After getting rid of the soldiers next to the Frost Crossbow, Fang Xiao immediately ordered Takeo and others behind him: Keep this crossbow for me and don't let the people from Qinghui Village get close. I'll kill them first. The leader of the village.

As soon as he finished speaking, Fang Xiao controlled the golden bear, turned around, and headed towards Zhao Wuyang.

Arrogant! Hearing Fang Xiao's voice, Zhao Wuyang, who had missed a blow, was filled with anger and couldn't help roaring.

Whoosh. An arrow with a faint moonlight shot from the side and flew towards Zhao Wuyang's neck.

But before it hit, Zhao Wuyang swung his long ax casually, and the silver ax shadow behind him moved with it, blocking the arrow directly.

Zhao Wuyang glanced at Bai Qing, who was sneaking up on him from a distance, and quickly looked away again, because Fang Xiao was already approaching, and he had no time to deal with Bai Qing.

At this time, Qinghui Village was completely at a disadvantage, because apart from Zhao Wuyang, there were only eight rare-level strength beings.

As for Fang Xiao, all of them are at the lowest level of rare strength.

When Fang Xiao was riding a golden bear and was about to approach Zhao Wuyang, he directly activated the skill [Shocking Slash].

The moment Fang Xiao swung his sword, the golden bear's speed increased sharply again, and in an instant, it flashed past Zhao Wuyang.

Zhao Wuyang's long ax and the shadow of the ax behind him both hit the open space, leaving a gap again and erupting with a huge roar.

Moreover, the damage caused this time was much greater than the previous one. Obviously, if nothing unexpected happened, the silver ax was used.

At this time, a large amount of flesh and blood was cut off Zhao Wuyang's left arm, and the blood dyed his armor red. At the same time, the stiffness and paralysis effect of the Thunder Blade was triggered, making his body stiffen slightly.

At this time, Fang Xiao had already controlled the golden bear and turned around sharply to come back.

Immediately afterwards, the bear rider's charge skill and the wood spirit's blessing skill were activated together.

The thunder knife in Fang Xiao's hand flashed with lightning and penetrated directly through the back of Zhao Wuyang's neck. During the charge, he rushed out with Zhao Wuyang for a long time before Zhao Wuyang fell to the ground.

After Zhao Wuyang fell to the ground, there was no sound, and a pile of loot exploded on the ground.

The silver ax in his hand flew aside and lay alone on the ground.

Fang Xiao directly raised the thunder knife in his hand and shouted: Your village leader has been killed by me, and I won't kill anyone who surrenders!

Fang Xiao's words immediately attracted the attention of everyone present.

Everyone who was fighting immediately turned their eyes subconsciously.

When they saw Zhao Wuyang's body on the ground, they couldn't help but be stunned for a moment.

At the same time, the system's prompt tone also rang: 'Your lord's characteristic [deterrence] has taken effect, and Qinghui Village is willing to surrender. Do you want to accept it? ’

After hearing the system prompt, Fang Xiao immediately agreed to submit to Qinghui Village.

Then he rolled down from the golden bear and glanced at the people in Qinghui Village who had put down their weapons. Then, his eyes moved to the Frost Crossbow on the side again.

At this time, he unexpectedly discovered that the Frost Ballista, which could only see one piece of information just now, could now see more detailed information.

【Frost Ballista】

[Level: Epic 3-star]

[Introduction: The work of mechanical master Mo Yun, every time the Frost Ballista attacks, it can exert the power equivalent to the full-out normal attack of a person with epic 3-star strength, and it also has an additional frost effect. 】

After seeing the detailed information of this frost ballista, Fang Xiao couldn't help but squint his eyes.

He didn't expect that this was made by the mechanic profession.

We really cannot underestimate these special professions.

Although the attack of the ballista can only exert the effect equivalent to the ordinary attack of a person of the same strength, and there is no way to obtain skill bonus, but for the existence of rare level strength, it is also extremely terrifying.

Especially this thing, since it was made by a mechanical engineer, it means that it is likely to be mass-produced.

If there are hundreds of them and they are released together, the scene will make people's scalp numb just thinking about it.

Of course, since there is only one in Qinghui Village, it is estimated that even if it can be mass-produced, the production requirements will be quite high.

However, since he can now see all the information about the Frost Ballista, it probably means that Mo Yun, the mechanic who made it, has surrendered to him along with the entire Qinghui Village.

After that, you can find Mo Yun and ask him about the specific details.

Fang Xiao is quite wealthy now and is not short of money. If the production materials he needs are relatively precious, he can still afford them.

After shifting his gaze from the Frost Ballista, Fang Xiao then looked at the loot that Zhao Wuyang revealed.

Then he walked over with steps.

Zhao Wuyang exploded a total of 5 items.

A golden token, needless to say, a hero token, a genuine good thing.

In addition, there is a black token.

Fang Xiao immediately checked the relevant details.

[1-star job transfer order (Silver Ax Guard): It can change a target's job to become an epic profession, Silver Ax Guard. 】

[Professional upper limit: Epic level one star]

This made Fang Xiao couldn't help but raise his eyebrows slightly.

I don’t know if the boss of these NPC forces will definitely reveal his occupation after killing him.

It seems to have happened several times before.

Fang Xiao won't be able to use this thing for the time being, because he now has an epic-level profession with knife weapons, and the Thunder Knife is of a very high grade, and it is definitely impossible to replace it.

As for replacing the shield with an axe, Fang Xiao thought about it and gave up. The shield's protection was quite high.

With the Thunder Sword and the Shocking Sword Guard, he already has high mobility and high destructive power, which is not lacking.

Shields and shield-type professions can just make up for the protection aspect.

As for who to use the Silver Ax Guard, Fang Xiao thought for a moment and decided to use it to Xu Chui.

Takeo's current three professions are Moyun Tiger Guard, Ice Ling Butterfly Guard, and Brutal Axeman.

Xu Chui's three professions are Liufeng Swordsman, Ice Butterfly Guard, and Brutal Axeman.

Now he arranged for Takeo to hold the Ling Yue long ax in one hand and the epic defensive shield in the other.

Coupled with Takeo's high mobility, he is actually not a character suitable for frontal assault, but a position suitable for side support.

As for Xu Chui, holding a sword in one hand and an ax in the other actually limits his performance a bit.

In this case, it would be better to replace Liufeng Swordsman with an axe-type profession. Coupled with his high burst and high recovery characteristics, he can maximize his potential and act as a frontal charger.

In addition to this job transfer order, the third item is a blueprint.

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