Global Gods: My Believer is Galen

Chapter 988: You still can't see true greatness

The latest website: The tree demon opened its mouth and sucked the blood that flowed from Lucifer's fingers.

A powerful force surged in its body, and the thick branches became more and more powerful.

This is Lucifer's blood.

The blood of the original demon.

It used to be full of starlight and gifts, but at this time, all the glory has long since dissipated, this fallen angel is already Satan in hell, and every drop of his blood contains the ultimate evil, enough to compete with the demon power of the archangel.


Under this pure demon blood, the fallen tree demon was dragged into the abyss again, the bark was broken, and the trunk became thicker and stronger.

The appearance became more and more terrifying.

Its life was twisted and crazier in that evil direction.



There was no relief in its expression, instead it was full of pain.

Do not know why.

It should be ecstatic about this gift, but it is full of disgust at its increasingly powerful and evil body.

The key is.

Even with its strong body, the blood from Lucifer is not something it can endure in large quantities.

Every drop of blood is tearing him apart!

Every time he becomes stronger, he is constantly dying!

This tree demon kept degenerating in pain, but what came at the same time as death was that extremely powerful and extremely evil power!

Its life is evolving!


"Give me strength and want to completely pull me into the abyss?"


"Then let me have more power until it is enough to tear you apart!"

The tree demon did not evade or resist, but opened its mouth actively, stretched out its fine roots, and wrapped it around Lucifer's fingers.

Crazy sucking Lucifer's blood!

Endure pain, endure death.

Just to get more evil and more powerful power!

"You're crazy." Lucifer felt his blood dripping from his fingertips, and looked at this crazy tree demon with complicated eyes.

"If you go on like this, you will die."

Lucifer was a little surprised at this time.

The big tree in front of him has swallowed five drops of his blood!

His current strength is only sixteenth-order.

But at the beginning, he was the 18th-order ruling angel!

Even if he can't do his best, it is undeniable that the power contained in every drop of his blood is enough to easily crush a fifteenth-order high god!

This guy actually swallowed five drops of his own blood?

Not only alive, but even sane under that evil power.

At this moment, even Lucifer was slightly moved by the big tree in front of him.

What kind of growth is this?

As long as he is given time, this guy... will be a wood blade that grows out of the abyss and pierces the sky!

It will be his own sword against Michael and those stupid brothers!

"Give in." Lucifer looked at the big tree with complicated eyes, and said in a low voice, "If you go on like this, you will really die."

"As long as you give in."

"I will cultivate you carefully, I will plant you in the deepest part of **** with my own hands, and I can give you more power little by little."

"You can't stand it now."

"Now you can't understand true greatness."

"Weak, so your eyes are limited to the island, and you can't see the whole world."

"Anger makes you blind to the real darkness."

"Stop and join me in creating a new world. And then you'll understand me, and you'll know what true greatness is."

"By that time, you will be my faithful servant, and you will be honored to be able to follow me."

But the big tree was still sucking every drop of Lucifer's blood crazily. From beginning to end, it had absorbed nine drops of Lucifer's blood!

There was only an angry roar in response to Lucifer.

"That world."

"Is there a green forest?"

Lucifer was silent.

Hell, no green.

It was pitch black and scarlet, everything was so dirty, everything was so equal.

A chaotic hell, a **** of killing and blood, in the eyes of Lucifer, is the real paradise, the paradise of freedom.

The kind of equality that has come from the fall, which heaven has never had.

Differences will eventually bring injustice.

This is what he has personally experienced.

Heaven is holy, but even among glorious creations, there are shackles of order, and angels need to kneel for the coming of the Son of God.

Only the same dirty, the same evil will make a whole new world.

So, hell, no green.

Lucifer never denied that he was an evil devil, but he considered himself an innovator.

He wants to accomplish a great goal that even the God of Creation cannot accomplish, because, unlike the God of Creation, he is a tool created for that goal.

as a tool for maintaining order.

He is determined to destroy all order and create a new, disorderly, truly equal and free world.

Because he saw the real world, the real, eternal order.

Disorder is the real order, the only eternity.

For this goal, Lucifer could even give his life.

Lucifer knew that order was always there.

For when an old order is overthrown, whoever overthrows it will create a new order.

The innovators will eventually become the new rulers.

The evil demon king who has come out of **** will also become the next creation **** full of glory.

Just as the boy who slaughtered the dragon became the dragon.

But Lucifer is ready.

When he completes that great goal, he will take the initiative to end his own life, use his own death to welcome the new world, and exchange his own life for real disorder.

And disorder will bring about a whole new world.

Lucifer looked at the unwilling tree in front of him, was silent for a long time, and said slowly, "I really don't want to witness your death."

"If you and I were born in the same era, we would be friends. If you and I were in the same realm, we would be enemies for life."


"You and I are not the same after all."

"You are blinded by hatred and anger, you only see your homeland, you only see the forest you are in, but you can't see the real greatness, so naturally you can't understand my pursuit, just like the birds in the forest I don't understand the ambition of the geese to gallop across the world."

"I give you more power, I hope you can see what I see, but you are still immersed in hatred and anger."

"So, you can only die."

"Perhaps, if you witness the arrival of greatness and the world I created with your own eyes, you will understand me and become my lackey willingly. But unfortunately, you can't wait for that day."

The big tree laughed loudly: "If I was born at the beginning of the world, there would be no you. If we were in the same realm, we wouldn't have to fight at all!"

This tree demon born from the blood of the original sin of arrogance, at this moment, is even more arrogant than this original sin of arrogance!

And this time.

That whisker finally sucked the tenth drop of blood!

this moment.

This big tree was full of evil aura, the dark trunk suddenly became scarlet, and the leaves were red as blood!

The terrifying demonic energy turned into a red demonic flame on this angry tree!

The God of Creation used ten drops of blood to create the Son of God, Adam, who is the closest existence to him.

And now.

The tree demon who absorbed ten drops of Lucifer's blood also completely surpassed the shackles of life, completed the transformation, and became an existence at the same level of life as Lucifer!

Fire tree!

This is the most terrifying and most powerful tree demon ever in hell!

Feeling this surging power, the tree demon, whose whole body was burning with demonic fire, laughed wildly in the tearing pain: "Demon, thank you for the power you gave me!"

"Now, let me come..."


Countless branches and leaves, accompanied by the fire of the devil, slammed into Lucifer, like a sea of ​​vengeful fire that was about to devour the devil!


Facing this branch of flames, Lucifer sighed and closed his eyes.

"Why bother."

"Knowing that you will die, it is still so painful, even at the risk of burning your life."

"Unfortunately, your soul will no longer exist."

The voice fell.

At the moment when the branches and leaves that turned into a sea of ​​fire were about to sweep Lucifer.


The big tree suddenly began to tremble violently.


A huge roar came, and its body could no longer support it. The terrifying power contained in the ten drops of blood ripped apart the body of this ancient tree from the inside out and exploded!

Break it into shavings inch by inch!

But even so.

Those burning wood chips still slammed into Lucifer, this is the last revenge of the big tree.

This is a blow it traded for its own life!


The sawdust, which was enough to pierce the rocks, hit Lucifer, but still did not cause any injuries.

Lucifer closed his eyes, feeling the impact of the sawdust and the departure of this crazy ancient tree that dared to disobey his guide, his expression was a little unbearable.

"This is the fate of the loser."

Lucifer remembered the angels who had followed him.

Lucifer knew that he might have this fate one day.

On that day, maybe he wouldn't even leave the sawdust behind, so he just disappeared into the flames of that older brother.

Lucifer took a deep breath.

When he opened his eyes, the scarlet and evil eyes remained indifferent.

Reaching out and slapped the armor on his body, the sawdust rustled from his body, and the pitch-black demon armor was still as clean as new.

As if nothing happened.

"The mantis arm is the car."

Looking down at the broken wood, Lucifer made a light comment.

This scene, he has long been accustomed to.

The gods who slaughtered demons followed one after and he, Lucifer, was still the one that made people tremble.

This demon king of **** has long been accustomed to witnessing the passing of life.

Those who are ridiculous, trying to block their own footsteps, to block the weak life from the great world.

Weakness often leads to ignorance.

The self-righteousness of ignorance limits their vision.

They can only see a forest, a race, but not the real world.

And the flames of anger turned into flames, so that they could not see the darkness beside them.

They hate hell, but they can't see that the world they live in is darker than hell.

"What a pity."

"You're still like them, you don't see true greatness."

Lucifer exhaled.

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