Global Gods: My Believer is Galen

Chapter 982: heaven, closed now

The latest website: The **** of morality has cold killing intent in his eyes.

"Do you think this can trap me?"

"Hehe, you were not my opponent before you were alive. After death, are you worthy of standing in front of me?"

Lucifer, who was hanging in the air, looked at the afterimage of the **** of morality indifferently.

With a disdainful smile on his lips.

"Always have a try." The God of Morality looked at Lucifer with a blank expression, "However, you may have misunderstood something."

"I really couldn't beat you before I was alive."

"But when I die."

"My flesh and blood have made this forest of morality."

"This forest has my power. But do you know what is the most wonderful thing about the forest?"

Lucifer frowned slightly.

The afterimage of the **** of morality said lightly: "Forest, it can grow."

"Trees, what a wonderful life, what a great creation of nature."

"As long as there is water, light, and land, it can continue to grow."

"So... the power that this forest has now," said the afterimage of the God of Morality with a smile: "It is more powerful than before my death."

The voice fell.

Countless tree roots that bind Lucifer shrink together!

It's like grinding Lucifer into mashed meat!

This is a blow in exchange for the life of this **** of morality!

This was a trap laid out before he died. On that day, he buried himself under a tree.

He knew that although he hid here, this Satan from **** would eventually come here and retrieve his arm.

This is also the only chance for the **** of morality!

With life and flesh, the opportunity in exchange!

Today, this forest has already absorbed the divine power from his flesh and blood, and it has grown over the years.

Even, this piece of land is not found casually.

In addition to his flesh and blood, this land also contains the flesh and blood of another resting **** who is even stronger than him!

"Moral magic · Forest of the End!"

The last afterimage left by the **** of morality gritted his teeth.


The roots of the tree continued to shrink, and the root system used to absorb nutrients constantly devoured the demon blood oozing out of Lucifer's body.

"Lucifer, you will die eventually."

"Today, you will die with me and become part of this forest." After the God of Morality finished speaking, his figure became more and more illusory.

There is not much consciousness and power left in him.

After this awakening, it will completely vanish from now on.

The God of Morality turned to look at Lin Fan, who had a faint breath behind him, and the corners of his mouth twitched slightly.

"Obviously he is the successor of my **** of morality, but he even wanted to take my corpse away."

"Are you ethical?"

Lin Fan: "..."

"Forget it, since I have passed the moral test and selected you as my successor, I can't go back on my word, otherwise it would be too immoral." The figure of the **** of morality slowly dissipated, "With the constraints of taboos, You will also be a good person who does good deeds every day."

Lin Fan pondered.

You may be wrong about this...

But right now.

Behind Lin Fan, the soil suddenly tumbled under the stirring of the root system, and an exit was opened up again!

A faint light poured down from that exit.

"Get out of here and hide that arm where no one can find it."


This figure completely disappeared.

But those tree roots are still madly attacking Lucifer. This forest adheres to the will of the **** of morality and punishes this demon from **** in its own way!

Lin Fan looked at the exit that appeared behind him and barely propped himself up.

"All go out."

"Cao Dahua, help me."

Lin Fan gritted his teeth, supported his severely injured body, and stood up slowly.


"It's childish."

Lucifer's voice suddenly sounded.

"I thought this way, I could trap me."

"An ant is always just an ant. The gods are still so self-righteous."

The first blade in his hand trembled slightly.

Although not cut out.

But a pure killing aura slowly emanated.

Under this breath, the roots of the trees that wrapped Lucifer's body shattered one after another, as if they had encountered a nemesis.

This slaughter is unstoppable.

This is the power from God Punisher Cain!

Even Lin Fan's control effect couldn't affect the slightest, let alone these tree roots.


The roots of the trees fell in unison.


More roots immediately wrapped around it again, tying Lucifer all over again!

At this moment, the entire forest is against Lucifer.

The roots of the tree shattered inch by inch, but more roots followed, entangled in Lucifer, and then shattered again!

Infinitely general!

Lin Fan turned his head to see this scene. Not only was there no joy in his heart, but his face became even more ugly, and he said loudly, "Everyone, run out!"

Lin Fan had a feeling.

Even if these tree roots are so strong, I am afraid that they will not be able to completely trap Lucifer holding the first blade!

a time.

Without saying a word, Cao Dahua rushed to Lin Fan's side, picked up Lin Fan and rushed towards that exit!

Several other people did not hesitate to rush out towards the exit!

Just get out.

Just be safe!


next moment.

The exit was closed again under the twisting of the tree roots!

And those tree roots that tied Lucifer, this time, were not cut off by the first blade, but took the initiative to loosen Lucifer.

They greedily sucked the blood flowing from Lucifer's body.

Under the erosion of that powerful magic, these tree roots trembled slightly, gradually rendered from khaki to deep black, and became stronger, directly from the thickness of a finger to the thickness of a wrist.

Those tree roots are even helping Lucifer block other tree roots stabbing Lucifer!

"It's childish."

The sixteen wings stirred up again, and Lucifer stroked the black root that seemed to be surrendered beside him.

"Morality is never enough to resist the devil."

"No matter how moral the soul is, it will eventually be tempted by demons. Even trees nurtured by the **** of morality will eventually be twisted by demons."

"A ridiculous trap, trying to use trees against me."

"It's a pity that the **** of morality didn't see with his own eyes that the forest that he nourished with flesh and blood was also unable to resist the temptation of the devil."

The terrifying demonic energy emanated from Lucifer's body, along with his demonic blood, dripping on those roots.

Devil, at this moment, pollute this resting place of the gods!

Lucifer is a pure-blooded demon from a fallen angel.

The blood that was once filled with the power of the archangel as bright as a star and as hot as a flame has long been filled with the power of pure demons.

This power.

It is completely different from divine power, tyrannical, cold, and extraordinarily powerful.

The root system is used to absorb nutrients!

When those roots absorbed the blood full of demon power...then these trees growing on the flesh and blood of the **** of morality also began to assimilate with demons!

"Want me to be part of the forest."

"But, you underestimated my strength and my blood."

"I used to be the most beautiful, powerful and wise archangel created by the God of Creation."

"And now, I'm the most evil demon."

"This forest is not enough to devour me, they can't bear my power."

"Now, instead, they're part of me."

Lucifer smiled, and the devilish energy erupted from his body!

But all the infected at this moment, all become dark and strong under the catalysis of demonic energy, like tentacles from hell.

Far from attacking Lucifer.

Instead, he swayed toward the demon king, as if surrendering!

this moment.

The dense root system protruding from the soil, starting from Lucifer, quickly became dark and strong in the surging demonic energy.

And the demon standing in the air under the fluttering of sixteen jet-black wings was like the master of this place.

Lin Fan stared blankly at the exit that suddenly appeared and suddenly closed, turned his head, and saw Lucifer showing an evil smile at him.

"Don't think about escaping."

"Heaven, it's closed now."

"Here, **** takes over."

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