Global Gods: My Believer is Galen

Chapter 987: Absorb my power!

The latest website: Dense tree roots tied Lucifer again.

And this time, even the killing power emanating from the first blade could not make Lucifer break free again!


This tree that fell into the abyss was originally twisted by a drop of Lucifer's blood.

The devilish breath on him came from Lucifer.

This is the evil life born of Lucifer.

Therefore, the slaughtering power that exists on the first blade, from Cain, can make the knife bearer ignore any obstacles, and does not regard the big tree as an enemy at all, and there is no obstacle!


Lucifer frowned slightly.

He was very puzzled, why this big tree would shoot himself.

Obviously, he distorted its soul.

It is its guide on the road to the abyss, and it has succumbed to the darkness and should be loyal to itself.


Take action against yourself?

Lucifer looked at the roots expressionlessly, and his wings slowly spread.



Under the power of this demon, the roots like silkworm cocoons were broken!

"That's it, you want to trap me too?"

"Anyway, I'm also your guide."

"With these roots, is it like defeating me?"

Lucifer looked above his head expressionlessly.


As if responding to the demon's words, the soil above the crypt burst into pieces!

Completely shattered!

The crypt collapses!

It was as if the roof of a house had collapsed, and the collapsed soil was like the collapse of the nine seas, and it was like a yellow wave stamping on Lucifer!

in that dirt.

There was even a huge behemoth that slammed on Lucifer from the bottom up, and the legs that turned into tree roots stomped Lucifer under him!

That is a big tree.

A dark, strong and burly tree.

It is not so much a tree as it is a burly demon. Its hollow eyes exude a turquoise light, and its dark leaves are like palms.

The terrifying tree demon with a thickness of 100 meters, like Mount Tai falling from the sky, directly smashed Lucifer from the air with its huge body, the roots of the tree tightly wrapped Lucifer, and pressed him to the ground!

Lin Fan stared at the scene in front of him in amazement.

"This tree demon..."

Lin Fan had never seen this tree demon before.

Ugly, dirty, evil.

But it still feels very familiar.

"Wait, the silt on his trunk..." Lin Fan suddenly saw that on the dark trunk, there was actually the foul-smelling silt produced by the Tams at the bottom of the river.

In addition, the tree fell from the top of the crypt forcibly...

"It's Long Aotian!" Lin Fan looked at the crazy-looking tree in disbelief.

I really can't believe that the big tree has become like this.

Before, the tree of morality was still so peaceful, so lush, and with a bit of a funny middle 2, and now this big tree is like a tree of demons that grew out of hell!

A terrifying demonic aura rises and falls on this tree demon, born from the flesh and blood of the **** of morality and the magic of the demon king of hell.

That crazy tree demon didn't give Lucifer a chance to struggle at all.

The crown of the tree trembled, and countless branches were like arms, grabbing Lucifer tightly, and beating Lucifer frantically, like a pile driver, who was trampled under him.

One by one evil fruits jumped down from the tree trunk, and the cracked mouth let out evil laughter and grabbed Lucifer's body.




Under the baptism of that evil blood, this big tree has been forcibly twisted.

The crisp and sweet fruits that animals once liked very much have now become the devil's bomb. Every explosion is equivalent to the full blow of a fifteenth-order demon!

a time.

This tree demon that crushed the crypt actually pressed the demon king to the ground with a hammer!

"I also had peace once."

"You want to know what distortion is?!"

"This life has long deviated from the trajectory of fate."

"Come on, devil, that's what you want, right? You've **** off a crazy tree!"

"See the forest's revenge!"

The tree demon sounded like thunder, venting the inexplicable pain in his heart.

It used to be the spirit of nature who loves life and yearns for peace. The flesh and blood of the moral **** makes it a moral tree that pays attention to morality and pursues all good things.

And this time.

Distorted soul. It fell into darkness.

Just a furious, twisted tree demon!

An evil life completely plunged into madness and pain in the **** for killing and the instinct of protection!

He forgot who he was.

Forgot my name.

It just knows.

All who harm this forest must die!

While hammering, the tree demon turned its head strangely and looked at Lin Fan and the others.

"You are of the same kind, a friend of the forest. We... seem to have met." The tree demon looked at Lin Fan with turquoise eyes.

Feeling the same kind of breath coming from Lin Fan, the crazy tree demon didn't show any hostility towards Lin Fan.


An inexplicable obsession is affecting it.

It wants to protect the forest.

And friends who live in the forest.


Looking at the young man, it seems that he can vaguely recall some fragments of memory, as if... this young man seems to know himself...

In this case.

Then just kill this demon who dared to invade this forest!

"Boy, stand behind me."

"I will protect you."

The towering tree that stepped on the devil under its feet and hammered wildly, let out a low roar.

a time.

Looking at the huge and exaggerated tree in front of him, Lin Fan only felt an incomparable sense of security.

It seems that this big tree can block all wind and rain.

And right now.

A suspicious voice came from the foot of the big tree.

"What are you...what are you doing?"

"I am your guide."

"I made you, made you."

"Are you crazy, why are you attacking me?"

Thanks to his strong strength and the almost indestructible body of an angel, Lucifer did not suffer any damage even if he resisted the hammer of the tree.

He was just puzzled.

This guy who was born from his own demon power, absorbed a drop of his own blood and had his life twisted.

Why would you attack yourself as a guide?

A guide, although different from signing a soul contract, does not have that kind of mandatory order.

But for those distorted lives, the guide is the equivalent of a father!

All twisted beings who have fallen into darkness will subconsciously obey the orders of the guide.

Just like Zhao Yaxin, whose soul was also twisted by his own blood.

But why.

Will this big tree attack itself?

"I made you!" Lucifer roared suspiciously, "Why attack me!"

That big tree still hammered him crazily, entangling him.

"It's because you made me."

"We don't need your casting!"

"Everyone who harms this forest must die!"

Although it has become a demon in the abyss, it is still guarding its homeland.

Even if his enemy is the guide who dragged it into the abyss with his own hands!

Satan gave it power.

And it will use this power to fight Satan and protect the homeland in the abyss.

"Come on! Devil!"

"Feel the power you give me!"

"Feel your twisted soul!"

"Feel the madness and evil you've added to me!"

That big tree is like a madman, hammering wildly.


"Ha ha."

Lucifer suddenly laughed.

"You are the funniest tree demon I've ever seen."

"It's just a pity."

"You think you're very powerful."


"In fact, you just absorbed a drop of my blood."

With one hand, Lucifer forcibly pushed up the huge tree demon that was pressing on him!

The tree trunk with a radius of 100 meters was completely unable to resist the power of this demon, and could only twist and tremble weakly in Lucifer's hands.

Sixteen jet-black wings fluttered slowly, the demon stood in the air again, and a bright red magic hand pinched the huge tree trunk.

It was like pinching the throat of this giant tree.

This is the strength of Lucifer.

How powerful he is as an angel, how powerful is he who is now fallen.

This is the power given to this demon by the God of Creation.

This terrifying magic tree, in the final analysis, is nothing but a life forged by a drop of Lucifer's blood.

The crazy hammer blow before the big tree made the ground tremble, but it didn't even hurt Lucifer's hair.


The big tree let out an angry roar, but a cold demonic power emanated from Lucifer's body, suppressing it firmly, those branches and leaves could only shake but could not be drawn out.

"Aren't you willing to surrender?"

"You still want to attack me?"

Lucifer looked arrogantly at the tree demon in front of him who had seen his own strength but still did not give up, and sighed.


"I originally thought that if you saw my strength, you would be more respectful to me. After all, it's rare to see a life that can endure a drop of my blood."

"But unfortunately."

"You still choose to be my enemy."

"I disdain to use the so-called order to restrain others like the hypocritical creator god. Everything that is my enemy, and everything that hinders my footsteps, must die. This is my order, and the only order."

The big tree roared angrily again: "Roar!!"

Lucifer laughed and said: "It seems that you are very Well, since you want power, then I will give you stronger power."

"See how powerful I am."

Lucifer made a move that even Lin Fan couldn't understand.

He bit his finger and pressed it by the mouth of this tree demon!

At the same time, the power of the devil that was so strong that it was almost solid also gathered in Lucifer's hands, but instead of tearing up the big tree, he poured it into the big tree frantically!

"Come, absorb my power! As greedy and crazy as you were before, now I give you more!"

"As long as you are strong enough, you can defeat me!"

"This is your only chance."

Lucifer grinned and looked at the dark tree demon in front of him.

It's like, to help this tree demon grow.

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