Global Powers: I Control All Elements

Chapter 539: The Foundation of God (Subscribe)

After grabbing the Qi of Ruilin, Qin Feng successfully returned to the eastern examination area and entered the Qingyun Barrier.

Inside the barrier, he took stock of the harvest in a comfortable mood.

"Dad, we made a lot of money this time! That big boss must be pissed off!

The baby's excited voice sounded in Qin Feng's mind.

Chu Chu also said happily: "Yes! He lost 210,000 points all of a sudden, can you not be angry!

Yu Qilin reminded: "Qin Feng, this time you have all the benefits! In the final assessment, they must be thinking of revenge, you have to be careful!"

Qin Feng smiled coldly: "Ha! After the next assessment, my strength has already increased greatly, how can I be afraid of them! 95

At this moment, the voice of the secret realm sounded above the hall.

"This resource exchange is over! Now the points are cleared! 39

At this moment, the points of all tokens in the entire secret realm are cleared.

"Three days of repair! After three days, the four major test areas will converge, and the inheritance assessment will begin!

The voice of the secret realm sounded again.

In the hall, people were talking a lot.

"The four test areas are coming together!"

"Yeah! I didn't hear the secret realm say that the inheritance assessment is about to start "One Five Three"!"

"Three days later, the real battle of chance is coming! 99

The crowd is excited.

They are here for inheritance.

"Forget it, let's not talk much! While there are still three days of repairs, I will improve it quickly!

"That's right! In the inheritance assessment three days later, there must be a battle between dragons and tigers. It's not enough if you don't have enough strength."

At the moment, many examiners have begun to repair.

But in the next second, a strange look appeared on everyone's face.

This time the resource exchange is over, but what did they get?

It's like getting nothing!

The same scene also happened in the other three districts.

Those players were a little confused.

It stands to reason that this level is the benefit of the secret realm for them, giving them resources

At worst, they should get a few lotus of Primordial Spirit!

But the reality is that, let alone the Lotus of Primordial Spirit, they didn't even get a Crystal of Primordial Spirit.

And their points are still used up, which is really weird!

These people did not know that almost all the resources were plundered by Qin Feng alone.

But he said on the other side, within the Qingyun Formation.

After Qin Feng heard the announcement of the secret realm, he directly entered his own small universe.

Chu Chu and the others also started their retreats one after another.

At this moment, Zhongji Xingxing is in the palace, practicing secret.

Qin Feng excitedly took stock of the harvest.

After a while, four drops of unicorn holy blood and seven white crystals appeared in front of him.

He has already reached the first round of Great Consummation, and it is time to break through to the second round.

Jade unicorn once mentioned to him that refining the holy blood of the unicorn would help to break through the second-round realm.

So far, only five drops of Kirin holy blood have been released from the secret realm.

Except for the drop of the big leader of the Demon Domain, the other four drops were all obtained by Qin Feng.

Immediately, Qin Feng opened his mouth to inhale and swallowed four drops of the holy unicorn blood...

In the next second, his whole body was shaken, and his body roared continuously...


A soft sound!

A bottleneck is easily broken.

Qin Feng's whole body is soaring, and his body is absorbing the energy around him crazily...

He quickly opened his mouth and took a breath, swallowing all seven white crystals...


In the next second, his aura skyrocketed several times...

"Ding! Successfully swallowing the holy blood of the unicorn.... Awakening the power of the unicorn, the combat power has been greatly improved...

"Ding! The flesh absorbs the holy blood of the unicorn, and is greatly strengthened. The next time the flower of the other shore blooms by 21% (thirteen petals)... The combat power is greatly improved....

"Ding! Successful swallowing of the white crystal... Congratulations to the host for breaking through to the early stage of the second round (the emperor of the universe), and the combat power has increased to 200,000 trillion (not the strongest state)

"Ding! Congratulations on the blooming of the host's soul flower, which has opened twelve petals... The combat power has increased to 210,000 trillion..."

In the next second, the golden flower of the other side first appeared above Qin Feng's head, with twelve petals blooming.

Immediately afterwards, a jade-colored soul flower bud appeared in the sky above his head.

After a while, all the visions disappeared.

"Finally broke through!"

Qin Feng opened his eyes with joy.

He is now a second-rounder, with a combat power of 210,000 trillion, but his strongest state can exceed 300,000 trillion.

In the next assessment, when he encounters Wutian's ancestor again, he has the confidence to kill him.

"Ancestor Wutian's star battle armor is good! If I get it, my strength will be greatly increased! 35

Qin Feng smiled slightly.

He wanted all the twelve starry sky armors of the starry sky orcs.

When he gathers the twelve golden figures, and then puts the golden figures on the starry sky armor, plus the big roulette wheel of heaven and earth, he can get a more powerful Panzu puppet.

That is a star master combat power!

Afterwards, Qin Feng waved his hand, and there was another bottle of divine water in front of him, which was the true spirit holy water.

This true spirit holy water must be taken by a god emperor or below in order to be effective.

He is now at the second-round realm cultivation base, which is just right for him.

In the next second, he drank the bottle of True Spirit Holy Water.

"Ding! Devouring the holy water of the true spirit successfully.... The soul has been purified, the strength of the soul has broken through the shackles, and the next bloom of the flower of the soul is 27% (thirteen petals)

"Ding! The strength of the soul has been greatly increased.... The combat power has been increased to 220,000 trillion..."

Qin Feng was ecstatic.

His soul has also broken through the shackles.

That is to say, if he gets some more true spirit holy water and purifies his soul repeatedly, he can bloom thirteen petals.

In a word, Qin Feng's flower of the other side and the flower of soul are destined to bloom with thirteen petals.

This is unheard of in the universe.

Even those high-grade star masters, when they were young, they all bloomed twelve petals, and none of them could achieve thirteen petals.

Once the three flowers gather and want to re-modify, even the star master can't do it.

Unless, the star master is reincarnated and rebuilt!

But the star master is immortal, who wants to be reincarnated.0

In case, after reincarnation, the enemy of the previous life is staring at it, then it will be completely eliminated.

To put it simply, Qin Feng is the only person in the universe who can open thirteen petals of the flower of the other side and the flower of the soul.

Next, he took out the Qi of Ruilin again.

When the aura appeared, the house was full of rays of light, and Ruiguang was in the body, which made people feel very comfortable.

He opened his mouth to take a breath and swallowed it.

"Ding! Successfully swallowing the Qi of Rui Lin... Congrats on the improvement of the host's luck, reaching the medium red level... The combat power has increased to 240,000 trillion..."

"Ding! Hidden conditions are activated... Reward the host's hope of Qi..."

Immediately, a cool breath rushed into his mind, and a secret technique appeared in Qin Feng's mind.

The technique of looking for breath: You can watch other people's luck.

There are three levels of luck.

They are green, orange, and red.

Generally, the low-grade star masters are blue-level, the middle-grade star masters are orange-grade, and the high-grade star masters are red-grade luck.

Each level of luck is divided into upper, middle and lower levels.

Qin Feng was shocked that his luck had reached the high-grade star master level, and it was still a medium red-level luck.

There are very few high-grade star masters, and there should be fewer people who can have medium red-grade luck.

As for the high-level red-level luck, I'm afraid there are not many, right?

Qin Feng couldn't help but guess, and his heart was naturally dark.

He looked up, his eyes glowing with golden light.

The spell of hope is activated!

I saw a red beam of light rising into the sky above my head, one after another, extremely magnificent!

That is his lucky beam of light.

He turned his head to look around again, his eyes penetrated the palace, and swept over Chu Chu, Bao Bao, Yu Qilin, and Bai Qi.

None of these four have any luck protection!


Luck is very human!

Even if these four people are masters of potential, they are not protected by heaven and earth.

And not only does he have Qi Luck to protect his body, he also has a moderate 4.7 red-level Qi Luck, which is really against the sky!

Qin Feng didn't know that in the entire universe, there were very few people with medium red luck.

As for those with high-grade red-level luck, none of them.

But at this moment, Qin Feng's mind sounded a prompt from the system.

"Ding! Remind the host that on top of the high-grade red-level luck, there is also the purple-level luck.... The purple-level luck is the foundation of becoming a god!"

Qin Feng was shocked.

Knew it!

Above the Star Lord is the true God!

If he wants to become a god-level elementalist, he also needs to improve his luck.

Thinking of this, he waved his hand, and more than a thousand storage rings appeared in front of him.

This is his trophy this time.

Before, he had no time to take inventory, and now he can take a good look at it.

Maybe there are surprises found in these storage rings.

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