Soon, Zhu Xiangxiang came out of the kitchen and greeted several people for dinner.

Xu Chui and Zhu Wen served Fang Xiao a meal first, and then started eating themselves.

After dinner, Fang Xiao went back to the main room and lay on the bed to rest.

Before going to bed, he made a point of checking to see if the drawing he had listed for sale for 30,000 gold coins had been deleted instantly.

Well, no surprise, it's still on the market.

It seems that this price should be a bit beyond the psychological and strength range of other current lord players.

But it doesn't matter. It doesn't matter if Fang Xiao waits another night. What if there is a big grievance?

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but turn on the World Channel and take a look.

‘Who hung up? ah? Who posted the 3-star village-level blueprint for 30,000 gold coins? Crazy? Have you never seen a gold coin in eight lifetimes? I advise this dear friend, you'd better be kind. I'll make an offer and change it to 20,000 gold coins immediately. I'll do it instantly. ’

‘I’m really convinced. This brother who sells 3-star village-level blueprints is trying to take advantage of others, right? Even if everyone thinks that there will definitely be rewards in the territory ranking list that will be opened at the beginning of next month, but it is still only the beginning of this month? Don't go too far, please lower the price quickly. I'll quote you a price of 22,000 gold coins. ’

Haha, I support raising the price of 3-star village-level blueprints, because I already have them, but I lack the big lords who can't be exploded. Are you really not going to do it?

‘A 3-star village-level drawing costs 30,000 gold coins? Hee hee, dear, I suggest you hang 100,000 gold coins. ’

Fang Xiao smiled, then closed the world channel and began to close his eyes to rest.

On the morning of the fourth day, after the morning light came in through the window, Fang Xiao gently opened his eyes and sat up from the bed.

The first thing I do when I get up is to check whether my drawing has been sold.

However, what made Fang Xiao a little disappointed was that it was still not sold.

It seems that there are not many people who are willing to be the wrongdoers, and most probably don’t want to be the ones who don’t have enough money.

After thinking for a moment, Fang Xiao lowered the price from 30,000 to 29,000 gold coins.

He plans to slowly challenge the psychological endurance of other lords and earn more if he can.

After leaving the door, Fang Xiao glanced at the kitchen and saw smoke rising from the kitchen. Apparently Zhu Xiangxiang was already making breakfast.

Lord, the warm water is ready for you. You can wash your face. Zhu Wen came to Fang Xiao and smiled at Fang Xiao.

Fang Xiao looked away from the other party's honest pig face, then nodded and walked towards the prepared hot water basin.

Not long after washing my face, breakfast was ready.

After breakfast, Fang Xiao took Bai Qing and the others and set off for the training camp.

Xu Chui and Zhu Wen needed to go to the training camp to lead the troops, while he went to find Wang Mang.

A group of people quickly arrived at the training camp. Fang Xiao discovered that the expansion here had basically been completed, and Takeo was arranging manpower and preparing to set off to build residential buildings.

Xu Chui and Zhu Wen directly ordered the troops and set off eastward.

Fang Xiao went over to exchange a few words with Wu Xiong and then found Wang Mang in the training camp.

Lord. Wang Mang is a young man who is a little thin but has two arms that are much longer than a normal person. He stood in front of Fang Xiao, looking a little submissive.

Fang Xiao reached out and patted his shoulder, and then took out the Tuyue Shield Guard transfer order: I admire you very much, and I plan to use this for you, and follow me as a personal guard from now on.

Wang Mang was stunned for a moment, then said excitedly: Ah? Lord, are you telling the truth?

Fang Xiao smiled softly: I will transfer your job now, and follow me and work hard in the future.

After the words fell, Fang Xiao used the 1-star Tuyue Shield Guard transfer order in his hand, and then asked Wang Mang to walk in and change jobs.

Soon, the job transfer was successful.

Fang Xiao took a look at Wang Mang's information panel and found that his loyalty and happiness had improved a lot.

Okay, come with me. I will take you to the blacksmith shop first and find a suitable shield for you. Then we will go hunting in the Ringling Forest. Fang Xiao waved and walked forward first.

After arriving at the blacksmith shop, Fang Xiao immediately asked Jin Lian to get him another evil beast iron shield.

Jin Lian happily agreed, and soon brought a new evil beast iron shield. Fang Xiao asked Wang Mang to equip it, then deducted the tax and settled the bill, and set off towards the Ring Spirit Forest.

On the way to the Ringling Forest, Fang Xiao took another look at the drawings listed for sale at the trading house.

Well, it still hasn’t been sold.

However, don’t worry just yet.

Wait until noon.

All the way to the vicinity of the Ringling Forest, Fang Xiao thought for a while and chose the place where there were more rare monsters to go in.

But this time he planned to move in a different direction. The area he moved to yesterday was basically full of Xingyue pythons, which did not meet his requirements for finding bear mounts.

After you get the mount, go to the area where you hunted those Xingyue pythons yesterday to see if you can reveal a few more 3-star village-level lord mansion blueprints.

This thing is now a money-making tool.

Unless you sell job transfer orders, you can't do anything as quickly as selling blueprints to make money.

However, it is estimated that no lord will sell the job transfer order. After all, it is a strategic resource and not a normal resource at all.

Fang Xiao moved forward, and soon Bai Qing, relying on his extraordinary vision, took the lead in discovering a monster.

This is a black tiger, tall and even bigger than an adult ox on Earth.


[Strength: Rare level 3 stars. 】

[Skills: Tiger palm combo, iron tail sweep. 】

Fang Xiao couldn't help but feel a little regretful. This thing is so suitable for use as a mount. Apart from anything else, its appearance is definitely one of the best. If you ride it, the rate of turning heads will definitely be 100%.

It's just a pity that he is a bear cavalry guard, not a tiger cavalry guard.

As for this Black Cloud Tiger, now that he has encountered it, Fang Xiao doesn't want to let it go. The rare 3-star monster should be able to reveal a lot of good things.

Fang Xiao signaled, rushed out from behind the tree, and rushed towards the Black Cloud Tiger with his shield and long ax in hand.

Mo Yunhu immediately noticed the movement here, then roared angrily, and also rushed towards Fang Xiao.

Soon, the two sides were about to collide. Mo Yunhu suddenly stood up and waved out a string of afterimages from his two tiger claws, slapping Fang Xiao hard.

Fang Xiao had already used the Earth Shield Guard's [Earth Shield Guard] skill at this time, and the shield was covered with a layer of rock shield.

At the same time, he also used the [Bear Power Fury] of the violent bear soldiers, which greatly enhanced his power.

The tiger's claws continuously slapped the shield, but Fang Xiao remained motionless. However, the rock shield on the evil beast's iron shield shook crazily and began to crack.

Fang Xiao held a shield in one hand to block the attack, and used the long ax in the other hand to use [Bear Smash]. The destructive power of the ax in his hand was greatly increased, and it hit Mo Yunhu's waist hard.

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