Fang Xiao stared at Zhao Wuyang on the wall of the village and smiled softly: Haha, plundering? Your Qinghui Village is the one who plundered, right?

I just saved the poor people in Zhuxiao Village and gave them a better life.

As the leader of Qinghui Village, do you dare to come out and fight me?

With the opponent's epic one-star strength, Fang Xiao believed that with his two epic professions and the high mobility brought by the golden bear mount, he could easily crush the opponent.

It would be best if the other party agrees to a duel.

If the other party does not agree to a one-on-one challenge, then Fang Xiao will have no choice but to take all of his men who are ambushing him over there in the woods.

Then they stormed the stronghold together.

It might be a little troublesome then.

Hearing Fang Xiao's words, Zhao Wuyang on the wall couldn't help but snorted coldly, and then said aloud: Do you think I'm stupid? You have the advantage of a mount. If I go down and challenge you in a duel, wouldn't I be asking for trouble? ?”

You're talking arrogantly over there, why don't you come and try to storm the stronghold?

After hearing what the other party said, Fang Xiao couldn't help but narrowed his eyes slightly: Okay, since you are as timid as a mouse, then wait for me to lead people, break through the stronghold, and take your head.

After the words fell, Fang Xiao stopped chatting with the other party here and rode the golden bear directly towards the woods.

With the opponent's appearance, it was obviously impossible to come out of the village to challenge him, so there was no need to waste time anymore.

After arriving at the woods, Fang Xiao immediately greeted Wu Xiong and the others: Everyone, follow me and join us in capturing Qinghui Village!

Yes! Lord Lord. Zhu Wen was the first to speak, and he was very excited.

When Qinghui Village captured Zhuxiao Village, they had no choice but to use the secret passages arranged in advance to escape in embarrassment.

Now, one day he was able to attack in an upright manner, Zhu Wen was naturally excited, and he felt more and more that he was following the right person.

Fang Xiao led his men all the way back to the gate of Qinghui Village, and then looked at Zhao Wuyang who was still standing on the wall of the village: Shut up, are you ready to die?

Of course, if you understand the current situation and are willing to take Qinghui Village and surrender to me now, I can consider saving your life and serving me.

For this guy to be the leader of Qinghui Village, there is no doubt that he must have special characteristics.

If it could be recovered, Fang Xiao would still be very excited.

Considering that his lord talent has a deterrent effect, Fang Xiao plans to give it a try.

The next moment, Zhao Wuyang, who was standing on the wall of the village, yelled: Who are you? You want me to surrender the village? If you dare to attack Qinghui Village, you will definitely die without a burial place this time!

Looking at the other party's attitude, Fang Xiao couldn't help but squint his eyes.

It seems that the boss of this NPC force should be impossible or extremely difficult to conquer.

Then there is nothing more to say.

Everyone, attack! Fang Xiao raised the thunder knife in his hand, and the electric light flashed on it, which was particularly scary.

The Tuyue shield guards raised their shields one after another, and then followed Fang Xiao and rushed towards the gate of Qinghui Village.

The gate of Qinghui Village was just like the wall, but made of wood, so Fang Xiao planned to break down the door violently.

As for the archers on the wall, they were all elite-level. For Fang Xiao, who had the lowest rare-level strength among all members, their threat was pitifully low.

Follow me down and prepare to meet the enemy. Seeing that the archers' arrows were basically ineffective, Zhao Wuyang waved his palms on the wall, and then took the lead to walk towards the bottom of the wall.

Soon, Fang Xiao rode a golden bear and took the lead to the village gate. Then he waved the thunder knife in his hand and slashed at the village gate with one blow.

Suddenly, a long and narrow crack was left on the village gate.

The golden bear also raised its paw and slapped the village gate hard, causing the gate to tremble slightly.

Break it! Xu Chui rushed to the village gate, raised the ax in his right hand and smashed it, immediately making a hole in the village gate.

Zhu Wen and Takeo followed closely behind, and the other Tu Yue shield guards also raised their shields to collide.

Soon, the village gate was no longer able to stop it, and was directly broken open by everyone. Fang Xiao rode a golden-haired bear and took the lead, rushing inside.

Let go! The moment Fang Xiao rushed in, he heard Zhao Wuyang's roar.

Whoosh. A huge sound broke through the air, and Fang Xiao saw a terrifying arrow that was as long as a person, as thick as an arm, and covered in frost, shooting towards him.

Without any hesitation, Fang Xiao directly activated the skill [Wood Spirit Guard].

The next moment, a translucent shadow of a big tree appeared above Fang Xiao.

The Wood Spirit Guard has 500% of the strength of its strongest equipment, and Fang Xiao's current strongest equipment is the epic 4-star Thunder Knife.

It goes without saying what level it is.

The terrifying frost arrows quickly hit the shadow of the big tree hard, and the shadow of the big tree suddenly trembled violently, but that was all.

The frost arrows fell to the ground, no longer posing any threat.

Fang Xiao glanced around and saw a five-meter-long, dark-looking thing with two wheels in front of him.

After seeing the whole thing clearly, the information panel suddenly appeared in front of Fang Xiao.

【Frost Ballista】

What made Fang Xiao frown was that he could only see this piece of information.

At this time, there were two soldiers holding an arrow as long as a person and as thick as an arm, ready to stuff it inside.

There is no difference from the arrow that just attacked Fang Xiao. The only difference is that it is not covered by frost.

Fang Xiao didn't know what the Frost Ballista was, but its attack was quite powerful and it must be controlled or destroyed as soon as possible.

Just because it can't hurt itself doesn't mean it can't hurt its subordinates either.

Fang Xiao immediately activated the Shocking Sword Dance skill.

The next moment, the golden bear he was sitting on suddenly increased in speed and rushed over there.

Go through me first! Zhao Wuyang saw Fang Xiao's thoughts immediately. He roared, and then a silver giant ax appeared behind him.

Immediately afterwards, Zhao Wuyang violently swung the long ax in his hand, and the shadow of the giant ax behind him also followed his slashing and slashed towards Fang Xiao.

However, Fang Xiao's speed was so fast that the giant axe's shadow had no time to hit Fang Xiao and was rushed over by Fang Xiao.

Boom! The next moment, the shadow of the giant ax slashed hard on the ground, leaving a huge gap on the ground.

At this time, Fang Xiao had already rushed to the side of the Frost Crossbow, and then raised his knife and dropped it. All the soldiers of Qinghui Village next to him were all beheaded by Fang Xiao easily.

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