After the words fell, Qian Ling hesitated for a moment, and then said aloud: Then, Your Excellency, City Lord of Broken Rock City, if there is nothing else, I will leave first?

After hearing Qian Ling's words, Di Chenguang nodded slightly, and then said in a deep voice: Go, I won't send it away, just convey my words to Fang Xiao.

As for the three captains of guards, I will arrange for them to go to the gate of Broken Rock City to look for you later. You can wait there for a while.

After hearing Di Chenguang's words, Qian Ling said nothing more, then stood up and left the hall.

After seeing Qian Ling's figure disappear from his sight, Di Chenguang then stood up and shouted to the guards next to him: Go and call me the three captains of the guards.

After hearing Di Chenguang's words, the guard did not dare to hesitate and quickly walked out of the hall.

Not long after, the bodyguard walked in with three young men wearing golden armor.

After the three people walked in, they immediately knelt down on one knee in front of the morning light, and then spoke respectfully: I have met the Lord of the City.

Di Chenguang waved to them, indicating that they didn't need to be polite.

Then after pondering for a moment, he slowly spoke out and said: I called the three of you here this time because there is something I need to tell you to do.

After hearing Di Chenguang's words, the three of them immediately spoke in unison again: Please do as you please, Lord City Lord.

Di Chenguang nodded slightly, then tidied up his words a little, and then ordered: I need the three of you to leave Broken Rock City temporarily.

After hearing Di Chenguang's words, the expressions of the three captains of guards not only changed, but they also looked at Di Chenguang in disbelief.

After all, they have been trained as captains of guards since they were young, and the education they received from their elders is to guard the safety of the entire Broken Rock City and the city lord at all times.

As a result, Di Chenguang now wants them to leave Broken Rock City, which undoubtedly makes them unacceptable.

Noticing the changes in expressions on the faces of the three people, Di Chenguang was not surprised. After all, he knew these three captains of guards very well.

So, before the three of them could speak, Di Chenguang then spoke out and ordered: I want you to leave Broken Rock City because there is a very important matter.

Sister Xiyang left Broken Rock City before, and now I ask you to leave Broken Rock City just to find her.

In the following days, you need to fully obey her instructions. After she has finished handling all the matters, she orders you to return to Broken Rock City, and then you return.

After hearing Di Chenguang's words, the faces of the three of them looked much better.

Because Di Xiyang's prestige in the entire Broken Rock City is quite high.

It can even be said that he surpassed Di Chenguang to a certain extent, but Di Xiyang had no intention of becoming the city lord and took the initiative to give up the position of city lord to Di Chenguang.

Therefore, after hearing what Di Chenguang said that they needed to go find Di Sunset and be responsible for protecting Di Sunset in the next period of time, the three of them were no longer so repulsive.

Di Chenguang once again noticed the changes in the expressions of the three people, and there was no surprise.

He just waved his hands to these three people, and then spoke out and ordered: Okay, you will now set off to the gate of Broken Rock City, and then leave here with the messenger team from Dawn City.

Sister Xiyang is over at Dawn City now.

After hearing Di Chenguang's words, the three people immediately stood up, and then raised their hands to Di Chenguang: Please rest assured, Lord City Lord, we will definitely protect the safety of Your Excellency Xiyang.

After the words fell, the three people took steps, turned and left here.

After Qian Ling returned to the envoy team, he led his people to wait at the gate of Broken Rock City.

About half an hour later, I saw three people wearing golden armor, riding three unique flying creatures, falling from the sky into the city gate.

The three of them glanced around, and soon their eyes fell on Qian Ling.

Immediately afterwards, the three of them walked up to Qian Ling, and one of them said loudly: Are you the messenger from Dawn City?

We are the captain of the guard of Broken Rock City, and we will accompany you to Dawn City to meet with Your Excellency Sunset.

After hearing this man's words, Qian Ling showed a smile on his face, and then replied loudly: Yes, I am the envoy of Dawn City. Please follow me, three of you.

After the words fell, Qian Ling stopped talking nonsense and then directly climbed onto the flying creature he was riding.

Then he led everyone to fly quickly in the direction of Dawn City.

A group of people rode flying creatures and rushed all the way to Dawn City. It didn't take too long.

By the time we arrived at the airspace of Dawn City, it was just approaching noon.

They were also intercepted by the patrol troops above Dawn City. After Qian Ling revealed his identity to them, they were released.

Qian Ling led the three people directly to the front yard of the lord's mansion, and then led the three people to the front hall.

Then she spoke to the maid in the front hall and said, Please go and report to the lord, the negotiations have been reached in Broken Rock City, and I have brought the three captains of guards over.

Fang Xiao had told them before that if there was any emergency, they could go directly to the front yard of the lord's mansion without any restrictions.

However, this is not allowed in a relatively private place like the backyard, and the maid needs to report it.

After hearing Qian Ling's words, the maids did not hesitate and immediately took steps and ran quickly towards the backyard.

At this time, Fang Xiao, who was admiring the beautiful scenery with the sunset in the back garden, soon received a notice from the maid.

So he stood up directly, and then rushed toward the front hall with Sunset.

After arriving at the front hall, Fang Xiao immediately noticed the three young men wearing golden armor standing in the front hall.

At the same time, the panels of three people were also seen.

It was discovered that all three of them were legendary 5-star beings.

Fang Xiao not only nodded slightly, but felt more at ease.

At this time, the three of them also saw the setting sun beside Fang Xiao.

Di Xiyang once appeared in front of the three captains of the guards as a human being and told them that this was his disguise as a human being.

Therefore, the three of them were not shocked by the human appearance of Sunset at this time.

He immediately saluted to the setting sun, and then stood aside respectfully.

At this time, Qian Ling conveyed all the words that Di Chenguang wanted to convey to Fang Xiao.

After Fang Xiao listened, he nodded slightly: I will definitely not wrong Xiyang when it comes to weddings.

Qian Ling, since you are the one who is going to propose, then I will also leave the wedding to you.

You are a very careful person. I believe you are very trustworthy in taking charge of this matter.

After hearing Fang Xiao's words, Qian Lingtong looked moved and cupped his hands towards Fang Xiao, and then said aloud: Thank you for your trust, Lord. I will do my best to not let Lord down.

Fang Xiao's marriage and wedding are obviously extremely important things.

It must be done only by the people you trust most.

Fang Xiao personally handed over the wedding matters to her, which undoubtedly showed his trust in her. Qian Ling was naturally quite moved.

Fang Xiao nodded slightly, and then motioned for Qian Ling to go ahead and get busy.

After Qian Ling left, Fang Xiao turned his attention to these three young men wearing golden armor.

Then he spoke out and said: You three, I am the lord of Dawn City and the future husband of Sunset. Please take good care of me from now on.

After hearing Fang Xiao's words, the three people immediately bowed their hands politely to Fang Xiao.

As Di Xiyang's future husband, the three of them still respect him from the bottom of their hearts.

After Fang Xiao thought for a moment, he then spoke out and said, Come here, go and arrange a place for the three of you to live in another courtyard.

Fang Xiao's current lord's mansion has two backyards.

The backyard where I and Di Xiyang lived was naturally inconvenient for outsiders to live there.

But as for the other courtyard, it is still vacant so far, and no one has moved in.

Therefore, there is no problem in arranging three people to live in another courtyard.

After hearing Fang Xiao's instructions, the maid next to her nodded immediately, and then motioned for the three of them to follow them to the other courtyard.

The three of them glanced at Di Xiyang, and after seeing Di Xiyang nodding, they followed the maid and walked towards the back.

After the three people left, Fang Xiao asked Xiyang, Xiyang, how much weaker are the three of them compared to you before?

After hearing Fang Xiao's words, Di Xiyang immediately understood what Fang Xiao meant.

Obviously, Fang Xiao was asking about the huge gap in strength between the three captains of guards before she became a multi-professional and now.

So Di Xiyang immediately spoke up and replied: Brother Fang Xiao, don't underestimate the three of them. The chief guards of our Broken Rock City are all carefully selected outstanding people.

And the job transfer orders given to them are also quite top-notch transfer orders.

Now if I'm one-on-one, I can guarantee that I can crush them. But before I get the Hero Order and become a multi-professional, I can only defeat them one-on-one.

It will take a long time to defeat them.

Hearing what Di Xiyang said, Fang Xiao felt completely relieved.

It seems that the professions held by these three people are also extremely terrifying legendary professions.

In this case, as long as you don't face a figure like the previous Honor Alliance Great Enshrinement, you should be able to completely crush ordinary single-career legends and existences.

Of course, there is no need for the three captains of guards to take action against a special legendary existence like the Great Enshrinement of the Glory Alliance.

Fang Xiao and Di Xiyang, or Hu Yu and Wu Xiong, can take action.

After all, they are now multi-legendary professions.

At the same time, in the underground secret room.

The three elders of the Glory Alliance sat on the main throne.

The old man in the center looked around at the many men in black robes below, and then slowly said: Isn't the great priest back yet?

After hearing the words of the old man in the center, the man in black robe on the left stepped out of the queue.

Then he cupped his hand towards the old man in the center, and then replied loudly: I would like to report to the Great Elder, there is still no news from the Great Enshrinement.

After hearing the answer from the man in black robe, the old man sitting in the center seat couldn't help but frown.

Then after pondering for a moment, he slowly spoke out: Even if the enemy's power is difficult to deal with, based on this time, the news should have been conveyed to us.

Either ask for help or send good news. There is no news at all now. Things are very wrong.

After the words fell, the old man was silent for a while, and then his eyes fell on the first man in black robe on the right.

Then he slowly gave instructions: The more I think about this matter, the more wrong it becomes.

Second Worshiper, you are best at stealth investigation. You need to investigate this matter first and report to me the situation in White Elephant City.

After hearing the words of the old man sitting in the center, the man in black robe standing first on the right immediately walked out of the queue, then cupped his hands towards the other man, and then replied aloud: Great Elder, please feel free to leave it to me. I’ll be fine.”

In an hour at most, I will rush back and report to you what happened over there.

After the words fell, the man in black robe was seen slowly walking to one side, and the whole person disappeared into the shadows.

Next, the entire secret room fell into silence.

The old man sitting in the center frowned, and there was a hint of worry in his eyes.

Seeing this, the old man on the right couldn't help but speak out: Great Elder, don't worry, the great worshiper and the few people he led have their skills placed there. Even if they can't deal with the enemy, there should be no problem if they want to escape.

Maybe something really delayed me.

After hearing the words of the old man on the right, the old man sitting in the center just frowned and did not respond to the other person's comfort.

Time continued to pass bit by bit, and when it was nearly an hour, a figure suddenly emerged from the shadows next to it.

It was the second worshiper who left before.

After seeing the second worshipper appear, the old man sitting in the center immediately asked: Second worshipper, how is the investigation going?

Where is the great worshiper now? Why didn't he come back with you?

What happened over there in White Elephant City?

After hearing the old man's inquiry, the second priest couldn't help but show a trace of hesitation on his face. He took a deep breath and then said: The buildings over at Baixiang City have been emptied of people, and there is no one left.

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