Global Powers: I Control All Elements

Chapter 540 Goal Kill the Son of Heaven (Subscribe)

Qin Feng was pleasantly surprised by this inventory.

There are a lot of good things in these more than 1,000 storage rings.

The number of light star tidal stones has exceeded billions, and other resources are even more.

And there is a lotus of primordial spirit in each storage ring.

After all, the players who can survive to that stage are the elites left from the millions of appraisers.

They have all had great gains before.

Especially in the rings of the Great Perfection of God Emperors, there are dozens of lotus of primordial spirits.

An hour later, Qin Feng finished inventorying the storage ring and got more than 3,000 lotus of primordial spirit.

He devoured them all, his cultivation level increased to 21% in the second round, and his combat power increased to 250,000 trillion.

The strength has increased greatly again, and Qin Feng is in a good mood.

Next, he took out his refining experience and began to comprehend...

Time flies…..

In a blink of an eye, the three-day repair time for the outside world ended.

Little Universe has passed nearly half a year.

In the past six months, Qin Feng has achieved a lot.

He thoroughly penetrated all 50 pieces of equipment refining experience, and the equipment refining technique was upgraded to the level of a low-grade star master.

After the refining technique was improved, the three broken golden puppets were also repaired by him.

As a result, Qin Feng has seven complete golden puppets in his hands.

He also handed the Seven Stars Falling God Formation Flag to the seven puppets, and taught them how to form a great formation...

At this moment, on the Middle Pole Star.

Qin Feng glanced at Ziyunling's information prompt, and stepped out of the small universe and reached the Qingyun Barrier.

At this moment, in the hall, all the appraisers were a little excited.

Three days of repairs are finally over.

A new examination is about to begin.

This time, it is related to the assessment of various inheritances.

You must know that the Ziyun Secret Realm is an ancient battlefield.

There were many great powers who fell here in those years, and there were dozens of inheritances, large and small.

The more inheritance 10, the more opportunities they have for assessors.

"What do you think will be the next test? 35

"I don't know! The secret realm hasn't been announced yet!

People are whispering.

Everyone was expecting and nervous.

Qin Feng glanced at the hall through the blue cloud barrier, and summoned the four babies.

"Dad! Hugs!"

As soon as the baby saw Qin Feng, he started to act like a spoiled child.

She hadn't seen her father for almost half a year.


Qin Feng picked up his daughter dotingly.

The little guy is fragrant.

Chu Chu on the side looked envious.

When she was a child, her brother also held her like this.


My brother doesn't want it anymore!

Chu Chu looked at her increasingly slender figure and was really distressed.

Could it be that when you grow up, you can't be as close as you used to be?

If she was like a baby, she would be a four or five year old child.

"Dad, the baby has made great progress in the past six months!" Qin Baobao said with a smug expression.

In the past six months, her cultivation base has broken through to the second round of great perfection, and her combat power has reached 15,000 trillion.

Qin Feng smiled with relief: "Dad saw it!"

Afterwards, he looked at Chu Chu and the others again, with a satisfied smile on his face again.

This time, Chu Chu and several people have made great progress.

Chu Chu has also cultivated to the second round of Great Perfection, and the combat power is also 15,000 trillion.

After all, she is the same as the baby now, both of which are top-ranked to dominate the potential.

The jade unicorn is also a great perfection in the second round, with a combat power of 10,000 trillion.

Bai Qi actually broke through to the early stage of God Emperor in one fell swoop, and his combat power was also 10,000 trillion.

In this way, Qin Feng's four star followers all possessed the power of the Great Perfection of the God Emperor.

"Qin Feng, you seem to have broken through to the second round."

Yu Qilin looked at his man in surprise.

Qin Feng turned to look at her.

The progress of Yu Qilin's cultivation is also obviously faster than that of Chu Chu and the others.

After practicing in this previous life, without the restraint of aptitude, it is faster than the high-grade baby and Chu Chu who dominate the aptitude.

Having said that, with the improvement of the cultivation base, the temperament of the jade unicorn is getting better and better, and the people are getting more and more beautiful, and there is a tendency to surpass the purple star.

Qin Feng had not enjoyed her for half a year.

At this moment, the voice of the secret realm sounded above the hall.

"One minute later, the members of the four major test areas will gather in the central hall! All examiners, get ready!

As soon as the voice fell, the audience was excited.

Qin Feng put down the baby and put away the Xunfengyun world flag.

The figures of the crowd appeared.

"Emperor Qin has come out!

The crowd murmured.

The restless hall immediately quieted down, and Yaque was silent.

All the appraisers looked at Qin Feng in awe and dared not speak.

Unconsciously, Qin Feng became an extremely terrifying existence in the hearts of everyone.

At this moment, the hall trembled slightly.

Transmission begins!

In the next second, a white light flashed across the audience, and everyone disappeared.

After a while of space change, Qin Feng put his feet on the ground.

He turned around and found a huge square.

This should be the central square of the ancient Ziyun City, and it is also the center of the secret realm.

At this moment, white light flashed all around, and one after another examiner appeared.

The contestants from the four major test areas were all sent over.

The players looked around as soon as they appeared.

In a blink of an eye, all the contestants from the four major test areas were sent over.

Qin Feng took a cursory look and found that there were still around 3,000 people left.

There are only a dozen or so people left in the Great Consummation of the God Emperor.

It was at this moment that he felt three strange gazes.

Qin Feng turned his head to look, and saw the great leader of the Demon Domain, the Wutian ancestor, and the bald old man all looking at him with bad looks.

He smiled slightly, not caring at all.

With his current strength, it is already their luck that he does not trouble these people.

If they dare to come to the door, they will find their own way.

Qin Feng was too lazy to pay attention to the three and continued to check the situation on the field.

Soon, he discovered that Emperor Xiaoyao and Emperor Lufa were together.

Qin Feng always felt that the Lufa Heavenly Emperor was unusual.

Meanwhile, in the corner.

Some people in Moyu were muttering constantly.

"Big leader, that boy in white is Emperor Qin?" The second leader asked in a low voice.

"That's right! You must be careful if you meet him in the final assessment. This person's strength is not under this leader!"

This remark shocked everyone in the Demon Domain.

On the other side, the bald old man whispered to Ye Tianzi.

"Xiao Ye, do you see it? That boy in white is Emperor Qin!

"Is he also Emperor Qin?!" Ye Tianzi was shocked.

The name of Emperor Qin has long been known in the secret realm.

He didn't expect it to be a teenager.

This made him very uncomfortable.

He has always felt that he is the favored son of heaven, and there are few people in the world who can compare with him.

You must know that he was born with the destiny of the Lord of the Four Pole Stars.

But now, compared with Qin Huang, he is several grades behind.

This made him very uncomfortable.

I don't know why, but when he saw Qin Huang, he had unwarranted hostility and irritability.

This feeling exacerbated his jealousy.

Seeing the people around him cast awe at Qin Feng, he was even more unhappy.

"Humph! This kid looks young, maybe a lot of age. Some guys are particularly concerned about appearance, this Qin Huang should be this kind of thing! I'm afraid his talent is not as high as mine! 99

Ye Tianzi comforts himself and seeks a sense of superiority.

The bald old man noticed something and was a little surprised.

This night, the emperor has always been prudent and confident, but it is still rare to show jealousy now!

During the course of cultivation, one attaches great importance to the state of mind.

If Ye Tianzi has been in a state of jealousy, it is not conducive to cultivation.

And he is very optimistic about Ye Tianzi and attaches great importance to Ye Tianzi.

Thinking of this, the bald old man pointed out: "Xiao Ye, you don't need to care about Emperor Qin. He seems to be very good at the moment, but he is actually far inferior to you. You have the destiny of the Lord of the Pole Star, and your future achievements are limitless!

"This Emperor Qin has the most high-grade dominance potential, and he can't compare with you! Even if he is lucky, he can become a low-grade star master.

This made Ye Tianzi listen very well.

He also suddenly woke up.

My future is the master of the pole star, how can I be jealous of a small person?

"Senior's point is that this junior has a photo!" Ye Tianzi humbly accepted.

The bald old man nodded in relief, secretly thinking that this child can be taught!

The two really felt that Qin Feng was inferior to Ye Tianzi. …

At the same time, Qin Feng inadvertently glanced over.

When he saw Ye Tianzi, there was a sense of deja vu and an uncomfortable feeling.


Why do you feel this weird feeling?

Is there anything special about this young man in black?

Qin Feng muttered.

Suddenly, golden light flashed from his eyes, and the technique of looking at the air swept across the audience in an instant.

The next second, he looked at Ye Tianzi again in surprise.

No one in the audience has luck, only this young man in black has it.

Moreover, the luck light column of the black-clothed youth is orange with reddishness, which is clearly a superior orange-level luck.

The next step is the inferior red level luck!

This kind of luck is extremely not weak!

Qin Feng became more curious about Ye Tianzi.

The next second, his eyes lit up with silver light, and memory theft was activated.

But when the memory theft was applied to Ye Tianzi, a strange force was blocking his prying eyes.

153 Apparently, someone put a means on Ye Tianzi to prevent others from stealing memories.

But Qin Feng's current soul power is extraordinary.

His soul has broken through the shackles, and the flower of the soul can bloom with thirteen petals.

This makes his soul power stronger than the half-step master.

In the blink of an eye, his memory stealing broke through the obstacles of the secret technique and spied the secrets in Ye Tianzi's mind.

When he saw everything, there was shock in his eyes.

"That's what happened!"

Qin Feng calmly retracted the secret technique, with murderous intent in his eyes.

No wonder he couldn't fully awaken the ancestors' inheritance, and was actually half of the ancestors' luck that was occupied by the Son of Heaven.

Thinking of the master behind Ye Tianzi, Qin Feng felt an inexplicable disgust.

That guy killed Zulong, and even let his disciples and grandchildren go to seek Zulong's luck.


The Ancestral Dragon Inheritance was acquired by himself.

Otherwise, the ancestors of Zulong will die without resting their eyes!

Thinking of this, Qin Feng looked at Ye Tianzi again, and there was excitement mixed with disgust in his heart.

His ancestral dragon inheritance is fully awakened and hopeful.

Tonight the Son of Heaven must die!

Speaking of which, the Lord of Twilight also sent people to occupy the earth.

This night, the Son of Heaven is the son of the Lord of Twilight.

They are inherently hostile!

Qin Feng smiled coldly and looked around again, memory stealing started again.

For a moment, except for the half-step master, no one could stop his prying eyes.

Even the God Emperor Great Perfection powerhouse could not resist.

After a while, Qin Feng's mouth showed a smile.

He discovered quite a few interesting secrets.

The next test will be very exciting.

At this moment, the hall vibrated, the voice of the secret realm sounded again, and the inheritance assessment was about to begin.

PS: Jianghu emergency, the author wants to apply for a recommendation this week, the number of subscribers may be small, please help, can you help!!

Today is the most important, the results will be out tomorrow night!

Thank you guys for your help!!!!

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