The white mantis neighed again and fell directly to the ground.

Takeo immediately jumped down from Bai Mantis's body quickly, and the moment it fell, he stabbed Bai Mantis's body with another sword.

At the same time, two arrows arrived at the same time and shot Bai Mantis in the chest.

Bai Mantis died completely, and a scroll exploded next to him.

Fang Xiao walked over, then picked up the scroll and checked it.

[Baitang Sword Design Scroll (Elite Level 4 Stars)]

[Introduction: Give it to the blacksmith, and the blacksmith will learn how to make the Bai Mantis Sword. 】

Well, this thing is pretty good. You can give it to Jin Lian later and ask him to get one for Takeo and Xu Zhui respectively.

Takeo and Xu Zhui's long swords are both elite-level 1-star swords, so they should be replaced.

After putting the scroll of Bai Mantis Sword design into the lord's warehouse, Fang Xiao opened the trading shop and started to check out Bai Manji related items.

[Baitang Sword Design Scroll (Scroll Type)]

【For sale list】

Bai Mantis Sword Design Scroll (Elite Level 4 Stars) × 1: 50 gold coins.

Bai Mantis Sword Design Scroll (Elite Level 4 Stars) × 1: 40 gold coins.

[White mantis wings (medicinal material type)]

【For sale list】

White Mantis Wings × 3: 3 gold coins (unit price 1 gold coin)

White mantis wings×1:1 gold coin.

Apart from the scrolls designed by White Mantis Wings and White Mantis Sword, Fang Xiao did not see anything else for sale.

It seems that the meat of this white mantis is indeed inedible and not edible, otherwise the trading house would have put it on sale.

Fang Xiao doesn't plan to put the White Mantis Wings up for sale for the time being. When he goes back in the evening, he plans to go to the drug store to show Lan Che and see what he says.

Speaking of which, Fang Xiao also has two medicinal materials here.

They are the gallbladder of the Nettle python that has not been dug out from the corpse of the Nettle python, and the tail of the red-striped venomous scorpion.

Before I went to the drug store, I was mainly busy treating Xu Zhui. I didn't think of it. Then we could see Lan Che together.

As for the design scroll of Bai Manting Sword, it is so expensive to sell. It seems that ordinary people should not be able to explode it. The god-level talent on my side is very important.

Currently, he only has one copy in hand, and Fang Xiao does not plan to put it up for sale. If it comes out again later, he can earn a wave of gold coins by putting it up for sale.

After closing the trading house, Fang Xiao directed Wu Xiong to cut off Bai Mantang's wings and immediately put them into the lord's warehouse.

Then, the three of them continued walking towards the east.

Not long after, Fang Xiao spotted another white mantis in his sight.

It seems that there are more of these white mantises in the wilderness to the east of the territory.

Then it was the same as before, first a sneak attack with arrows, then Takeo used his high mobility to fight, while Fang Xiao and Bai Qing fired arrows from the side.

After killing the second white mantis discovered, another scroll of the design of the white mantis sword was revealed, as well as 8 kilograms of wheat seeds infected by mysterious power.

Including the previous ones, the lord's warehouse has 57 kilograms of wheat seeds.

After a month, when the wheat harvest is abundant, you can order people to take it to the market for sale.

They also cut off the wings of the second white mantis and put them away, and the three of them continued heading east.

This time, no white mantis was found, but a group of goats with jet-black hair.

There are a total of 6 goats in this group. They are very large, and each goat has two horns on its head and one on its forehead.

【Triangle Black Sheep】

[Strength: Elite level 2 stars]

[Skill: Collision (Elite Level 2 Stars)]

After reading the message clearly, Fang Xiao immediately signaled to Bai Qing: Get started later, don't use poisonous scorpion arrows.

These six triangular black sheep are only elite 2-stars in strength, and they are very meaty at first glance, so naturally they cannot be wasted.

Bai Qing nodded immediately, indicating that he understood.

Then the three of them used weeds as tall as half a man to get close to a certain distance, and Fang Xiao and Bai Qing fired arrows to make a sneak attack.

Immediately, the two of them hit a triangular black sheep respectively.

The two triangular black sheep suddenly let out a scream.

Takeo held the long sword in his hand and rushed out boldly towards the sheep.

The six triangular black sheep let out a cry, then lowered their heads, pointed in Takeo's direction, and rushed towards him.

Takeo immediately increased his speed and easily dodged the collision. While dodging, he also struck one of the triangular black sheep with his sword, leaving a huge wound.

Bai Qing shot an arrow and shot directly into the neck of a black-horned goat.

The black-horned goat couldn't help but stiffen slightly and let out a painful scream.

Takeo saw the opportunity and approached directly. Then the long sword in his hand glowed with light, let out a soft cry, and pierced the throat of the triangular black sheep.

After killing the three-cornered black sheep, Takeo keenly avoided the collisions of several other three-cornered black sheep, and then used his backhand sword to penetrate the neck of the nearest three-cornered black sheep.

With the cooperation of Fang Xiao and Bai Qing, Takeo quickly eliminated all six triangular black sheep.

After all, it is only an elite 2-star monster and has only one skill, so it is relatively easy to deal with.

Fang Xiao stepped to the side of the six corpses, and then began to look at the trophies.

[Apricot core infected by mysterious power]

[Output: apricots × 1000/month]

[Introduction: Used for planting. The planted apricot trees will bear fruit once a month. 】

This is a good thing. Like the peach core, it is a resource item.

From now on, you can eat peaches and apricots every month, and you can sell the excess on the market to the people. It is indeed a very good thing.

【Mysterious Treasure Box】

[Introduction: A treasure chest full of mysterious power, it seems possible to unlock all kinds of things. 】

Fang Xiao was very familiar with this thing.

I exploded one before and got a lot of lapis lazuli.

Without hesitation, Fang Xiao chose to use it directly.

‘Are you sure to use the [Mysterious Treasure Box]? ’

Fang Xiao confirmed it directly.

‘You have obtained the [1-star job transfer order (Qingxuan Guard)]. ’

Fang Xiao couldn't help being slightly stunned, and then quickly went to the lord's warehouse to check.

What comes out of the mysterious treasure chest goes directly into the lord's warehouse.

Soon, he saw a token that exuded a green light.

[1-star job transfer order (Qingxuan Guard): Can transform a target into a rare profession, Qingxuan Guard. 】

[Professional upper limit: Rare level 5 stars]

Fang Xiao couldn't help but gasp.

It is a rare profession, and it is also a rare 5-star profession.

There's nothing to say about this, I must use it myself.

Fang Xiao used it immediately, and soon, an aperture with a diameter of one meter appeared in front of him.

As the system prompt sounded, Fang Xiao stepped in.

‘The job changer meets the requirements. Do you want to confirm the job transfer? ’

Fang Xiao confirmed directly, and the aperture under his feet suddenly turned into a ray of light and merged into Fang Xiao's body.

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