Global Lord: One more god-level talent every month

Chapter 223 Coercion and inducement

One thing I think you should all know is that the forces in the east are constantly fighting with each other. Their relationship is quite bad, and the possibility of cooperation is basically zero.

Only Broken Rock City can stay on its own and remain neutral. Tell me, in this case, is it possible for these forces to unite and have ideas about the west?

After hearing the words of the great elder of the Glory Alliance, the lords present not only fell silent, but their expressions also softened.

Obviously, when they heard that the forces in White Elephant City had been destroyed, and the people sent by the Glory Alliance had also died, the first thing they thought of was that the big forces in the east were cooperating to attack the west.

That's why his expression was extremely solemn.

Now after being reminded by the great elder of the Glory Alliance, they figured it out immediately.

Indeed, the possibility of cooperation between the big forces in the east is basically zero.

They are not at all like the small Western forces on their side, and they are in harmony with each other.

The forces in the east have always been openly fighting each other, causing heavy casualties. It can be said that there is a blood feud between them.

How could such a force with a blood feud put aside all grudges and suddenly reach out to their west?

After all, it is quite troublesome for them to even manage their own one-third of an acre of land.

Seeing the expressions of these lords softening, the great elder of the Glory Alliance showed a smile, and then said aloud: I think everyone has figured it out.

It is impossible for the big forces in the east to unite and attack here. In this case, it can be basically confirmed that the rise of this force is really just a coincidence.

Perhaps it's because they got so lucky and got so many resources. When he said this, the great elder of the Glory Alliance paused his words.

Obviously, he wanted to make his words more impressive to these power leaders.

The great elder of the Glory Alliance really knows these power leaders too well?

One is greedier than the other.

Sure enough, just after he paused in speaking, all the power leaders present had a glimmer of light in their eyes.

Obviously, they were tempted.

Seeing their appearance, the great elder of the Glory Alliance spoke up and said: After the other party destroys White Elephant City, are you sure that they will not continue to attack westward and set their sights on you?

After hearing the words of the Grand Elder of the Glory Alliance, all the power leaders present could not help but frown.

Because what the great elder of the Glory Alliance said was right, none of them could guarantee whether the other party would set their sights on them in the future.

Seeing that his threats and inducements were basically effective, the great elder of the Glory Alliance flashed a smile in his eyes.

Then he threw out his biggest killer move: As long as you are willing to assist our Glory Alliance to eliminate this potential threat, then, afterwards, I am willing to let you all become inner-level members of the Glory Alliance.

Let you enjoy the treatment of the inner-level members of the Glory Alliance. Do you think this is okay?

The words of the great elder of the Glory Alliance immediately caused an uproar.

The leaders of the forces present were all in disbelief.

The reason is very simple. When they first joined the Glory Alliance, they tried their best and made various promises, but in the end they couldn't get the Glory Alliance Grand Elder to relax.

As a result, the great elder of the Glory Alliance now took the initiative to speak to them.

Telling them that they can become inner-level members of the Glory Alliance will undoubtedly make them quite suspicious.

Looking at the faces of these force leaders, the great elder of the Glory Alliance naturally knew what they were thinking.

So he immediately spoke and continued: The other party was able to destroy White Elephant City and the people our Glory Alliance sent to help White Elephant City, which is enough to show how powerful the other party's current strength is.

So, I hope that everyone will go all out in the next process of dealing with each other, and there will be no behavior that fails to do their best.

If I discover that any force has made mistakes in dealing with the opponent, then after the incident, I will permanently disqualify him from joining the inner circle of the Glory Alliance and becoming an inner member of the Glory Alliance.

After hearing the words of the Grand Elder of the Glory Alliance, the leaders of the forces present relaxed.

Because this is reasonable.

It is more worthy of their belief.

If you agree to them directly without any requirements or conditions, you can become an inner-level member of the Glory Alliance afterwards.

They all suspected that the great elder of the Glory Alliance had some bad intentions towards them and wanted to secretly plot against them behind their backs.

Now that they know the other party's conditions and want them to go all out to eradicate this force that makes the Glory Alliance feel threatened, they think this is more reasonable.

So the middle-aged male lord who arrived first spoke out first and said: Great Elder, there is no problem on my side.

I am willing to assist the Glory Alliance to eradicate this scourge as soon as possible.

With this middle-aged male lord at the beginning, other power lords also came out one after another, and then expressed to the elder of the Glory Alliance that they were also willing to fully assist the Glory Alliance in crusade against the rising new force.

After receiving the support of all the power leaders present, the great elder of the Glory Alliance couldn't help but smile.

Then he nodded to the leaders of the many forces present, and then spoke out and ordered: Everyone, please go back first. I will give you one night to prepare.

Tomorrow morning, I hope that everyone will be able to move out with all the main forces in their territory.

And by noon tomorrow, I hope that all the forces will be able to reach White Elephant City.

After gathering all the strength at that time, I will lead everyone from White Elephant City to crusade against this new force that does not know whether to live or die.

After hearing the words of the Grand Elder of the Glory Alliance, the leaders of the forces present not only looked at each other.

Then the young woman raised her eyebrows and asked the great elder of the Glory Alliance, What? Does the great elder plan to take action personally?

After hearing the young female lord's question, the great elder of the Glory Alliance nodded slightly, and then said aloud: In the final analysis, we cannot underestimate the opponent. This time we must go all out to completely eradicate the opponent.

So, I will personally lead you, and at the same time supervise you, to ensure that this operation is foolproof.

After hearing the words of the Grand Elder of the Glory Alliance, the power lords present looked at each other and did not object.

After all, they all know that the strength of the Grand Elder of the Glory Alliance is definitely second only to the leader of the Shenlong who has never seen the beginning or end of the Glory Alliance.

If the Grand Elder of the Glory Alliance personally leads the team, their hearts will be relatively stable.

Although with the personal supervision of the Grand Elder of the Glory Alliance, they will definitely not be able to make small moves from it.

But it doesn't matter. After this matter is over, they can become inner-level members of the Glory Alliance. Even if there is some loss, it is completely acceptable.

Because the treatment of the inner-level members of the Glory Alliance is too high, and there is no room for them not to be tempted.

Finally, the leaders of these forces resigned one after another to the great elder of the Glory Alliance, and then turned around and left here one after another.

After they left, the old man sitting in the seat on the right not only frowned, but then asked the great elder of the Glory Alliance: Great elder, do you really want to take action personally?

After hearing the inquiry from the old man on the right, the great elder of the Glory Alliance narrowed his eyes slightly, and then nodded solemnly: I must take action personally. You must know that among our Glory Alliance, those who are stronger than the Great Enshrinement, It’s just the leader and the three of us.”

The great ministers were killed by the opponent, and they couldn't even escape. This shows that it is very likely that there is an extremely powerful individual among the opponent's forces.

If no one can restrict the other party, then it is very likely that the other party will be able to reverse the situation of the war.

So I had to take matters into my own hands.

Although I don't know how big the gap between the other party and me is, but with my methods, even if the other party is stronger than me, I should be foolproof if I pester the other party.

After hearing the words of the Great Elder of the Glory Alliance, the old man sitting on the left frowned slightly, and then said aloud: Great Elder, if you personally go out, this action will indeed be safer, but I think you should Bring more people with you to prevent any accidents.

Let me accompany you this time, and the third elder will stay here to take charge.

After hearing the words of the old man on the left seat, the elder of the Glory Alliance was silent for a while, and finally nodded slowly: Then it's settled, you will accompany me.

With these dozen or so forces going out together, there will definitely be no shortage of legendary masters. What is missing is the extremely powerful single combat power. With the two of us, we should be foolproof.

After hearing the words of the great elder of the Glory Alliance, the third elder next to him immediately spoke up and said: Great elder, otherwise, I will go with you two.

Just let the second worshipper stay here and take charge of the situation for the time being.

After hearing the words of the third elder sitting on the right side, the first elder not only frowned fiercely, but then glared at the other person: What nonsense are you talking about? In this temporary stronghold, at least among the three of us, there are Only one person can guard here personally, and there must be no mistakes.

This matter has been decided, you stay here to guard it.

The second elder and I will lead those forces and eradicate the rising new force.

After hearing such unquestionable words from the Grand Elder of the Glory Alliance, the Third Elder sitting on the right seat was silent for a moment, and then slowly said: Okay, then I will stay here to guard.

However, you two must be careful and never underestimate each other. If there is any unexpected situation, you two can just abandon those forces and escape by yourself.

The big deal is that we will move this temporary stronghold when the time comes. Although it may be very troublesome then, as long as nothing happens to you two, there will be no big problem.

When the leader breaks through to the god level and returns, no matter how powerful the opponent is by then, he will be nothing more than an ant.

Yes. After hearing the words of the third elder sitting on the right, the expression of the elder of the Glory Alliance softened a little, and then he slowly said: Okay, I understand.

Don't worry, the two of us will definitely protect our own safety first. If we can safely eliminate each other, then it will naturally be the best.

If we can't eradicate each other without fail, then the two of us will immediately give up those peripheral forces and then turn back.

By the way, in order to prevent any mistakes, you should prepare in advance for the relocation of the temporary base. If things really go wrong by then, we might as well leave directly after we turn back.

After hearing the words of the great elder of the Glory Alliance, the third elder on the right seat breathed a sigh of relief: Okay, the great elder is so cautious, so I feel relieved.

Morning of the 26th.

After Fang Xiao got up, he went to the front hall as usual.

I held a brief meeting with everyone and asked everyone about the development of various aspects of the territory. I learned that there were no problems. After that, Fang Xiao explained some details.

Then they had breakfast with everyone.

But he didn't know that a large number of troops were gathering towards Baixiang City at this time.

It wasn't until almost noon that Takeo hurried over.

Seeing the uneasiness and anxiety on Takeo's face, Fang Xiao couldn't help but frown, and then said, What happened? Tell me slowly.

After hearing Fang Xiao's words, Wu Xiong immediately said: Lord, you ordered us to have our flying troops approach White Elephant City every once in a while to observe the situation there to prevent those men in black robes from attacking. What kind of trouble did the hidden forces behind it cause?

Unexpectedly, there was an abnormal situation there not long ago. According to the investigation of our flying unit, a large number of troops gathered in Baixiang City at this time. The specific situation is not clear.

Because we were not sure about the opponent's strength, our investigators did not dare to get too close. They rushed back immediately and reported the news.

As soon as I got the news, I rushed over to meet you, Lord.

After hearing Takeo's words, Fang Xiao not only narrowed his eyes, but then fell into thinking.

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