Sensing the danger, the Black Cloud Tiger turned around violently, and its long tail behind it was thrown out like an iron whip, instantly colliding with Fang Xiao's long axe.

The next moment, Mo Yunhu flew out directly and hit the ground hard, making a hole in the ground.

And its tail was almost chopped off by a long axe.

The moment it fell to the ground, Fang Xiao had already rushed forward again.

He hit Mo Yunhu hard on the head with his shield, who was trying to get up, and then swept out the long ax in his hand again.

Mo Yunhu's body flew out again and hit a big tree nearby, causing leaves to scatter.

And on its belly, there was a huge wound, which was made by Fang Xiao.

Before it could get up again, Fang Xiao quickly approached and slashed hard at its neck with the long ax in his hand.

After hitting more than a dozen axes in a row, Fang Xiao finally stopped his movements until something exploded from the Mo Yunhu.

He checked the items exploded by the other party.

A mysterious treasure chest and a black token.

Well, this god-level talent is indeed powerful.

He first picked up the black token and checked it.

[1-star job transfer order (Mo Yun Tiger Guard): Can transform a target into a rare profession, Mo Yun Tiger Guard]

[Professional upper limit: Rare level 3 stars]

nice one.

Among Fang Xiao's current five sub-professions, one is an elite-level profession, which is just in time to be replaced.

So he immediately used this 1-star Mo Yun Tiger Guard's job transfer order.

Soon, along with the system prompts, a career change halo appeared on the ground.

Fang Xiao immediately walked in and replaced his only elite profession, the violent bear soldier.

Soon, the battle scenes of Mo Yun Tiger Guard flooded into his mind, and the mysterious power filled his limbs and bones, making him feel much stronger.

After the job transfer was completed, Fang Xiao immediately couldn't wait to take a look at the skills of the newly transferred Mo Yun Tiger Guard.

Like other professions, they all come with two skills.

[The power of Mo Yunhu (rare level 3 stars): Within five minutes, each attack will add 250% destructive power. Cooldown: 1 hour. 】

[Moyun Tiger Strike (rare level 3 stars): Add 250% destructive power to your next strike, cooldown: 10 minutes. 】

In terms of skills, I can only say that they are mid-range, but when combined with the skills of other professions, they are not bad.

Fang Xiao then turned his attention to the mysterious treasure box.

He had some expectations in his heart, not knowing what this thing could produce this time.

Taking a deep breath, he opened the mysterious treasure box at the system prompt with some trepidation.

I have to say that every time you open the mysterious treasure box, you feel like you are drawing a lottery.

Well, no thank you for your patronage.

‘You have obtained the [One-Star Yuehua Archer Job Transfer Order]. ’

Fang Xiao couldn't help but frown, and quickly took out the extra job transfer order from the lord's warehouse, and then checked it.

[One-star job transfer order (Yuehua Archer): It can transfer a target to a rare profession, Yuehua Archer. 】

[Professional upper limit: Rare level 5 stars. 】

After seeing the job transfer order clearly, Fang Xiao couldn't help but be stunned.

Are you very lucky? A second rare 5-star job transfer order was issued?

To be honest, if Bai Qing wasn't loyal to him and the name of this profession fit Bai Qing very well, he would have wanted to use it himself.

He took a deep breath, and then looked at Bai Qing aside: Bai Qing, come here, I just got a job transfer order suitable for you, you come and transfer.

After the words fell, Fang Xiao directly used the Yuehua Archer job transfer order in his hand.

Soon, a halo appeared on the ground, and Fang Xiao immediately asked Bai Qing to walk in.

After the job transfer was successful, Fang Xiao couldn't wait to look at Bai Qing's information panel.

[Name: Bai Qing. 】

[Occupation: Moonlight Archer (Rare Level)]

[Professional upper limit: Rare level 5 stars]

[Feature: Eagle Eye (When using long-range weapons, the base hit rate increases by 50%]

[Strength: Rare level 1 star]

【Loyalty: 100】

【Happiness: 96】

[Skills: Moonlight Blessing (rare level 5 stars), Moonlight Arrow (rare level 5 stars)]

[Moonlight Blessing (rare level 5 stars): When there is moonlight, the Moonlight Shooter will be blessed by the Moonlight. Each shot will add 300% destructive power. Cooldown: None. 】

[Moonlight Arrow (rare level 5 stars): The power of the moonlight in the body is concentrated on the arrow, adding 300% destructive power to the arrow shot this time. Cooling: 10 minutes. 】

[Introduction: A natural marksman, a person blessed by the moonlight. 】

After Fang Xiao saw clearly the skills of this profession, he couldn't help but take a breath.

How to put it this way, the combat effectiveness of this profession fluctuates greatly during the day and night.

Of course, the premise is that there must be a moon in the dark night.

As long as there is a moon, this moonlight blessing skill is equivalent to a super buff that always exists. Every shot is equivalent to using a moonlight arrow, which is quite powerful.

It seems that if I encounter any difficult enemies in the future, I can consider taking Bai Qing to find them on a moonlit night.

Thank you Lord for the gift! Bai Qing saluted Fang Xiao with great excitement,

Fang Xiao smiled softly, and then nodded: What you did for me, I will see in my eyes. Naturally, I won't treat you badly. Let's go, let's move on.

As soon as he finished speaking, Fang Xiao took Mo Yunhu's body to the lord's warehouse, then put it up for sale at the trading house, and then set off.

After walking for a while, a black bear with jet-black hair came into view.

【Black Bear】

[Strength: Rare level 1 star]

[Skills: Slapping (1 star rare level), Bite (1 star rare level)]

Rare level 1 star. The strength is a bit low.

Fang Xiao's skills can tame up to 4-star rare bears to serve as mounts.

The best choice is naturally the rare 4-star bear monster.

However, until I encounter a better bear monster now, this is just fine.

Fang Xiao greeted Bai Qing: Don't shoot its vitals, I want to conquer it.

After taking him as a mount, Fang Xiao didn't know whether the previous injury would heal. If it didn't heal, he would still waste medicine on treating the mount himself, so he planned to be gentle.

Bai Qing nodded immediately, knowing that he understood.

Fang Xiao said nothing and rushed out with the iron shield and long ax.

Soon, Wu Xiong discovered Fang Xiao, immediately roared at Fang Xiao, and rushed towards Fang Xiao.

But just as he was on the way, before he could make contact with Fang Xiao, the black bear was hit by an arrow in its left leg.

Suddenly, Wu Xiong couldn't help but froze, and then became even more furious. With an angry roar, he bit Fang Xiao who was about to reach him.

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