Global Gods: My Believer is Galen

Chapter 1006: Crowley laughed

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Looking at the contract in front of him, Lin Fan exhaled and finally reached this point.


Finally going to hell.

But before Lin Fan could reach out to take it, the succubus, who was weak in the werewolf's arms, grabbed the werewolf's arm.

"Lin Fan!" The succubus' face was bleak, but his tone was extremely firm, and he almost reprimanded: "What are you doing?"

"You're going to sign a contract? Are you crazy?"

"We might as well die directly in Lucifer's hands, do you know that once this contract..." The succubus firmly grasped Lin Fan's arm.


"I'm in business, and I never like others to interrupt." Crowley Kings took off his glasses and glanced at the succubus with a smile, "Don't you know, little succubus?"

For a moment.

His shrewd and benevolent eyes, without a hint of tyranny, grinned into flesh, turned pitch black.

Pure pitch black.

It's like going to hell.


The succubus widened his eyes and looked at the squinted eyes tremblingly.

Although the fat man in front of him still had a genial smile, he seemed harmless to humans and animals, just a shrewd businessman.

But at this moment, in the eyes of the succubus, behind the pair of shrewd eyes, it was like a hideous troll looking at him with a grim smile!

That breath.

Even stronger than Lucifer, at least stronger than the current Lucifer!

No tyranny, no killing intent.

Some are just indifference, and endless greed.

For a time, the succubus was stunned to find that he couldn't move his body, and he couldn't even make a sound!

This is the suppression of the soul.

This is the Demon King's **** over low-level demons.

But... this succubus is obviously a fifteenth-order Meizu queen!

For a time, looking at this harmless fat man, the Meizu Queen's eyes filled with incomparable fear.

This fat man is definitely not as simple as it looks.

In hell, all demons are afraid of the six demon kings, but only to the king of hell, those demons are only superficially respectful.

Because the devils know it.

This so-called king of **** is just a name.

In the end, this guy is nothing but a crossroad demon who is at the bottom of the demons and runs around to solicit customers. It's just that the brain is smarter and can earn a lot of souls.

When Amy was sealed, all the six demon kings joined forces. As for this fat man... heh, apart from earning some souls, what other strengths does he have?

But this moment.

The succubus was stunned to find out.

All demons underestimate this fat man!

That oppression...

not far away.

Lin Weimao, who was immersed in the light, also changed his face suddenly. He knew what Lin Fan's signing of this contract meant.

Even if you can survive from Lucifer.

But looking back, I am afraid that even the Lieyang Divine Kingdom will not be able to go back. The white knight who is absolutely righteous will not let go of the children who signed the contract, how can he let Lin Fan go?

"You bastard..." Lin Weimao mustered up a trace of divine power he had just recovered, stood up silently, and rushed behind Crowley.


"Well, it's just a simple business, there's still a lot of trouble."

Crowley turned and glanced.

At that time, I saw a place where there was nothing.

But that line of sight seemed to penetrate the light, directly staring at Lin Weimao, who was melted in the light.

For a time, Lin Weimao was shocked.

There was an abyss in front of him, and in the dark abyss, a ferocious troll was grinning at him, and the terrifying demonic energy rushed over the sky!



Lin Weimao fell directly to the ground. Now he has no strength in ten, but he was shocked by this sight, and the divine power of light that had just recovered little collapsed again!

"This guy……"

Lin Weimao looked stunned.

For a moment.

This king of hell, he feels, is more difficult to deal with than Lucifer!

If we say, Lucifer is an unstoppable huge and powerful angel demon.


This Crowley is just a puddle of clear water. It looks ordinary, simple, and seems unremarkable.

But below the surface, there is a bottomless abyss!

"Hehe, there are some things that the naked eye can't see, but just like pure justice can feel evil, pure evil can also feel invisible light." Crowley muttered to himself. After a few words, he lowered his head and wiped his golden glasses.

Putting on his glasses, Crowley immediately looked at Lin Fan and handed the contract, "Okay, take a look and sign it if there is no problem."

Lin Fan accepted the contract silently, looked at the succubus trembling in his arms, and grinned, revealing an ugly smile.

"Don't worry, I know what I'm doing."

"Besides, you're also a demon, and it doesn't seem like a big deal for me to be a demon."

The succubus's eyes became more and more painful, but he couldn't speak.

The coercion of the Demon King suppressed her to such an extent that until now, she felt that there was a hideous demon standing in the darkness watching her in front of her.

Lin Fan opened the contract.

After looking carefully, he frowned.

"Wish list," Lin Fan frowned and looked at Crowley, "I wrote it wrong."

"I want Lucifer to die, and I want his first blade!"

"Instead of letting him not kill me."


"I'm not going to give him his arm back either."

Lin Fan's face was a little ugly.

"Hehe, don't worry, I know what you think." Crowley's eyes were shrewd, and he smiled: "I know you mean the contract you gave you before, that kind of contract, you don't need to pay anything except your soul. stuff, and any wish you have will be granted."


"It's time to do business."

"Ordinary merchants buy low and sell high, hoarding goods, but for me, the same is true for the soul, buying low and selling high."

"At that time, you didn't encounter real difficulties, and you didn't have real despair. So, even if you want something, you will feel that you can achieve it as long as you work hard."

"At that time, you wanted strength, you wanted to become a high-level **** of the fifteenth rank, but even if you knew the difficulties, you would only think that you could work harder. Instead of thinking about signing a contract with the devil and becoming the devil's apostle from now on ."

"So, at that time, it was a buyer's market, and it was me who was selling to you, hoping you would sign it, and for that, I was willing to offer a rich contract, or even make an offer as long as it wasn't too much."

"That's a very lucrative contract, but to be honest, the transaction rate for such a lucrative contract is generally not high. Because gods or humans, even the stupidest orcs will have a bit of luck in their hearts, hope You can do it on your own.”

"But this is the stupidest thing about them. This fluke blinded their reason and made them unaware of the real crisis. And when the crisis came, they would truly despair and realize that their own strength It's limited, just like you face Lucifer."

"Just like at the beginning, if I said, sign a contract, and I will kill Lucifer for you, will you sign it?"

"No, you won't, you will think that you can kill Lucifer with your hard work... Even, you have no idea what Lucifer will have to do with you, you will only think that killing Lucifer has nothing to do with you."

"And now."

"The situation has changed."

"Now, facing Lucifer, you played all the cards you thought you could deal with, and fell into despair, so you had to call my name."

"And this time, it's a seller's market."

"You and I both know that I am your last hope. You will sign any contract I give you."

"Do you think I'll give you the chance to make a wish at this time?" Crowley didn't hide his greed. "I'm a devil."

Lin Fan was silent.

"Or you can refuse, but it's not like I didn't give you the opportunity to refuse." Crowley rubbed his hands together and said with a smile: "I always make deals with people, and you don't have to sign them."

"Then, go face Lucifer by yourself and pretend I haven't been here."

He looked like he was steadfastly eating Lin Fan.

And in fact, it is.

This businessman from hell, although his strength may not be strong, his vision, sensitivity to business, and grasp of timing can always get the greatest return at the best time and at the least cost.

"You may not believe it," Crowley said with a smile: "In my company, those lucrative contracts have a close rate of almost zero. But these harsh contracts, the close rate is almost 100%, those desperate souls will always Hold on to the last ray of hope, no matter how much that hope will cost them later."

Look at the demon in front of you.

Lin Fan suddenly felt that this guy seemed more terrifying than Lucifer.

Lin Fan grinned: "Aren't you afraid that, like last time, I'll keep you from going back to hell?"

Lin Fan pinched a golden card with his fingertips.

The smile on the fat face froze.

Obviously, the torture of infinite control last time made the **** demon king also have some psychological shadows.


"Hehe," Crowley laughed, "You don't really think that the King of Hell will be suppressed by you?"

"Last time, I just used my life as a sacrifice and summoned the spiritual sense to come. Although that old man is strong, he is only a **** of ice of the fourteenth order, and his life cannot bear my power at all."

"And this time, I passed through the gate of **** and came completely."

"You can't even suppress Lucifer, how could it be..."


The cards spin again.

The golden cards drew graceful curves in the air and hit Crowley.

Crowley took the cards with a smile and said cheerfully, "Can you suppress me?"

"It's really strong." Lin Fan exhaled, but then said in a deep voice, "But whatever, I won't give him his arm."

Crowley looked at Lin Fan's firm eyes.

After thinking for a moment, he suddenly laughed: "Okay, I can promise you, you don't have to return his arm."

"You're so good?" Lin Fan was stunned, this guy was a little unexpectedly good at talking.

In fact.

If Crowley insisted that Lin Fan hand over his arm and would not let go, then Lin Fan could only sign a contract.

After all Lin Fan is not a martyr. Survival is the real thing.

"It's good for me that you hold his arm." Crowley smiled. "And, more than one benefit."

Lucifer is powerful and has the body of an archangel, so that other demon kings dare not provoke him.

But if they really fight, Lucifer will have his wings cut off and no arms...

This is a great thing for the upstart Crowley, who is just a businessman among the other six demon kings.


As long as Lin Fan holds Lucifer's arm, it will be the second time he signs a contract...

Crowley pushed up his glasses and smiled.

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