Looking at the primordial core in the drawings and construction materials, Fang Xiao immediately opened the trading house and took a look.

He found that there were a lot of items for sale, and the lowest unit price was only 2 copper coins, and 100 units was only 2 silver coins.

This made him curious about where this thing came from.

After all, he hasn't exposed it yet. Logically speaking, if it's listed for sale so cheaply, it should be easy to expose.

Thinking of this, he opened the World Channel and began to look through it, intending to find out if there was any relevant information.

After searching for a while, I finally found one.

‘Does anyone know what the protonucleus is used for? I killed a lot of ordinary level 1-star monsters, and then put them up for sale in the trading house. As a result, I couldn't sell them for a long time. ’

Fang Xiao suddenly realized that it was an ordinary level 1-star monster that could explode this thing, and it seemed that the explosion rate was not low.

No wonder it is so worthless and he has never exposed it.

After all, the worst enemy he has fought so far is the black-footed wolf.

But those black-footed wolves are all ordinary five-stars, and the wolf king is an elite three-star existence.

Since it was so cheap, Fang Xiao did not hesitate and bought 100 of them directly, planning to choose a good place when he returned to the territory.

Fang Xiao currently plans to use this vegetable garden as a fruit forest, and when the fruit cores infected by mysterious power are discovered later, he will plant them there.

In addition to this piece of information related to the original nucleus, Fang Xiao also unexpectedly discovered two pieces of information related to population.

'This morning, some refugees came to my camp. The system prompted me that if I want to gather them, I must first provide them with a house, a field, and enough [wheat seeds infected by mysterious power] to grow in one acre of field. ], they will repay these expenses one after another in the future, but the residential buildings are okay, there are craftsmen in the territory, and the fees are not expensive. They can allocate the land to them to cultivate it themselves, but this wheat seed. Is there any big brother who can put it on the shelves for some trading? Okay? It’s okay to be more expensive, just don’t be too outrageous’

'Today, I discovered a cottage in the south of my territory. The owner of the cottage turned out to be a rare 1-star monster. Fortunately, I was lucky. The mysterious treasure box opened a rare-level job transfer order. Hehe, I successfully got it. And after killing the leader of the village, the system actually prompted me that the people in the village surrendered to me and asked me if I would accept them. I just accepted them all. The strength of my subordinates has greatly increased. The territory ranking list will be launched next month. First, I made a reservation! ’

These two pieces of information show two different ways to obtain the population.

One is the refugees, but Fang Xiao is not here. No refugees were found this morning, probably at random.

The other one seems to be to capture the humanoid camp?

At this time, Fang Xiao couldn't help but think of the pig-headed camp he discovered and wondered if it could be recruited as a free miner?

After gathering his thoughts slightly, Fang Xiao took the Tuyue Shield Guard transfer order and looked at Wu Xiong.

Takeo, you use this with me.

After the words fell, Fang Xiao used the job transfer order.

Along with the usual system prompt sound, a circular aperture with a diameter of two meters appeared on the ground.

Then Fang Xiao called Takeo to walk in together, and then confirmed the subsequent system prompts.

Soon, the aperture turned into two rays of light and submerged into the two bodies.

After the job transfer was completed, Fang Xiao suddenly felt that he was much stronger.

He immediately checked his dashboard.

[Name: Fang Xiao. 】

[Strength: Comprehensive (rare level 2 stars+++)]

[Lord’s additional talents: Blessing of Minerals (Elite Level), Favor of the God of Luck (God Level)]

[First auxiliary profession: Poisonous Scorpion Archer (currently elite level 4 stars)]

[Professional upper limit: Elite level 4 stars]

[Second occupation: Brutal Bear Soldier (currently elite level 4 stars)]

[Professional upper limit: Elite level 5 stars. 】

[Third occupation: Qingxuan Guard (currently rare level 2 stars)]

[Professional upper limit: Rare level 5 stars]

[The fourth sub-profession: Red Tiger Guard (currently elite level 2 stars)]

[Professional upper limit: Elite level 5 stars]

[The fifth sub-profession: Tuyue Shield Guard (currently rare level 1 star)]

[Professional upper limit: rare level 1 star]

[Feature: Language conversion]

[Skills: Poisonous Scorpion Arrow (Elite 4 stars), Bear Fury (Elite 5 stars), Bear Smash (Elite 4 stars), Qingxuan Shield Guard (Rare 5 stars), Qingxuan Crash (rare) level 5 stars), Tiger Strike (elite level 5 stars), Tiger Boiling (elite level 4 stars), Earth Shield Guardian (rare level 1 star), Earth Shield Strike (rare level 1 star)]

[Earth Shield Guardian (Rare Level 1 Star): Imbues your own shield weapons with a layer of rock and earth shield, increasing the strength of your shield weapons by 200% within 5 minutes. Cooldown: 1 hour. 】

[Earth Shield Strike (Rare Level 1 Star): Infuse shield weapons with the power of the earth element, making the next attack with shield weapons more destructive by 200%. Cooldown: 1 hour. 】

I wonder if these two new skills can be activated together with the skills of Qingxuan Guards.

If it is possible, then the combat power will be improved by more than one star.

Go attack the pig-headed camp in the afternoon. When the skills have not cooled down, you can try it.

Lord, thank you very much. Takeo was quite excited at this time and said to Fang Xiao with tears in his eyes.

Fang Xiao patted him on the shoulder: There will be better ones in the future.

Then Fang Xiao looked at Bai Qing and Xu Zhui who were standing aside: When there is another Hero Order, I will give it to you two immediately.

Thank you, Lord! Bai Qing and Xu Chui immediately thanked them.

Fang Xiao waved his hand: Okay, let's continue.

The fighting and exploration along the way wasted a lot of time, and it would be noon soon.

Fang Xiao planned to find another rare monster to eliminate, and then return to the territory, preparing to attack the pig-headed camp in the afternoon.

The four people traveled another distance and finally made a new discovery.

A black elk was eating grass with its head down.

【Black Elk】

[Strength: Elite 5-star]

[Skills: Headbutt (5 stars at elite level), Rapidity (3 stars at elite level)]

It was almost noon, so Fang Xiao waved his hand, preparing to kill the black elk before returning to his territory.

He signaled to Bai Qing not to use poisonous scorpion arrows, and then loaded the bow with an arrow.

Two arrows shot out directly, Fang Xiao's arrow hit its side, and Bai Qing's arrow hit its hind legs.

Takeo and Xu Chui rushed out together and immediately double-teamed Black Elk.

Fang Xiao did not confiscate his bow. There was no need for him to engage in close combat with such an elite 5-star monster. Takeo and Xu Zhui could easily deal with it.

He can just shoot arrows from behind.

Takeo had extremely high mobility and was the first to rush to the Black Elk's side, stabbing it in the throat with his sword.

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