Global Lord: One more god-level talent every month

Chapter 25 1 Star Fertile Vegetable Garden Drawing

I saw a swamp forest in front of me.

Fang Xiao observed it and found that the trees in this swamp forest were all purple bark and branches, and on many trees, there were purple spiders the size of a person lying on their backs.

After seeing the full picture of these purple spiders, Fang Xiao also saw their information panels.

【Swamp purple poisonous spider】

[Strength: Rare level 1 star]

[Skills: Spider poison spray (rare level 1 star), spider silk entanglement (rare level 1 star)]

This was the first rare monster Fang Xiao encountered in the Ringling Forest.

However, this amount seems a bit mind-numbing.

After observing for a while, Fang Xiao decided to give up temporarily and come back to kill monsters later when his strength is higher.

These swamp purple poisonous spiders are so dense that once you attack one, it is very likely to attract a large number of swamp purple poisonous spiders to besiege you.

Fang Xiao waved his hand, then took the lead and headed to the right.

After staying away from this swamp forest, Fang Xiao made a new discovery not long after.

It was an earth-yellow python, a full circle larger than the green nettle python, and it looked very intimidating.

【Xingyue Python】

[Strength: Rare level 1 star]

[Skills: Coil of great power (rare level 1 star), earth armor (rare level 1 star)]

It seems that there are more rare monsters in this part of the forest.

The one they chose yesterday had more elite-level ones.

Fang Xiao thought for a moment, then gestured to Bai Qing.

Yes, he is going to use poisonous scorpion arrows.

Rare monsters are definitely difficult to deal with. If you can add some favorable conditions to your side, add more.

In addition, the opponent's earth armor skill is very defensive at first glance. If he doesn't sneak attack at the beginning, Bai Qing may not be able to break through the defense.

Bai Qing understood immediately, poked his head out from behind the tree, and took aim at the Xingyue python with Fang Xiao.

The next moment, two arrows flew out directly.

Fang Xiao's arrow directly broke through the scales of Xingyue Python, and the arrow penetrated deeply.

Bai Qing's arrow, on the other hand, could barely break through the scales and only penetrated a little.

The Xingyue python that was attacked suddenly raised its head from the grass and let out an angry hiss.

Fang Xiao stretched out his hand to stop Xu Zhui who was about to rush out: This time, I'll fight head-on.

It can be roughly seen from Bai Qing's arrow that it would be difficult for Xu Zhui to deal with this Xingyue python head-on.

Putting away his bow and arrows, Fang Xiao picked up his hammer and iron shield, then rushed out from behind the tree and rushed towards Xingyue Python.

Xingyue Python also discovered Fang Xiao, and neighed angrily, and then his whole body glowed with a faint yellow light. In a few seconds, a layer of earthy yellow armor was formed, covering his body.

The arrow that Bai Qing happened to shoot collided with the earth armor and was directly bounced away.

At this time, Fang Xiao had already rushed in front of Xing Yuemang and hit the opponent's head with a hammer.

At this time, Xing Yuebang's body had curled up, and his tail suddenly flicked towards Fang Xiao.

Fang Xiao's expression remained unchanged, he raised his shield and activated the skill [Qingxuan Shield Guard].

Suddenly, a faint light shone on the shield.

The snake's tail hit Fang Xiao's shield hard, but Fang Xiao only took a slight step back, and the Black Elemental Star Hammer in Fang Xiao's other hand used the violent bear smashing skill to hit Xing hard. On top of Yue Python's head.

Bang. With a loud noise, Xingyue Python's head was smashed directly into the ground, and cracks appeared on the earthen armor on his head.

Xu Chui and Wu Xiong took the opportunity to get closer. The long swords in their hands shimmered with light, let out a soft cry, and slashed directly on Xing Yuebang's earth armor.

Takeo's attack was as if it had been struck on metal, without breaking the defense at all.

Due to the bonus of Xu Zhui's characteristics, the power of his skills doubled, and he could barely break through the defense, but that was all, and it did not cause more damage at all.

Fortunately, Bai Qing spotted the position where the defense was broken and shot an arrow in, but the damage caused was very small.

Hiss. Xing Yuemang suddenly raised his head from the ground and twisted his body, trying to wrap around Fang Xiao.

Fang Xiao's expression remained unchanged, he raised his shield and immediately launched [Qingxuan Crash].

A large amount of cyan light condensed on the shield, making the evil beast iron shield full of mystery and oppression for a moment.

Bang! Fang Xiao rushed out with a shield in his hand and slammed into Xing Yuebang who was trying to wrap him up.

I saw Xingyue Python being knocked out and hit a not too strong tree hard, breaking the tree directly.

And where it was hit by Fang Xiao, the earth armor had been shattered, and the scales inside were also shattered, and it was a bloody mess, looking quite miserable.

Bai Qing immediately seized the opportunity, and an arrow instantly penetrated into the part where Fang Xiao had smashed the scaly earth armor.

Fang Xiao quickly approached Xingyue Python and launched a violent bear power.

Suddenly I felt my strength doubled.

Then, another hammer hit Xing Yuemang's head hard.

The earthen armor on Xingyue Python's head was smashed, and before it could retract its head, Fang Xiao hit it on the head again with a hammer.

This time, the scales on its head were directly smashed and flew out. The whole snake was a little stiff, and it was obviously a slight dizziness from being hit.

Fang Xiao wielded the sledgehammer in his hand like a tiger, and hit it on the head with one hammer after another, making its head move deeper into the ground inch by inch.

Fang Xiao waited until Xingyue Python exploded with something, then stopped what he was doing.

He took a look at what Xing Yuemang exploded, a token and a blueprint.

Fang Xiao immediately picked up the things.

[2-star job transfer order (Tuyue Shield Guard)]: You can transfer 2 targets to the rare profession, Tuyue Shield Guard.

[Professional upper limit: Rare level 1 star. 】

Fang Xiao couldn't help but his eyes lit up slightly.

He now has to wear a shield because of the Qingxuan Guards, and the Tuyue Shield Guards who are now revealed also use shields. In addition, he still has a free career slot, which is perfect for his side. Fit.

In addition, Takeo also has a professional slot, which can be used by two people.

After returning to the territory, go to the blacksmith shop to get Takeo a shield.

An agile shield guard? Well, that sounds pretty good.

Immediately, Fang Xiao moved his eyes to the drawing.

[1 Star Fertile Vegetable Garden Drawing]

[Area: 1 mu. 】

[Materials required for construction: gold coins × 100, wood × 1000, stone × 1000, primordial core × 100]

[Introduction: After the lord's warehouse has prepared materials, you can use the drawings to directly select an area to build a vegetable garden. The yield of all plants in the vegetable garden will increase by 10%. 】

Looking at this drawing, Fang Xiao couldn't help but be slightly stunned.

He originally thought it was a drawing of the lord's mansion, but who would have thought?

It seems that in this lord game, the blueprint-type buildings are far more than just lord mansions.

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