Global Powers: I Control All Elements

Chapter 571 The harvest is amazing (for subscription)

The next second, Qin Feng arrived at the box.

When the two girls saw him, their eyes lit up.

After a while, Qin Feng's breath became much stronger.

They couldn't see through.

"Qin Feng, have you broken through to the early stage of God Emperor?" Yu Qilin asked with concern.


Zi Xing also looked at him expectantly.

"Middle stage of God Emperor!"

"Wow! So fast! 35

The two girls were very happy.

This is far beyond their expectations!

Qin Feng smiled slightly, hugged the waists of the two women, and felt their fragrance, which was very comfortable.

At the same time, the venue below.

The white-haired old man has already taken out 4 World Pearls.

There is a lot of discussion below.

"It really is the Pearl of the World! But we can't refine this thing!"

"Don't say it's us, even the master can't refine it, at least the star master can refine it. But the star master is no longer interested in these things!

"Yeah! However, it also has some special uses, which are rare after all!

The crowd muttered.

Qin Feng smiled slightly.

He has a god-level devour, and refining these world beads is easy.

"Everyone, start bidding for the Pearl of the World now, with a low price of 5 trillion yuan! Each time the price increase shall not be less than 50 million! 35

As soon as these words fell, Qin Feng's eyes lit up with joy.

It's so cheap too!!

You know, one world pearl is equivalent to 10 white crystals.

The market price of Tianjing is about 3 trillion.

In terms of conversion, the Pearl of the World should have a value of 30 trillion, but it only starts at a base price of 5 trillion.

Qin Feng understood after a little thought.

The value of 30 trillion is for him, because he can refine it.

But other people can't refine it, its usefulness is limited, and its value is naturally discounted.

At this time, someone below made a bid.

"I gave 5.5 trillion! 35

"6 trillion!

"6.5 trillion!"

"10 trillion!"

Qin Feng directly raised the price.

The crowd was moved.

10 trillion all at once!


The market value of the Pearl of the World is about 9 trillion.

This 10 trillion is a bit expensive.


It can be seen that the owner of Box No. 7 is determined to win.

Everyone looked at Box 7 in awe.

Those who wanted to take pictures gave up.

Today, Qin Feng is stealing the limelight at auctions.

He is not even afraid of the foggy day master, how dare these people provoke?

"Box 7, bid 10 trillion once! Is there a higher price?"5

The white-haired old man was a little happy.

Good deal at this price.

"Ten trillion twice! Anyone else?"

"10 trillion three times! Congrats to Box No. 7 for winning the Pearl of the World! 39

This time it was shot smoothly.

Next, take the second shot.

This time, Qin Feng was the first to bid 7 trillion.

After he made a bid, no one followed suit.

In the end, Qin Feng took it for a price of 7 trillion.

Everyone knew that Qin Feng wanted it, so he simply stopped filming, because it wasn't something he needed very much anyway.

Only the white-haired old man was a little depressed.

The auction price for the second one was significantly lower than the market price.

Next, the third one was also photographed by Qin Feng at 7 trillion.

The white-haired old man wanted to vomit blood.

In this way, three pieces are 24 trillion, and the average is only 8 trillion, which is lower than the average market price!

"Next, auction the fourth World Pearl. Everyone, please bid!"

"7 trillion!", Qin Feng was still the first to bid.

The white-haired old man wanted to cry without tears: "7 trillion! Does anyone else offer a higher price?"

That price in the field.


Indeed it is!

The white-haired old man was helpless and continued to shout: "Box 7, the first bid! Are there any higher ones?"

As soon as these words fell, there was a movement in the second box.

"Your Highness! Your Highness! Are you awake?"

Everyone was alarmed, and they turned their heads to look at the No. 2 box.

That foggy day actually woke up at this moment.

As long as there is a good show to watch.

At the same time, in the second box.

Wu Tianzi woke up leisurely, his face was full of pain, and obviously there were some sequelae.

"Your Highness, are you alright? 99

The guards around were nervous.

Wu Tianzi opened his mouth with difficulty: "Quick! Quickly call my father!

The first thing he did when he woke up was to look for his father.

"Good! Good! This subordinate will contact you!

The leader of the guards immediately sent a message to the Lord of the Foggy Sun.

At this moment, the voice of the white-haired old man came from outside the box.

"Box 7 bid 7 trillion for the second time, is there anything higher?"

As soon as he heard the words from Box No. 7, Wu Tianzi's eyes widened and his heart was full of anger.

At the moment, without even thinking about it, he shouted: "I bid 8 trillion!"

As soon as this statement came out, the audience was in a commotion.

As soon as this foggy man woke up, he was in a fight with the people in Box No. 7.

In box seven.

Zi Xing and Yu Qilin frowned.

"Qin Feng, this guy obviously did it on purpose!

The two women were angry.

The corners of Qin Feng's mouth twitched, and he snapped his fingers lightly.


The second box immediately sounded the sound of falling, and there were also the exclamations of the guards.

"Not good! Your Highness fainted again!"

"It's over! It's over! This time His Highness Qiqiao is bleeding, hurry up and call the Lord Master over!

The guards shouted anxiously.

The whole place was stunned.

Why did Wu Tianzi pass out of a coma again this time?

Seems worse than last time!

The next moment, everyone looked towards Box No. 7.

Everyone suspected that Qin Feng did it.

But this time, Qin Feng didn't even ask a question!

So how did Qin Feng do it?

This is really insane!

At the moment, the eyes of everyone looking at Box No. 7 became awe-inspiring.

The atmosphere of the scene also became depressed.

Several staff members panicked and ran to the No. 2 box for rescue.

No matter what they said, they couldn't let Wu Tianzi die in the auction.

"9 trillion!""

At this time, Qin Feng made an offer without rushing.

The whole place is quieter.

The atmosphere became eerie.

The white-haired old man swallowed his saliva and began to bid, but no one dared to fight.

After three times, Qin Feng sold the fourth one with 9 trillion.

At this moment, in the room.

Qin Feng is in a good mood.

He captured four world pearls for 33 trillion.

To replace it with a white crystal with the same effect, it would take 120 trillion.

Qin Feng thinks it is very cost-effective.

"Qin Feng, Wu Tianzi was in a coma and bleeding from seven orifices just now, did you do it?"

Zi Xing suddenly asked.

Yu Qilin also looked at him curiously.

Qin Feng smiled and nodded.

Zi Xing and Yu Qilin couldn't help showing surprise.

Qin Feng's secret technique seems to have become more powerful.

Naturally, they didn't know that after Qin Feng's soul flower opened thirteen petals, the power of the secret technique of retribution was strengthened.

Now, he can directly attack the target without shouting his name, invisible and invisible.

Moreover, with the improvement of his cultivation, the power of the secret technique will become stronger and stronger.

At a certain level, you can curse and kill with a single thought (baeh).

Of course, that secret technique also has limitations. For those whose cultivation base is lower than his own, the effect is very good, and for those whose cultivation base is higher than himself, the effect is greatly reduced.

If the cultivation base reaches a certain level, it is invalid.

Just then, footsteps sounded outside the box.

A staff member requests to come in.

Qin Feng opened the ban.

The staff who came in were the same old people as last time.

He respectfully took out four World Orbs and completed the transaction with Qin Feng.

After both parties verified that they were correct, they were all happy.

Before leaving, the old man suddenly lowered his voice: "My lord, for the next auction, the old man establishes that you should leave quickly!

"The old man just got the news that Wutianzi's guards have contacted the Lord of the foggy sun. They said that the foggy day is in serious condition. After the Lord of the foggy sun heard it, he was full of anger and rushed over with all his strength."5

"That foggy sun master is a mid-level great perfectionist, ranking 73rd in the Tianfu Star Top 100 list, you may not...

The old man stopped halfway through.

His eyes are not allowed, and he has already seen that Zi Xing is the master of the middle grade, Jade Qilin is the master of the low grade, and Qin Feng is the middle stage of the god emperor.

With such strength, the three of them are not the opponents dominated by the foggy sun.

Especially Qin Feng, his strength is too weak.

If there is a fight, it will soon suffer.

He also had a good impression of Qin Feng and the three of them, so he kindly reminded them.

"Friend, thank you for your reminder! 35, Qin Feng is still very grateful.

The old man whispered: "Three, if you want to leave now, the old man will guide you in secret, so that no one will notice that you have left!

Qin Feng smiled slightly: "No! This emperor also wants to see a few items in the finale at the back, if there is anything I want.

The old man was stunned.

He didn't expect Qin Feng to be unwilling to leave.

Isn't this waiting to die?

"Friend, you are...hey!

The old man sighed.

Since he couldn't persuade him, he had no choice but to shake his head and leave.


Such a handsome young man is hard to say after a while.

Even if the two female protagonists around him are strong, it is difficult to protect him!

After the old man left, Qin Feng looked at Zi Xing: "Is the 73rd place on the Tianfu Star Top 100 very powerful?

"It's really amazing!" Zi Xing said with a serious face, "You must know that the 70th place on the top 100 list is a half-step high-ranking dominance."

"The ranking of Lord of the Foggy Sun is only three places lower than the top half of the half-step, and his strength is evident.""

"His cultivation has also reached the pinnacle of mid-grade great perfection, and his combat power is close to 35 million trillion. He is indeed an extremely difficult opponent...

Qin Feng nodded slightly.

The half-step high-ranking master's combat power is 4000-80000000 trillion

When the combat power reaches 10,000 trillion, it is the power of one capital.

Half-step high-grade combat power can also be converted to 4000-8000 Beijing

The top-grade domination battle strength is 20,000-100,000 Beijing.

"Qin Feng, should we avoid the limelight first?", Zi Xing reminded.

She was also a little worried that Qin Feng was not the opponent of the foggy day master.

"No need! We'll just wait for him to come! At that time, who is not necessarily the unlucky one?"

Qin Feng looked confident.

He knew that this cause and effect could not be avoided.

He performed the Secret Retribution Technique on Son of Heaven twice in a row.

That causal hatred is doubled.

The foggy day ruler will come, he has long expected.

Even if he avoids this time, his hatred will only be higher next time, not lower.

In this case, he might as well solve it on the spot.

Besides, he really wanted to see the finale items at the auction.

After all, the Chaos Star Territory is about to open, and there are not many opportunities for resource exchanges like this.

If he misses it, do not know when to wait?

All he has to do now is to seize the opportunity and improve his strength.

When he reaches the Chaos Star Territory, he may encounter the Star Lord.

With his current strength, facing the star master, he can only be killed instantly, so he must improve his cultivation as soon as possible.

At this time, Zi Xing smiled tenderly: "Qin Feng, if you really defeat the Lord of Foggy Sun, you will become the 73rd in the Tianfu Top 100. At that time, your identity and status will be different, and the Star Lord will definitely focus on training. you!

Qin Feng smiled: "Regardless of those trivial matters, we will continue to auction! After this auction is over, we will go to Tianfu City to register for the selection!"

The two women politely agreed.

He even gave Qin Feng a kiss on the face.

The three of them were intimate and happy.

During this period, Qin Feng directly swallowed the four World Pearls.

His cultivation level has increased to 37% in the middle stage of the Universe God Emperor, and his combat power has increased to 20 million trillion...

Time flies.

In a blink of an eye, two hours passed.

Qin Feng also photographed several rare items, which were of great use to him.

He also photographed a half-step master Yuanwu for Jade Qilin.

After some spending, he only had 160 trillion assets left.

At the end, the finale treasure finally came out.

When the treasure came out, the audience was shocked.

Qin Feng, Zixing, and Jade Qilin all showed ecstasy.

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