Di Xiyang was silent for a while, and then said aloud: I think if the information reported by Takeo is correct, then the other party may have gathered a lot of forces from the west to attack you.

Fang Xiao nodded slightly when he heard the words: I think so too, I guess it's almost the same.

The opponent's ability is indeed somewhat powerful, but I am not afraid of this war. After all, I have already predicted them in my heart.

Takeo, go down immediately and report that all troops will gather to the west of the city gate. I will be there later.

After hearing Fang Xiao's order, Wu Xiong immediately accepted the order and left here quickly.

After Wu Xiong left, Fang Xiao glanced at the setting sun next to him, and then at the three captains of guards standing not far away.

Then he spoke out and said: Sunset, it seems that as long as we win this war, we won't have to worry about anything in a short time.

After hearing Fang Xiao's words, Di Xiyang nodded slightly and agreed with Fang Xiao's statement.

Then he stood up from his seat and walked out: Then let's go meet this mysterious force and see how capable they are?

Fang Xiao nodded slightly, then took steps to follow the setting sun.

The three captains of guards also quickly followed up.

When Fang Xiao led Di Xiyang all the way to the west city gate, the troops in the territory continued to gather.

However, the enemy probably won't attack for a while.

Moreover, the soldiers are now gathering very quickly, and it should not take long for them to be completely gathered.

Therefore, Fang Xiao was not panic at all at this time.

At the same time, in White Elephant City, 12 power lords have gathered here with all their troops.

At this time, they were standing next to the First Elder and Second Elder of the Glory Alliance, looking at the Ring Spirit Forest in the distance.

Great Elder, do you know when we will launch an attack? One of the young lords couldn't help but ask.

After hearing the other party's inquiry, the elder of the Glory Alliance narrowed his eyes slightly, and then said slowly and deeply: Don't worry, the other party's forces are not fools, they must have discovered what's happening on our side.

Let's make good preparations here first. After we are completely prepared, we will enter the Ring Spirit Forest and launch a general attack on the opponent.

In this war, we must ensure victory and absolutely cannot fail.

After hearing the words of the Grand Elder of the Glory Alliance, these power leaders said nothing more.

They could all see the prudence of the Grand Elder of the Glory Alliance, even the Grand Elder of the Glory Alliance, so naturally they did not dare to be presumptuous.

At this time, many soldiers had gathered at the west gate of Dawn City, and all of Fang Xiao's confidants had also arrived.

Fang Xiao walked to the front of the many soldiers, glanced at them, and then said aloud: According to our investigators, there are now a large number of enemies coming to invade our Dawn City.

What do you think should be done in this situation?

After hearing Fang Xiao's voice, the soldiers standing at the front raised their weapons one after another and shouted loudly: They will never come back!

As the soldiers in front shouted, the surrounding soldiers also responded quickly, and loud waves came one after another, making people feel quite excited.

Fang Xiao nodded with satisfaction, then rode on the leader of the Golden Feather Tiger, and then flew up.

After flying into the sky, Fang Xiao raised his arm and pressed it slightly, and the soldiers below immediately fell silent.

Then Fang Xiao waved his hand: Since the enemy has such courage, we should let them know what blood lessons are.

Everyone, come with me.

After hearing Fang Xiao's words, all the soldiers present immediately took steps and rushed towards the direction of Baixiang City.

That's right, Fang Xiao didn't plan to wait for the opponent to attack this time.

Because he knew very well that the other party gathered so many people.

If you quietly wait for the other party to attack, then the other party must be well prepared, which will make it more difficult to deal with it.

If you take the initiative to attack now, the opponent will have many forces gathered together, and there will inevitably be huge problems in cooperation and tacit understanding in all aspects.

Therefore, not to mention the top combat power, the soldiers on our side can definitely have the upper hand in the battle.

This situation is obviously very beneficial to Fang Xiao.

As for top-level combat power, Fang Xiao's side is completely justified.

Not to mention that Fang Xiao himself is a legendary being in five professions, Di Xiyang is definitely the top among the legendary beings in three professions.

Wu Xiong and Hu Yu also have three legendary professions. Coupled with the three powerful captains of guards sent by Broken Rock City, as well as many of Fang Xiao's confidants, Fang Xiao is really quite confident.

When Fang Xiao led his large army all the way out of the Ringling Forest and rushed to the plain in front of White Elephant City, he could see a large number of people gathering near White Elephant City from a distance.

At this time, there were many flying creatures above these people and horses.

The flying creatures at the front were a little special, especially two of them, which made Fang Xiao couldn't help but take a second look.

Of these two flying creatures, one looks like a mouse, is about two meters long, and has two pairs of fleshy wings on its back. It looks extremely insignificant.

And sitting on him was an old man with white beard and hair.

Another flying creature looks like a bat with golden scales all over its body. It looks particularly dazzling under the sun. Above it, there is also an old man with white beard and hair sitting.

It can be seen that the people around him are led by the old man above the flying mouse creature, and they all guard him at the front.

As Fang Xiao rode the leader of the Golden Feather Tiger closer, he quickly saw the opponent's detailed appearance. After seeing the opponent's full picture, Fang Xiao was naturally able to view the opponent's general information panel.

Soon, he discovered that the flying mount that looked like a mouse was called the Flying Squirrel Leader.

And the old man with white hair and beard sitting on him turned out to be the great elder of the Glory Alliance.

Fang Xiao couldn't help but raise his eyebrows slightly. It seemed that he had killed the great minister of the Glory Alliance before, so the Glory Alliance paid great attention to it, and even arranged for the great elders to come over.

As for the other flying creature covered in golden scales and similar in appearance to a bat, its name is the Golden Bat Leader.

The old man with all white hair sitting on him is the second elder of the Glory Alliance.

At this time, the two people also noticed Fang Xiao riding on the leader of the Golden Yuhu.

Based on Fang Xiao's position, the two of them quickly deduced that Fang Xiao was the leader of Dawn City.

The great elder of the Glory Alliance quickly approached on his mount and stopped when he was still some distance away from Fang Xiao.

Then he spoke out and said: You are simply too bold. You destroyed the Ring Spirit Forest and then destroyed the White Elephant City one after another. It is extremely cruel. Today is the time when you pay the price.

After hearing the other party's words, Fang Xiao tilted his head slightly, then his eyes stayed on the other party's face for a moment, and then responded aloud: Why talk so much nonsense?

You should know very well why Ringling Forest and White Elephant City were destroyed. As for why you brought so many people here and wanted to attack me, you should know even better.

Don't talk nonsense, just come here. Since you have decided to invade my Dawn City, you must be prepared to stay here today.

After hearing Fang Xiao's words, the great elder of the Glory Alliance not only showed a sneer on his face, but then said mockingly: Leave them all here? You are so loud. I just don't know your strength. How can you do it? It can’t match your tone so well.”

After the words fell, the alliance elder glanced at the 12 power leaders following him, and then said aloud: Since the enemy has already taken the initiative to attack, there is no need to prepare anything more, just attack directly.

After hearing the words of the Grand Elder of the Glory Alliance, the 12 power leaders nodded slightly and then issued orders respectively.

Soon, the soldiers from White Elephant City below took action. They drew out their weapons and rushed towards the large troops in Dawn City.

The great elder of the Glory Alliance led 12 legendary masters from different forces to surround Fang Xiao.

Fang Xiao's expression did not change at all. After taking a look at the first elder and second elder of the Glory Alliance who were rushing over, he then spoke to Xiyang next to him and said, Leave that old man riding a mouse to me.

That old man riding a bat next to you, you deal with him.

Fang Xiao is now a member of five legendary professions, and in terms of overall strength, he has surpassed Di Xiyang.

Therefore, the most powerful being on the other side must naturally be dealt with personally by Fang Xiaolai.

As for the second elder, even if the opponent is bigger and more powerful than the Glory Alliance, it doesn't matter much.

After all, Di Xiyang's strength has also improved compared to the previous battle with the Honor Alliance Grand Priest.

As for other legendary existences, Fang Xiao didn't take them seriously.

Just relying on Fang Xiao's three people, Hu Yu, Wu Xiong and Xu Zhui, they are enough to easily crush single-professional legendary existences.

The three captains of guards arranged by Broken Rock City also have the ability to easily crush other ordinary single-career legendary existences.

In Fang Xiao's view, the only turning point in this war is the first elder and second elder of the Glory Alliance.

As long as the two of them are completely suppressed, then this war will be basically safe and there will be no surprises.

Soon, Fang Xiao rode the leader of the Golden Feather Tiger and collided with the opponent.

The blood-drinking mad sword in Fang Xiao's hand slashed hard, and the huge sword spirit that appeared behind him slashed out simultaneously with Fang Xiao's movements, directly attacking the leader of Flying Squirrel and the great elder of the Glory Alliance on him.

The face of the great elder of the Glory Alliance did not change. The long sword in his hand suddenly emitted a bright golden light, and then he swung it suddenly, and a huge golden sword energy was instantly swung out.

Finally, this golden sword energy collided with Fang Xiao's sword soul and exploded immediately.

Although the golden sword energy dissipated, Fang Xiao's sword soul was also deflected by this blow.

The great elder of the Glory Alliance took the opportunity and drove the flying squirrel leader to quickly approach Fang Xiao.

Immediately afterwards, the long knife in his hand emitted bright golden light again, and struck Fang Xiao's head with a fierce blow.

Fang Xiao's expression didn't change at all, he directly raised the shield in his hand, and then blocked the opponent's long knife.

The next moment, the long knife in the hand of the great elder of the Glory Alliance slashed hard on the shield in Fang Xiao's hand?

Fang Xiao only felt an extremely powerful force coming from the shield into his hands.

Fortunately, his strength now is extraordinary. Although this power is extremely powerful, Fang Xiao can still withstand it.

And through this fight, Fang Xiao also roughly understood.

The strength of this great elder of the Glory Alliance is definitely higher than the current Earth Sunset, but there is still some gap between him and himself.

Fang Xiao immediately waved the blood-drinking sword in his hand and struck directly at the waist of the great elder of the Glory Alliance.

The great elder of the Glory Alliance reacted very quickly. He slashed Fang Xiao's shield with his long sword. Without splitting Fang Xiao's shield, he immediately turned the blade and returned it to his side in an instant?

He easily blocked Fang Xiao's stab at his waist.

The weapons of both sides collided, and a powerful impact suddenly erupted.

There was a strong wind all around.

At the same time, the flying mounts under the two people were forced to retreat a certain distance due to this powerful impact, allowing the two people to pull away again.

Fang Xiao narrowed his eyes slightly, knowing that it would be difficult to get rid of the great elder of the Glory Alliance in a short time?

So he used his own acceleration skills and planned to use the speed advantage of the Golden Yuhu leader to carry out a mobile attack on the opponent.

However, what Fang Xiao didn't expect was that the speed of the leader of the Golden Feather Tiger under him had just increased dramatically, and the speed of the leader of the Flying Squirrel under the great elder of the Glory Alliance had also increased dramatically.

Compared to the leader Jin Yuhu, he was not at all inferior, and was even faster.

In this way, it can be directly confirmed that the great elder of the Glory Alliance in front of him also has a riding profession.

The flying squirrel leader under the opponent is not a mount he found randomly, but a mount contracted by the opponent using professional skills. This is undoubtedly quite troublesome.

Fang Xiao took the opportunity to glance towards the sunset.

Discovering that Di Xiyang took the opportunity to kill the golden bat mount under the second elder of the Glory Alliance, the two fell to the ground together, and then fought on the ground.

It can be seen that the second elder of the Glory Alliance had a slight upper hand, but after a guard captain came to support, the second elder was instantly suppressed.

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