You can search for items in the trading house, and soon, Fang Xiao found this blueprint.

I saw that there were only 12 ‘1-star village-level lord’s mansion blueprints’ listed for sale in the trading house at this time.

The highest one has 10,000 gold coins, and the lowest one has 5,000 gold coins.

Fang Xiao frowned slightly. Both the Red-striped Poison Scorpion and the Emerald Nettle Python dropped a '1-star village-level lord's mansion blueprint' for him. Although he has a hundred times the explosion rate, the explosion rate of this thing itself should be also Not outrageously low.

With so many people around the world, the shipments should be considerable.

And it only costs 1,000 gold coins to upgrade from a 1-star village to a 2-star village.

To be honest, the price these people listed for sale was a bit beyond his expectation.

At this time, another one was listed for sale in Fu Ran Drawing, and this person listed it for 1,000 gold coins.

And only one second passed. In an instant, the drawing for sale disappeared.

Fang Xiao couldn't help but frown. It seemed that there should be far more than 12 '1-star village-level lord's mansion drawings' on the market. However, the prices for these 12 were too outrageous, so they have been delayed in selling them.

Fang Xiao is not too surprised that someone can get 1,000 gold coins now. After all, there are so many people in the world, and some people are very European. Selling some rare things or various resources, the money can be made quickly.

It is worth mentioning that in the trading bank, these three currencies, gold coins, silver coins, and copper coins, can be exchanged systematically at the trading bank at any time. 1 gold coin = 100 silver coins, 1 silver coin = 100 copper coins, and there is no handling fee.

Whether the resources sold are copper coins or silver coins, they can be directly exchanged for gold coins.

While he was thinking about it, another '1-star village-level lord's mansion drawing' was hung up, also worth 1,000 gold coins.

After waiting for a few more seconds, he was dropped again.

It seems that everyone already has a psychological price point for the price of this drawing.

The current psychological price should be 1,000 gold coins. Beyond this price, no one will buy it.

Moreover, it has not been too long since it has just started in the early stage. In the future, this thing will definitely depreciate in value, so there is no need to think too much about it.

Therefore, without any further hesitation, Fang Xiao directly put up his extra '1-star village-level lord's mansion drawing' for 1,000 gold coins.

After waiting for about ten seconds, the drawing he put up for sale was sold.

Compared with the previous drawings listed for sale, the waiting time is a bit long. It may be that the demand from wealthy players is almost full.

Fang Xiao checked the lord's warehouse and found that there were already a thousand shining gold coins in it.

This unusual lord game has no handling fees, and you get what you trade.

Taking a deep breath, Fang Xiao searched again for 'peach core infected by mysterious power', but did not find it for sale.

I don’t know if no one has revealed this thing, or if I discovered it and kept it for my own use, or if it was sold out as soon as it was put up for sale.

However, Fang Xiao didn't want to sell it. It was definitely best to keep this thing for himself. He just wanted to take a look at the market price of this thing. Since he didn't find it, forget it.

At this time, Fang Xiao thought in vain of the green nettle python he had just killed.

So he thought for a moment and searched for the green nettle python in the trading house.

Soon, relevant items were found.

Nettle python meat (food type).

【For sale list】

Green Nettle Python Meat × 100: 20 silver coins (unit price: 20 copper coins).

Green Nettle Python Meat X21: 2 silver coins and 10 copper coins (unit price is 10 copper coins).

Green Nettle Python Meat × 58: 5 silver coins, 80 copper coins (unit price: 10 copper coins).

In terms of food, the display on the trading line and the lord panel are different.

On the lord panel, as long as it is something that can be eaten normally, every kilogram is counted as food × 1, whether it is unpalatable black bread or delicious barbecue, it is the same.

But in the trading house, the classification is very detailed. Brown bread is brown bread, and barbecue is barbecue. The type will be noted later.

Nettle python gallbladder (medicinal material type).

【For sale list】

Green Nettle Python Gallbladder X1: 1 gold coin.

Green Nettle Python Gallbladder X1: 2 gold coins.

It is worth mentioning that not everything can be listed for sale on the trading bank. Only things that the system determines to be valuable can be listed for sale.

This point is clearly marked on the trading house's notes.

When he killed the red-striped poisonous scorpion before, Fang Xiao conveniently put its body into the lord's warehouse.

After that, I didn’t search in the trading bank for the time being because I was always busy.

Now he immediately searched for it.

Red-striped poisonous scorpion tail (medicinal material type).

【For sale list】

Red-striped poisonous scorpion tail x 1:1 gold coin.

Red-striped poisonous scorpion tail x 2: 6 gold coins (unit price 3 gold coins).

Fang Xiao tried it to see if he could put the body of the red-striped poisonous scorpion up for sale, and immediately received a system prompt:

‘The carcass of the red-striped poisonous scorpion (without the scorpion tail) has no value and cannot be listed for sale at the trading house. ’

Seeing this, Fang Xiao thought for a moment and did not put the Scorpion Tail up for sale.

Since this thing is a medicinal material, it means it is made for medicine.

Maybe no players are in demand right now, so it can’t be sold.

And the price is not high, so why not put it up for sale and keep it for yourself?

But the Green Nettle Python needs to be dealt with.

Close the trading line.

Fang Xiao looked at the half-meter-thick green nettle python on the ground, and then put it into his lord's warehouse.

Immediately afterwards, he tried to put the carcass of the green nettle python directly for sale.

Soon, the system prompts: 'It has been determined that the body of the green nettle python contains scorpion poison (collection type), the python meat containing scorpion poison x190 (elite four-star poison type) can be collected, the green nettle python gall x1 (medicine material type), is it listed for sale? Please set the listing price. ’

Fang Xiao couldn't help but frown. Good guy, it's okay to turn a good food type into a poison type.

Didn't you expect this scorpion poison arrow to be so awesome? The scorpion venom actually spread into the entire flesh of the emerald nettle python, leaving only the snake gallbladder unaffected?

I just don’t know if anyone will buy this thing? Buy it and poison it? Well, there are still uses.

He did not see anyone directly listing the carcass of the Green Nettle Python in the trading house. It should be the players who put it on the shelves, leaving part of the meat for their own territory and not wanting to sell it all.

Soon, Fang Xiao confirmed the sale and set the price at 10 gold coins.

After all, they are all elite four-star poison types, so there is no problem in selling them more expensively, right?

If you really can't sell it, consider lowering the price.

Soon, Fang Xiao recovered his thoughts and turned to look at Bai Qing aside: Bai Qing, let's continue.

Bai Qing nodded lightly, then took the lead and walked forward.

He has the characteristics of an eagle eye and has super powers of observation that no one else can match. Therefore, it is the best choice for him to explore the path in front.

The four people continued to move forward and walked about a hundred meters into the forest, when Bai Qing made a discovery.

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