in this game can be more than three times that of the second place~"?"

"It's not difficult! The Four Pole Stars don't have any talents!

"I can't say it like that! That heroic move is very powerful, and there is also a Qin emperor not bad!

"Emperor Qin? Forget it! How strong can a god emperor be? Rumors are unbelievable!"

In the Ziweixing area, the players kept mumbling...

It was at this moment that the scoring stele finally moved.

The tombstone shakes!

Give off a light glow!

"Look! The stele is moving!

At this moment, the audience was shocked, and they all looked at the spiritual monument.

Even the stars in the sky paid attention.


A clear cry!

On the stone tablet, Yu Chen's name first lit up with golden light.

After the name, the 0 points jumped a bit and became 200.

After a while, Yaochen's points also became 200.

Ziwei Xing's total points became 400.

There is no change in the points for the others.

There was an uproar all around.

"Ziweixing's people are strong!""

"Yeah! Got 400 points so quickly! Tsk tsk!! So strong! 95

"What do you think will be the second pole star? Giant star, or Tianfu star? 35

"Let me see! The giants should be better! After all, they've occupied the second position for many years. 99

"But Tianfu Star recently produced a Qin Emperor, who is also very powerful..."

The crowd was talking.

The people from the Four Pole Stars looked at the points on the stone tablet, envious and anxious.

Their guys haven't scored yet and don't know what's going on...

At the same time, above the void.

Several Star Venerables congratulated Star Master Ziwei.

"Master Xingzun, Ziwei Xing's strength is strong! Scored so quickly, the situation of the other Polestars is still unknown!

"Yeah! I don't know who the next scorer will be?"

The Tianfu Star Lord stroked his beard, feeling a little anxious.

He hoped that the next scorer would be Qin Feng.

But this thought only came up, and the strange voice of the yin and yang of the Lord of the Auxiliary Stars sounded beside him.

"Brother Tianfu, don't think about it! The next one should be a heroic move, not Qin Feng's..."

"You know shit!", the Tianfu Star Master said angrily.

The star master of Shenfu gloated: "Don't believe it? Just watch it!

After these words fell, the spiritual monument mutated again.


A clear roar spread throughout the audience.

Everyone looked over.

The next second, Qin Feng's name lit up with a dazzling light.

The 0 points after the name jumped a bit and became 400 points.

Tianfuxing's total score also jumped a bit, and it also became 400 points, tied for first place with Ziweixing.

There was an uproar in the audience.

"My God! Qin Huang scored 400 points alone!""

"No way? He surpasses Yu Chen and Yao Chen?!"

At this moment, the whole audience was dumbfounded.

They couldn't believe what was in front of them.

Those arrogant Ziweixing players were even more stunned.

How could they who were so high in the past were equaled by others?!  …

On the other side, above the void.

The Lord of the Gods was shocked all over!

At this moment, he was dumbfounded!

how can that be?!

Isn't Qin Feng trapped by Yan Mao and the others?

How did he get points?

Got 400 points again?!

This is impossible!

"Haha!! God help, didn't you say that Qin Feng would get 0 points? Take a good look now, does he get 0 points? What else do you have to say now?! 35

Tianfu Star Lord laughed proudly.

The tone was full of sarcasm.

The old face of Shenfu Star Lord blushed, and he was a little embarrassed.

In fact, he was very shocked.

But he still said stubbornly: "Humph! So what? Maybe he was lucky to get 400 points. Anyway, there is a gap between the 500 points that the old man said!"

Not long after these words were spoken, there were many changes on the stone tablet.

I saw that the points of Yuchen, Yaochen, and Concubine Yu changed again.

Yuchen has become 400 points, Yaochen has 300 points, and Concubine Yu has 100 points.

Ziwei Xing has a total score of 800 points and is promoted to the first.

Those Ziweixing players breathed a sigh of relief.

Purple MSI is Purple MSI!

The throne of first place is still firmly seated.

The smugness on their faces reappeared.

On the other hand, the players of Tianfuxing felt a little regretful.

The one that just got tied first, fell again.

But at this moment, Qin Feng's name lit up again, and 400 points jumped to 900 points.

Tianfuxing overtook directly and became the first!

The Tianfuxing players immediately cheered excitedly.

The players of Ziweixing were suddenly stunned.

They were surpassed!

This is the first time in billions of years!

The other players were also shocked.

They stared at Qin Feng's name one by one, feeling incredible.

Above the void, the Five Star Venerables were shocked.

One person crushed Yu Chen and the other three and scored 900 points!

How did Qin Feng do it?

Star Master Ziwei's beautiful eyes shone, and there was a look of joy in the bottom of her eyes.

This young man deserves to be his own man.

At least so far, she has not been disappointed, and even exceeded her expectations....

The Star Master of Jumen and the Star Master of Landquan were a little stunned.

The Tianfu Star Master was stunned for a moment, then immediately ecstatic.

This Qin Feng made him look good!

He was only expecting a second place.

But now it seems that he is going to take the first place!

66` Haha!! Shensuke, did you see it? Didn't you say Qin Feng couldn't get 500 points? He has 900 points now, and it's only less than 20 minutes!"

"Humph!" Shenfu Star Lord's old face was dark.

He was shocked and depressed.

"What are you humming! Stop talking nonsense! Bring three black sky crystals!"

"Give you!"

Shenfu Star Lord threw it casually, and three black sky crystals flew over.

Although he is cautious, he is a man of credibility.

"Haha!! It's so cool to earn three black sky crystals without doing anything!""

The Tianfu Star Lord took the Hei Tianjing and pretended to show it off.

The Lord of the Stars was so distressed that he died.

He said unhappily: "What are you proud of? Qin Feng is only temporarily ahead, and you Tianfu stars will not really be able to get the first place."

"Really? Why don't we bet again. This time it's three black sky crystals!""

"Go away!", the star master of Shenfu cursed angrily.

This time, he didn't dare to gamble again.

This Qin Feng is not easy!

Totally beyond his imagination!

Thinking of this, the star master of Shenfu changed his perception of Qin Feng.

He has some admiration.

Next, in the field, the players of Ziweixing were anxious.

One by one, Yu Chen and the others quickly surpassed Qin Feng.

And the points on the stele are constantly changing.

The points of Yuchen, Yaochen, and Concubine Yu are all changing.

Qin Feng's points are also changing.

What surprised people was that the combined speed of Yu Chen and Qin Feng couldn't catch up with Qin Feng alone.

The points gap between the two sides has not only not narrowed, but has grown larger.

Ziweixing's people are getting more and more desperate.

The people of Tianfuxing are getting more and more excited.

After a while, people discovered another strange phenomenon.

That is, in addition to Qin Feng, Yu Chen and other four people's points are changing, there is also a player who has the right to change his points.

The remaining ten players, the points have always been 0 points, there is no change.

This made the people of Jumenxing and Shenfuxing anxious.

They had absolutely no idea what was going on.

(Really Zhao) In a blink of an eye, more than an hour has passed.

Tianfuxing's points have surpassed Ziweixing by more than 1,000 points, firmly occupying the first place.

Even Diquan Xing scored more than 70 points, occupying the third place.

But the total points of Jumen and Shenfuxing are still 0, and both are paid in advance.

This made the players of the two polar stars anxious.

The God Auxiliary Star Lord looked even more ugly.

This is completely different from what he imagined!

At this moment, the mutation in the field regenerated.

I saw Qin Feng's name suddenly burst into light, and the golden light was dazzling.

The points behind him began to jump.

Every beat is a 500-point jump!

In the blink of an eye, his points jumped more than 20 times, and his points skyrocketed by more than 10,000 points...

This sudden change shocked everyone around.

how can that be?

How could one person kill so many blood beasts all at once?

You must know that the blood beasts in the blood world rarely gather together.

At most three or four are together, most are separated.

How could Qin Feng kill so many at once?

Did those blood beasts gather together automatically?

At the same time, in the blood world.

Qin Feng dived into the depths of the sea of ​​blood.

At this moment, a strange phenomenon appeared in front of him.

In front of him, thousands of blood beasts were densely suspended, and their cultivation bases ranged from low-grade domination to high-grade.

He seems to have broken into the blood beast's lair.

Qin Feng looked behind the many blood beasts.

Seeing this, he was shocked.

I saw a huge egg hidden behind many blood beasts, emitting a faint aura...

All the blood beasts surround the giant egg, as if to protect..

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