Okay. Fang Xiao nodded slightly, and then left the blacksmith shop with Takeo and the others.

From the blacksmith shop location to the east gate, you have to pass the mint.

When Fang Xiao passed the door of the mint, he walked in.

As soon as he walked into the mint, a middle-aged man who looked a little thin came into view.

[Name: Xiao Cheng]

[Occupation: Coin Master (Special Occupation)]

[Occupation upper limit: None]

[Strength: Ordinary level one star]

[Characteristics: None]

【Loyalty: 85】

[Happiness: 80]

[Skill: Minting (Special Skill)]

[Coin-making (special skill): Able to mint copper coins, silver coins, and gold coins. 】

[Introduction: Mint Officer of Dawn Village, manages the mint of Dawn Village and consumes 2 gold coins every month. 】

After reading the other party's message, Fang Xiao breathed a sigh of relief. He was afraid that this guy also had a greedy trait or something.

It's nice to have no features.

In addition, the special profession of coin maker seems to be different from the special professions of pharmacist and blacksmith.

Both pharmacists and blacksmiths can continuously improve their professional star levels to master the production of more advanced medicines and equipment.

As for the coin master, it seems that there is no way to improve it. Just one skill can cover the casting of copper coins, silver coins, and gold coins.

It seems that special occupations are also distinguished.

Hello, Lord. Xiao Cheng gave a slight salute to Fang Xiao: Everything is normal here, and you can start minting at any time.

Fang Xiao glanced at the situation inside the mint, and then nodded: Well, when the territory has the materials in the future, the minting work will be carried out.

Then Fang Xiao checked again, and after a few brief explanations with Xiao Cheng, left here.

Then we went all the way to the guard tower at the east gate. The militia archer on duty here was Li Xiaosan.

Li Xiaosan. Fang Xiao waved to Li Xiaosan on the guard tower.

Li Xiaosan quickly climbed down from the guard tower, then came to Fang Xiao, and said with a smile on his face: Lord, I wonder what you want to ask me to do?

Fang Xiao took out the peach core that had been infected by the mysterious power, and then handed it to Li Xiaosan: Put this peach core in the open space around the guard tower and find a suitable place to plant it.

Well, make sure that after it matures, it can be observed from the sentry tower, but it does not affect the view of the sentry tower to warn foreign enemies.

Wait for me to come back and take a look. If you do it well, you will be rewarded.

After hearing Fang Xiao's words, Li Xiaosan nodded quickly: Okay, Lord, this is a trivial matter, just leave it to me.

Yes. Fang Xiao nodded, said nothing more, and took Bai Qing and Wu Xiong out of the east gate.

It is worth mentioning that Fang Xiao's current territory is already a 2-star village.

The scope of the territory has become a 200-meter radius centered on the lord's mansion.

About 125,600 square meters, which is about 188 acres of area.

This is a big improvement, but there are currently very few people in the territory, so there is no need to expand the building for the time being.

As for the new population, the information from where it was obtained has not yet been obtained.

After exiting the east gate, Fang Xiao glanced at the small iron mine on the right side. After seeing nothing unusual, he walked straight to the east.

The wilderness to the east is full of low weeds, and there are no obstacles blocking the view. Looking into the distance, the continuous mountains come into view.

Of course, Wangshan is a dead horse. Although you can see the mountains in the distance from here, if you want to get there, you don't know how far it is.

Fang Xiao discovered that there were more ordinary first-level small animals here.

However, Fang Xiao has no interest in them. Firstly, they are small and fast, making them difficult to catch. Secondly, what can ordinary first-level ones explode?

The ordinary-level Black-footed Wolf didn't see anything good coming out.

After walking for about a mile, the weeds in the wilderness in front became dense, and Fang Xiao saw a pure white mantis the size of an adult.

【White Mantis】

[Strength: Elite level 4 stars]

[Skills: Mantis Arm Swing (Elite Level 4 Stars), Rapid Impact (Elite Level 3 Stars)]

Fang Xiao narrowed his eyes slightly, then looked at Bai Qing next to him: Bai Qing, do you understand this Bai Mantis?

Bai Qing nodded immediately after hearing this: Lord, if you want to attack it, I suggest you use weeds to get close to it first, and then shoot the wings on its back with arrows. Otherwise, it will be difficult to deal with once it flies. ”

Its head and two mantis arms are very hard. If you fight later, try to avoid these two places.

Okay, let's get closer now. Fang Xiao glanced at the weeds around half a person's height, and then led Bai Qing and the others closer.

After getting close to a certain distance, Bai Qing signaled, and then began to nock an arrow and load the bow.

Fang Xiao gestured to Bai Qing and asked him to use poisonous scorpion arrows, and then he also nocked an arrow on his bow.

This mantis has no meat at first glance, and it's hard to say whether its meat is available. In this case, just use poisonous scorpion arrows at the beginning to reduce the difficulty of the subsequent battle.

This white mantis was eating several pupae the size of human heads with great relish, unaware of the danger coming.

Fang Xiao and Bai Qing released their bow strings at the same time, and the next moment, two arrows shot out of the air, pierced the wings of the white mantis, and poured into its body.

The white mantis suddenly let out a painful scream, and then wanted to open its wings, but one of its wings had been pierced by two arrows and pierced into its flesh, causing only half of its wings to open.

At this time, Fang Xiao and Bai Qing shot out another arrow.

Suddenly, the two arrows penetrated the body of the white mantis again.

At this time, Bai Mantang also noticed Fang Xiao and the others. Unable to open its wings and fly, it took steps and ran towards Fang Xiao and the others.

However, during the running process, it can be seen that Bai Mantis's movements are a little stiff. Obviously, the poisonous scorpion arrows have played a role.

Kill! Wu Xiong held a long sword and rushed towards Bai Mantis.

Soon, one person and one mandarin rushed in front of each other.

Bai Mantis raised his huge mantis arm and slashed hard at Takeo.

However, due to the influence of scorpion venom, the movement of the white mantis' arms is obviously slow and stiff.

Takeo now has the talent of being as agile as a cunning rabbit. He can run extremely fast and easily dodge Bai Mantis's attacks.

Then he came to the side of Bai Manji, the long sword in his hand glowed with light, let out a soft cry, and then struck out with the sword.

I saw that one leg on the side of Bai Mantis was cut off directly.

Suddenly, Bai Manji lost his footing and almost fell to the ground.

At this time, two more arrows hit Bai Mantis's body.

Death! Takeo seized the opportunity, jumped directly onto Bai Mantang's back, and then inserted a sword fiercely into it.

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