Global Powers: I Control All Elements

Chapter 572: The Lord of the Foggy Day (Subscribe)

When the treasure came out, the audience was shocked.

Qin Feng, Zixing, and Jade Qilin all showed ecstasy.

I saw the white-haired old man take out a gray spar, the size of a fist, exuding monstrous coercion.

Not only that, the gray crystal seems to be extremely dense, and it automatically generates a huge gravitational force~.

As soon as it appeared, the time and space of the entire venue were forcibly distorted.

Those god emperors felt very uncomfortable, as if they were about to be forcibly sucked in by the gray spar.

The faces of those in the Sea of ​​the Sea were even paler, and they couldn't bear the suction of the gray spar.

But the masters in the boxes were all excited.

I had no idea it was such a treasure!

In each box, the masters became excited, and some even clenched their fists.

There are also some masters secretly looking at the seventh box.

This time, they won't be humble about anything they say.

There is no reason for humility in a major event related to a breakthrough in cultivation!


A beep!

The chime is ringing!

The whole place was quiet for a while.

Then, the white-haired old man took a deep breath while holding the gray spar.

"Everyone, this Zhongtian Crystal is the finale item of this auction! 35

It really is Zhongtianjing!

The masters were even more excited.

The so-called Zhongtian Crystal is the elemental essence extracted from neutron stars, and it takes 5 billion years to produce one.

The effect of one medium sky crystal is equivalent to one hundred white crystals.

Not only that, Zhongtianjing can also help Dominion break through the bottleneck of cultivation.

This effect is enough to drive the Overminds crazy!

Therefore, the actual value of one Zhongtian crystal is greater than one hundred white crystals.

Of course, the refining of Zhongtianjing is extremely difficult.

Generally, only the strength of a half-step star master or above can be extracted from a neutron star.

The masters generally only have the ability to extract white crystals from white dwarfs.

This has caused the rarity of Zhongtian Crystal.

After all, in the entire universe, powers above half a step star master are still very rare.

At this moment, in Box No. 7.

Zi Xing and Yu Qilin were pleasantly surprised.

If Qin Feng can get this Zhongtian Crystal, he will definitely be able to break through to the late stage of God Emperor.

At that time, even if the Lord of the Foggy Sun came, they would not be worried.

The two women were still a little worried about the fog dominated by the sun.

After all, Qin Feng was only in the middle stage of God Emperor, and Zi Xing couldn't stop Fog Sun from dominating.

Of course, Qin Feng also coveted this Zhongtian crystal.

In order to achieve good results in the next god-level selection, he is also eager to improve his cultivation as soon as possible.

This Zhongtian Crystal is of great benefit to him.

"Qin Feng, we may not have enough money!"

Zi Xing suddenly thought of a key question.

Qin Feng was slightly taken aback.

He didn't think about it.

Today, he has spent hundreds of trillions of star tidal stones, and there are only 160 trillion left, which is indeed not much.

At this moment, the voice of the white-haired old man came from below.

"Now the auction of Tianjing has begun, and the reserve price is 100 trillion! Each auction is not less than 10 trillion! 99

"I offer 110 trillion!", Box 3 was the first to bid.

"I'll pay 120 trillion!" Box 1 followed closely.

"140 trillion!" Box No. 9 followed the bid.

Those god emperors were terrified.

These rulers are so rich!

In fact, in this auction, none of these rulers made any shots.

Their money is kept for this finale treasure.

Now, the time has come!

On the contrary, Qin Feng swept a lot of resources at the meeting and consumed a lot along the way, so naturally there is not much money left.

Meanwhile, Box 2.

The misty emperor who was bleeding from the seven orifices woke up leisurely.

Surrounded by guards surprise.

"Your Highness, you are finally awake!"

This time, the guards became smarter, lowered their voices one by one, and stopped screaming.

In addition, they also opened the one-way sound insulation barrier.

They can hear the outside, but they can't hear the inside.

They did this because they were afraid that Wu Tianzi would pass out again.

Obviously, there are experts in this venue targeting the foggy emperor.

If Wu Tianzi really died, they would have to be buried with them!

The Lord of Foggy Day will never let them go.

"I... why did I faint again?" Wu Tianzi was extremely weak.

"I don't know!", the guards felt guilty.

Wu Tianzi was stunned for a while.

Could it be that Box No. 7 was harmed again?

Thinking of this, he looked at Box No. 7 through the bead curtain, with deep fear in his eyes.

"Elder Sun, I... When will my father come?"

Wu Tianzi panted and looked at the old man beside him.

This old man is his chief guard.

"Go back to His Highness, the old slave contacted Lord Zhuan an hour ago. According to the time, Lord Lord should be there soon!"

The misty emperor was like a straw that could save his life, and his eyes glowed.

"Great! When my father comes, he will definitely avenge me!"

Wu Tianzi looked at Box No. 7 again.

There was hatred in that fear.

"His Royal Highness, but now it's the finale of the auction. The old slave is worried that after the conference, the Lord will not be able to arrive! 35

The misty day frowned.

Just then, there was a call for a bid from outside.

"I gave 150 trillion!

"Box 6 bid 150 trillion! Who else is higher!"

"160 trillion!"

Qin Feng finally made an offer.

This is the only thing he has left.

"Box 7, 160 trillion! There is no higher!

Huh! The guy in Box No. 7 is in the auction again!

Hate poured out of Wu Tianzi's heart.

He opened his mouth and subconsciously made a bid.

But the next second, he quickly shut up.

He is afraid!

Besides, he doesn't seem to have that much money!

·0 for flowers ·.....

Just then there was a bid for Box 13.

"I gave 180 trillion!

"I gave 200 trillion!

Box five followed the bid.

"230 trillion! 9

Box No. 8, which has never been opened, has also bid.

The crowd was stunned.

The whole place was silent.

Bidding to 230 trillion, the vast majority of the rulers are already powerless!

The owner of Box No. 8 also showed confidence.

He is already a low-rank master of Dzogchen.

As long as you get this Zhongtian Crystal, you will be able to break through to the dominance of the middle grade in one fell swoop.

At the same time, in Box No. 7.

Qin Feng smiled bitterly.

He really doesn't have enough money!

It seemed that Tianjing had no chance with him.

But at this moment, Zi Xing suddenly called for the price.


As soon as these words came out, the audience was shocked.

There are even higher!

Huh! It's still Box No. 7!

For a time, everyone looked strange.

This No. 7 box is really rich!

Along the way, I have never seen it low-key.

Those god emperors are envious.

At this moment, in Box No. 7.

Qin Feng looked at Zi Xing in surprise: "Zi'er, I don't have that much money!"

Zi Xing smiled charmingly: "I have it! I still have 130 trillion star tidal stones, if you add them together, it won't be enough!"

Qin Feng quickly shook his head: "No! I can't use your money!"

As a man, Qin Feng couldn't accept that he had to use his own woman's money.

There is some machismo in his character.

"What can't be done! I said yes!"

Zi Xing shook Qin Feng's arm and acted like a spoiled child.

"No!" Qin Feng refused directly.


At this time, the sound of box No. 8 was heard outside the box again.

"I will pay 260 trillion!" Box No. 8 is determined to fight.

The white-haired old man was excited: "The price for Box No. 8 is 260 trillion, is there any higher?"

"270 trillion!", Zixing directly asked the price.

Qin Feng was speechless.

"Master, I'm your little slave girl, isn't the little girl's money your money!

Zi Xing put her mouth up and acted coquettishly, she saw that Qin Feng wanted to save face.

Qin Feng was about to say something.

Suddenly there was a loud shout outside the venue.

"Go away!"

Immediately, several figures flew upside down and fell into the venue.

Everyone was alarmed and turned around to look, only to see that the person who fell in was the guard of the auction.

At this moment, light and shadow flashed at the entrance, and a middle-aged man walked in with a gloomy look.

As soon as he came in, there were many exclamations in the audience.

"It is the foggy day that dominates! Spoon

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