Global Gods: My Believer is Galen

Chapter 1007: God is blasphemed

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"The contract says..." Lin Fan frowned again, staring at the thick contract, "Once it is signed, I will become a demon apostle for a hundred years, and you won't even give me any orders, but if I do it again Make two wishes, and I'll become your devil completely..."

"Isn't it five times? You said last time that there are five opportunities to make a wish." Lin Fan was a little dissatisfied.

after all.

Even though I will become a devil in the end, I have lost two wishes for no reason...

"If you're not satisfied, you don't have to sign it." Crowley was still smiling.

Lin Fan was unable to refute.

This **** seller's market.

It has to be said that Crowley does business and is very good at seizing the moment.

"Then you're not afraid that I will only make the first two wishes and not make up for the third?" Lin Fan laughed and said, "In that case, I will be your apostle for a while at most, not a demon, my soul. , still will not be completely distorted."

Lin Fan discovered the blind spot of this contract.

It's totally free.

Lin Fan is so smart, but he found the loophole in this contract. As long as he doesn't make enough times, he will become an apostle for a while at most, and he will not become a demon completely.

He felt that he could calculate this Demon King.

"Oh, yes." Crowley nodded with a smile.

Lin Fan is very smart.

But there are not a few who are as smart as him.

Almost every customer Crowley had met thought so. Facing the temptation of the devil, as long as he only made the first two transactions, it would be fine.

But I don't know that once this devil's transaction is made once, the wonderful taste of the instant realization of the wish and the instant relief of the predicament once tasted, the temptation of the devil can no longer be resisted.

Self-righteous intelligence often leads people to fall into the abyss faster.

Moreover, no one can count against this Demon King.

Before Crowley, the contracts used by the traders of **** stipulated that with just one transaction, the soul would be turned into a demon and become a permanent apostle.


At that time, the soul business in **** was not much.

Later, Crowley changed the contract, and changed it to have five transactions, the soul will be completely turned into a demon and become a permanent apostle.

At that time, many crossroads demons were laughing at Crowley, the new kid. People who traded once and received their souls would not receive many souls. You still traded five times to receive their souls?

Those guests are so smart, if they prostitute you four times for free, they won't make it five times, aren't you busy working in vain?

But the eye-popping thing is.

A year later, Crowley was transformed into the best gold trader in hell, redeeming his soul and starting his own company.

By the next year, Crowley's company had beaten the rest of the competition, monopolizing Hell's soul-trading business, and earning more than even Amy's crusades.

Crowley, the shrewd businessman, knew that people are greedy, even the gods.

Once this opening is opened, it can never be closed.

Those customers who wanted to prostitute for free feel that they are making money, but in fact, their hearts have been opened.

With just one transaction, Crowley has yet to see a guy who hasn't completely turned into a demon and has become an apostle forever.

"If there is no problem, you can sign it." Crowley rubbed his hands together, unconcealed greedy eyes, and looked at Lin Fan as if he were looking at a peerless treasure.

Lin Fan suddenly frowned and asked, "Then how can you guarantee that Lucifer will leave?"

"What he says now is going to kill me."

"Can you beat him?" Lin Fan looked at Crowley suspiciously.

"If I really try my best, I can't beat him." Crowley didn't hide it, after all, the guest has the right to know, "If it really is urgent, he can temporarily return to the strongest state, that state ... all demons, it is estimated that Only the old Amy could hold him back."

"After all, no matter what, that guy is the creation angel cast by the creator **** himself, and he is one of the seven great angels."

"Then you..." Lin Fan was a little puzzled.

Then you tell me the chicken feather contract?

I signed it later, you can't stop it, am I still dying here? After you die, do you still have to be your century-old apostle?

Do you want to prostitute me?

As if he knew what Lin Fan was thinking, Crowley laughed and said, "My strength is not as good as his, but my strength is not necessarily worse than his."

"What do you mean?" Lin Fan couldn't understand.

"Strength isn't just about strength." Crowley smiled: "How powerful Amy is, if she was still there, I would kneel down to her immediately without saying a word."


"Now, why am I the king of hell?"

Crowley stood up slowly, looked at Lin Fan greedily, and said with a smile, "Sign it, and leave the rest to me."

This moment has finally come.

Lin Fan looked at the king of **** and smiled sullenly.

This is his last trump card.

Holding on to the pain all over his body, Lin Fan slowly stretched out his hand and pressed the handprint with his **** wolf claws.


The wind blows.

On the contract, a strange luster is released.


The werewolf, who was covered in bruises and blackened, hugged the succubus, raised his head and roared in pain.


Pain deep into the soul!

A causal imprint appeared in Lin Fan's soul. On that imprint, the evil from the abyss distorted Lin Fan's soul!

At this moment, the soul of the gods that radiated light suddenly dimmed, and the right arm of the soul became extremely dark!

Although it did not completely twist Lin Fan into a demon.

But at this moment, Lin Fan's right arm turned into a wolf claw, and there was a faint trace of black aura, which was the unique and evil aura of demons.

Billowing demonic energy poured out of Crowley's body and rushed into Lin Fan's body, as if a bond had been established between the two.

this moment.

Lin Fan, became Crowley's property.

Centennial Apostle.

Although Crowley promised that he would not drive Lin Fan, nor would he give any orders, until Lin Fan made a second wish and made a second transaction.

Or as Lin Fan had planned, as long as he no longer made his wish, the contract would expire after a hundred years.

But at this time, Lin Fan was no longer a pure god.

On his body, there is the breath of the devil, and there is a brand from hell.

The gods, at this moment, were desecrated.

Part of his soul, at this moment, was turned into a demon.


God's Domain shook.

Lin Fan turned into a werewolf at this time and lost his connection with the gods and the believers, but the bond between him and the gods and the believers has not been broken.

Lin Fan's followers raised their heads to the sky and howled, and they felt a hint of evil coming from the power bestowed by the gods.

In the depths of this God's Domain, a dark and evil aura is being used to turn them around.

As believers cultivated by Lin Fan, their lives originally came from Lin Fan.

As devout believers of the Lord God, their souls are more in communion with the Lord God.

At this moment, as Lin Fan's soul was partially twisted, their lives also began to twist.


The white giant bear roared on the snowy mountain, as if suffering great pain.

The desert gods of death roared in the sky, and the golden axe began to tremble.

The pain that accompanied the scouring of evil almost killed them!

Their lives, all with the Lord God, fell into darkness.

This God Realm seems to be shrouded in darkness.

for a long time.

The roar of pain stopped slowly, and the believers opened their eyes again.

Above the snow-capped mountain, a giant bear with dark hair, like a **** and a demon, opened his eyes, and blood-red lines flashed on the dark hair like thunder.

Skin, 【Tough and Unyielding Volibear】!

In the desert, the tall figure opened his eyes, and the golden and noble axe turned scarlet, as if stained with blood, burning blood-red flames.

The appearance of the second middle school is now as ferocious and terrifying as the **** dog.

The red demonic fire burned on them, and the originally dark hair was like flowing blood and flames at this moment.

[Purgatory Demon Dog Nasus]!

Little Fishman, Nami, Desert Emperor Azir, Picheng Policewoman, Garen, Prince, Juggernaut, Debon Manager…

this moment.

All of Lin Fan's followers exuded the aura of demons, and some were demonized.

Even Galen, who was originally full of holy light and incomparable justice, at this moment, the armor became pitch black, and there was an evil darkness all over his body.

Holy God's Domain, UU reading www. is becoming a forbidden place for evil.

The holy fire in the realm of the gods seemed to feel something.



The holy fire is burning, and the scorching flames are about to sweep through this divine realm and burn this world!

The fire of holiness, which represents holiness, is the opposite of evil.

At this moment, its master becomes a demon, the world it lives in is saturated with darkness, and the believers who worship it are twisted by evil, then... burn the master and burn this divine realm!


The holy flame erupted.

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