Global Lord: One more god-level talent every month

Chapter 8 Mysterious Treasure Chest

Under a big tree that only a few people could hug, a brown bear at least three meters tall was sitting under the tree and sleeping against the trunk.

After seeing the other person clearly, the information came into view.

【Violent Brown Bear】

[Strength: Elite 5 stars]

[Skills: Furious (Elite 5 stars), Powerful Slap (Elite 4 stars), Furious Bite (Elite 4 stars)]

This information panel is quite intimidating.

Fang Xiao asked Bai Qing quietly: Bai Qing, do you think we can win it?

Bai Qing pondered for a moment, then nodded: Lord, it is resting. This is a rare opportunity. The two of us will shoot arrows for a sneak attack first. If it is poisoned, its condition will decline, and it will be much easier to deal with later.

Okay. Fang Xiao nodded.

Then he drew out the arrow, loaded it on the bow with Bai Qing, and used the poisonous scorpion arrow skill.

Soon, along with two sounds of breaking through the air, two arrows carrying scorpion poison shot out of the air, one pierced the side of the brown bear's neck, and the other pierced the side of the brown bear's waist.

The brown bear's fur is very defensive, and the arrow only breaks through its fur, but does not penetrate much at all.

But this is enough, because the damage of the arrow is not important, what is important is the scorpion venom carried on it.


The violent brown bear opened its eyes suddenly and let out an angry roar.

Apparently, it was sleeping, but two arrows were shot at it in vain, causing its anger to surge to the extreme.

Its eyes began to turn red, its muscles suddenly bulged, and its already large body looked even bigger.

Its blood-red eyes began to scan the surroundings, and soon discovered Fang Xiao and the others.

Roar! The violent brown bear roared again and rushed towards Fang Xiao and the others.

However, Fang Xiao found that when it rushed over, its movements were slightly stiff.

Apparently, the scorpion poison was working.

Kill! Xu Zhui roared excitedly at this time, raised his sword and charged towards the violent brown bear.

Be careful. Fang Xiao quickly warned.

Xu Zhui's characteristics were quite powerful. The power of his skills doubled in battle. He didn't want Xu Zhui to make any mistakes.

However, although Xu Chui was a fighting maniac, he was not stupid, and he did not confront the violent brown bear head-on.

When the violent brown bear slapped him down, Xu Zhui took advantage of the stiffness and delay in the opponent's movements to directly twist and dodge.

The violent brown bear slapped the ground hard, causing mud to fly everywhere.

One can imagine the power of this huge slap.

At this time, Xu Zhui, who came to the side of the violent brown bear, slashed hard at the side of the violent brown bear with the sword in his hand.

The fur on the side of the raging brown bear was split open, but before it penetrated much, the raging brown bear suddenly turned its head and bit Xu Zhui at his side.

Whoosh. An arrow hit the left eye socket of the furious brown bear just right, causing its biting movement to be delayed a bit.

Xu Chui dodged and then slashed the violent brown bear's left leg with his sword, leaving a blood mark on the opponent's left leg.

Roar! The violent brown bear shouted angrily, raised two bear paws, and slapped Xu Chui fiercely.

However, its left eye was injured now, and its poisoned state was getting deeper and deeper. Its movements were stiffer than before, and Xu Zhui easily dodged it.

At this time, Takeo had already taken the opportunity to come behind the violent brown bear. The sword in his hand made a sharp arc and slashed hard on the side of the violent brown bear's neck.

This sword directly left a deep wound on the side of the violent brown bear's neck, and blood immediately spattered wildly.

The violent brown bear slapped his back hard, but Takeo, who had expected it, easily stepped back and dodged it.

At this time, one of Bai Qing's arrows flew out again, hitting the violent brown bear's remaining right eye.

In an instant, the furious brown bear turned into a blind bear.

It kept waving its palm wildly on the spot, splashing dirt on the surrounding ground, and a large number of shrubs and plants were ravaged into disarray.

Xu Chui saw the opportunity and took advantage of the gap between the opponent's slaps to slash the side of its neck with another sword.

The position of the slash happened to be the wound left by Takeo before.

Suddenly, the wound was enlarged several times.

Xu Zhui quickly distanced himself and looked at the violent brown bear excitedly.

The violent brown bear's subsequent movements became smaller and smaller, becoming weaker and weaker.

Finally, it fell to the ground, dying.

Xu Chui approached again, but the moment he approached, he stopped in vain, and then rolled to one side.

And a bear's paw happened to sweep across from where he was just now.

The violent brown bear that struck the last fatal blow completely bottomed out and lost its breath.

Next to it, a scroll, a token with a faint luster, and an ancient treasure box exploded.

Fang Xiao's eyes lit up and he quickly walked over.

Only the information from the three people came into his eyes.

[Thick earth armor design scroll (elite level 5 stars)]

[Introduction: Give it to the blacksmith, who will learn how to make thick earth armor. 】

[1-star job transfer order (violent bear soldier): can transform a target into an elite profession, violent bear soldier]

[Career upper limit: Elite five-star]

【Mysterious Treasure Box】

[Introduction: A treasure chest full of mysterious power, it seems possible to unlock all kinds of things. 】

Looking at these three things, Fang Xiao couldn't help but take a breath.

They are all top quality.

Needless to say, thick earth armor, elite five-star armor and equipment, must have very strong defense.

The professional limit of the violent bear soldier is elite five-star existence, which is very strong.

As for this mysterious treasure chest, just judging from its introduction, it is something quite extraordinary.

Fang Xiao held this simple treasure box and immediately chose to use it.

Soon, the system’s prompt sounded: ‘Are you sure to use the [Mysterious Treasure Box]? ’

Fang Xiao confirmed immediately.

When you open the treasure chest, you can't wait for a moment, you have to see what good things can be found.

‘You have obtained [Lazuli (rare metal) × 100]’

This system prompt made Fang Xiao move his eyebrows slightly.

Then he checked the lord's warehouse and found that there was an extra pile of bluish metal.

I don’t know if the thing I drove is good?

After thinking for a while, he checked at the trading bank.

[Lazuli (Creating Material Type)]

Listed for sale:

Lazuli × 2: 2 gold coins (unit price 1 gold coin)

Lazuli × 1: 3 gold coins.

Is this thing so expensive?

I just don’t know where these people’s lapis came from? Did you open the mysterious treasure box like yourself?


At this time, Fang Xiao remembered his lord talent in vain.

[Mineral Blessing (Elite Level): When mining minerals in your territory, the probability of rare metals appearing is increased by 5 times. 】

Are there still people who were dug out by mining?

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