Fang Xiao didn't spend much time finding the location of the sacrificial altar.

Then he purchased all the materials needed for the sacrificial platform directly from the trading house, then took out the drawings of the one-star sacrificial platform and started to use it.

Soon, as the materials in the lord's warehouse were consumed, a magnificent sacrificial altar appeared in front of Fang Xiao.

Fang Xiao nodded slightly, very satisfied with the appearance of this sacrificial altar.

Then Fang Xiao took out another drawing of the two-star sacrificial altar, then purchased all the required materials in the trading house and used them.

Soon, the sacrificial altar in front of him was upgraded again, becoming more majestic and full of oppression.

【Sacrificial altar】

[Grade: 2 stars]

[Area: 2 acres]

[Materials required for construction and upgrade: 3-star sacrificial altar drawing, gold coins ×3000, wood ×3000, stone ×3000, Xuan Ming Jade ×300. 】

[Introduction: A sacrificial platform for worshiping God. On the 1st of each month, lords can go to the sacrificial platform to worship God. All soldiers in the territory can receive a 20% skill bonus in that month. After collecting the materials in the lord's warehouse, they can use the drawings to directly target 2 stars. The sacrificial altar is upgraded. 】

Now, all we have to do is wait until the 1st of next month, when Fang Xiao and his men will come here to pray. By then, everyone in his territory will receive a 20% skill bonus.

Although this skill bonus is not a lot, it is still considerable. Anyway, it is much better than nothing.

Later, Fang Xiao no longer stayed here, after all, there was no way to perform sacrifices yet.

Fang Xiao took Di Xiyang directly back to the lord's mansion, intending to be gentle with him again.

At the same time, Broken Rock City.

The envoy team that Fang Xiao asked Hu Yu to arrange were all riding epic flying mounts, so it didn't take much time to rush to Broken Rock City.

When the team of messengers flew outside the gate of Broken Rock City, they stopped immediately.

After all, they all know that it is a very rude behavior to rush into the sky above other people's city.

Before they rushed over, Hu Yu told them repeatedly that they must remain polite and respectful.

There can be no lapses in etiquette.

Otherwise, if something went wrong in what Fang Xiao ordered, they would not be able to escape the relationship.

Therefore, they were very attentive to the matter explained by Hu Yu, and no one dared to be presumptuous.

The movement on their side soon attracted the attention of Broken Rock City.

Not long after, an air patrol force rushed over and finally stopped in front of Fang Xiao's envoy team.

The leader directly asked Fang Xiao's team of envoys: Which force are you from? Why did you come to Broken Rock City? What are you doing?

After hearing the leader's inquiry, the leader of Fang Xiao's envoy team immediately bowed his hands politely to the other party, and then replied loudly: Hello, we are from Dawn City.

This time, I am here to propose marriage to the city lord of Broken Rock City on behalf of our city lord, His Excellency Fang Xiao.

After hearing the words of the leader of the messenger team, the leader of the patrol team was not only slightly stunned.

I didn't react for a while.

After a few seconds, he finally asked aloud: Proposal? Who does your city want to propose to?

Not many people knew about the fact that Sunset followed Fang Xiao and left Broken Rock City.

Only those high-level officials in Broken Rock City who have a good relationship with Earth Sunset are qualified to know.

Therefore, these patrolling soldiers naturally did not know about this matter.

Hearing the question from the leader of the patrol team, the leader of the envoy team immediately replied in a calm and humble voice: Our city lord, this time asked us to come to propose marriage, and the target of the proposal is Ms. Di Xiyang of Broken Rock City.

After hearing the words of the leader of the messenger team, the leader of the patrol team not only widened his eyes, but also felt a little unbelievable.

There is no way, Di Xiyang's reputation is too loud in Broken Rock City.

And the impression she gives is that of a very tough and strong woman. Just hearing this name makes people feel respectful and fearful from the bottom of their hearts.

As a result, there are actually leaders of foreign forces proposing to Di Xiyang. Their first reaction is that they are a little unbelievable.

Fortunately, they didn't say anything they shouldn't have said.

After coming back to his senses, the leader of the patrol team immediately softened his expression a lot.

He is not a fool. He naturally knows that the other party dares to come here to propose to Di Xiyang, so he naturally has something to rely on.

At least, it's definitely not someone he can offend.

Therefore, he immediately spoke out and replied: Okay, please wait here for a moment. I will go and report this matter to the city lord and see if the city lord is willing to receive you.

After hearing the words of the leader of the patrol team, the leader of the messenger team immediately took out a letter from his arms.

Then he said aloud: This is a letter written by Ms. Di Xiyang herself. Please give it to the Lord of Broken Rock City.

After hearing the words of the leader of the messenger team, the leader of the patrol team not only changed his expression slightly, but his eyes instantly focused on the letter in the opponent's hand.

He had not seen Di Xiyang's handwriting, but he did not dare to slack off in his heart.

Don't be afraid of ten thousand, just be afraid of the worst.

If this letter is fake and the other party wants to deceive the city lord of Broken Rock City, then the city lord of Broken Rock City will naturally deal with these people who do not know how to live or die?

But if this letter is true, it means that the relationship between the other lord and Di Xiyang is absolutely extraordinary.

And if his relationship with Di Xiyang was extraordinary, then the team of envoys arranged by the lord would naturally be VIPs of Broken Rock City, and he would not be able to offend him at all.

Therefore, he immediately drove his flying mount to the leader of the messenger team, and then respectfully received the letter in his hand.

Then he said with a solemn expression: Okay, I will definitely deliver the letter to the hands of our city lord intact.

Please wait here, everyone.

After the words fell, the leader of the patrol team left two people here to greet the messenger team.

Then he took the others and flew quickly towards Broken Rock City.

At this time, the lord of Broken Rock City, Chen Guang, was sitting in his palace, quietly tasting the wine in his hand, feeling extremely comfortable.

Recently, all kinds of things in Broken Rock City have been going very smoothly, and there have been basically no mistakes.

Therefore, he felt much more relaxed.

Usually except for some more urgent things that need to be dealt with, you don't need to worry too much at other times.

At this moment, a personal guard quickly ran in from outside the palace, then saluted to the morning light above the throne, and then said aloud: For the information, Lord City Lord, there is a creature outside who claims to be Dawn City. The city lord’s envoy team has arrived outside our Broken Rock City.”

Then, they said that the purpose of their trip was to propose to Mr. Ji Xiyang.

And they also claimed that they brought a letter personally written by Mr. Ji Xiyang.

After the words fell, the guard took out a letter from his arms and raised his hands above his head.

When Di Chenguang heard this, he not only raised his eyebrows slightly, but he immediately thought of Fang Xiao.

After all, he knew better than anyone that his sister was deceived by that human boy.

After taking a slight breath, Di Chenguang stood up from the throne and placed the wine in his hand on the table next to him.

He walked up to the guard, stretched out his hand, and took the letter he held up.

After receiving the letter, Di Chenguang first took a look at the writing on the outside of the letter.

After reading it, his brows couldn't help but stretch.

Because he is too familiar with his sister's handwriting.

My sister's handwriting is quite special, and she has many special writing habits that only her younger brother, Di Chenguang, knows.

Therefore, others can never imitate Di Xiyang's handwriting, because even if the imitation is similar, there is no way to imitate some of the writing habits and traces exactly.

Di Chenguang, his younger brother, could definitely see the flaws easily.

Therefore, at the first moment, Di Chenguang was sure that this was really the letter written by Di Xiyang to him.

Holding the letter written by Sunset on the ground, he came to the throne and sat down.

Then Di Chenguang reached out and tore open the letter, then took out the letter paper inside and began to read it.

At the beginning, Di Chenguang's expression didn't change much.

However, as he continued to look down, the hand holding the paper trembled slightly, and his brows were tightly knitted.

Finally, he shook the letter slightly, and it instantly turned into countless flying ash, floating to the ground.

And he sighed slightly, and muttered slightly: It's really a bad girl, her arms are turned outward.

However, after muttering this sentence, he realized that he was Di Xiyang's biological brother, so it seemed inappropriate to say this sentence.

I could only sigh again.

Fortunately, his muttering voice was quite low, and even the personal guards kneeling underneath did not hear what he was saying at all.

Di Chenguang stood up from his throne again, and then his eyes fell on the bodyguard kneeling on the ground in the hall.

Then he spoke out and ordered: Go and bring that envoy team into the city, and then bring the leader of their envoy team here.

I want to talk to him personally and ask about some things.

After hearing Di Chenguang's instructions, the guard did not dare to hesitate and immediately saluted to Di Chenguang, then quickly stood up and retreated outside.

After the guards exited the hall, Di Chenguang couldn't help but sigh again.

Finally, he muttered: Father fell in love with our human mother, and now you fall in love with a human man. It's really a crime.

Forget it, who made you my biological sister? If I don't condone you, who can I condone?

At the end of the sentence, Di Chenguang couldn't help but shook his head slightly, with a look of helplessness on his face.

In the palace, without waiting for too long, the leader of the envoy team sent by Fang Xiao came to the palace under the leadership of his personal guards.

The leader of the messenger team was none other than Qian Ling, one of Fang Xiao's confidants.

Hu Yu also considered at the time that this matter was too important, so it was not appropriate to arrange ordinary subordinates.

Then he began to make choices among Fang Xiao's confidants.

After repeated screening, he found that only the things Qian Ling was busy with were not that urgent.

Moreover, Qian Ling had followed Fang Xiao with him for a long time, and he knew Qian Ling's whole person relatively well.

At least, Qian Ling's personality is relatively stable and his work is relatively reliable.

Therefore, in the end, he decided on Qian Ling as the candidate.

Let Qian Ling choose such a team of messengers to come here to propose marriage for Fang Xiao.

Di Chenguang's eyes fell on Qian Ling, and then his eyes flickered slightly: It was Fang Xiao who asked you to come here to propose marriage, right?

After hearing Di Chenguang's words, Qian Ling frowned subconsciously.

Because she felt that Di Chenguang was somewhat disrespectful to Fang Xiao by calling Fang Xiao by his first name.

However, considering that the other party is Di Xiyang's biological brother.

That is, Fang Xiao's future brother-in-law.

And since he was also the owner of a territory, he didn't say much in this regard. He just went straight to the point: Yes, our Lord, sent me to discuss the marriage proposal with you.

We are planning to confirm the time of the wedding.

After hearing Qian Ling's words, Di Chenguang nodded slightly, and then said aloud: My sister has already made it clear to me in the letter.

Later, I will arrange for the three chief guards of our Broken Rock City, and then follow you back to Fang Xiao's territory, letting them fully obey my sister's arrangements.

As for the wedding date, my sister has already confirmed it in the letter, so I won't change it.

This time is the 1st of next month.

I don't think there is any problem. I will arrange for my people to arrange the wedding in advance later.

When it comes to January 1st, I guarantee there won't be any mistakes, and my sister will definitely be satisfied.

However, in the same vein, please help me tell Fang Xiao that he also needs to make arrangements in advance. My sister's wedding must not be aggrieved.

Okay, this is probably the information I want to convey to Fang Xiao, and nothing else.

After hearing Di Chenguang's words, Qian Ling nodded slightly, and then raised his hand towards Di Chenguang: Okay, Your Excellency, City Lord of Broken Rock City, I will convey all your words to you word for word. We, Lord Fang Xiao.”

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