Global Gods: My Believer is Galen

Chapter 981: Restoration

Latest website: The ferocious blood-colored sharp horns protruded from Lucifer's forehead, and the skin became scarlet, covered with purple-red lines.

The huge body was a hundred meters long, which was still limited by the height of the crypt, but even so, the terrifying sense of oppression was still like a mountain.

Shoulders, knees, elbows, wrists.

There were hard and sharp pitch-black barbs protruding from them all.

Among the blood-red eyes were pupils erected like poisonous snakes, and the surging demonic energy rolled over this terrifying body, and a set of pitch-black armor completely covered him.

This armor of an archangel once flashed the glory of an angel.

But when Lucifer betrayed heaven, this armor also became Satan's battle clothes. The once exquisite gilded holy dragon pattern became a ferocious picture of **** demons, and each demon showed a fierce smile on this armor.

Lucifer at this moment.

completely into a state of combat.

Lin Fan's eccentric methods made him temporarily give up his arrogance and begin to take the ant-like **** in front of him seriously.

Behind the hideous barbs and the jet-black armor, sixteen jet-black wings reflected a metallic luster and waved gracefully.

this moment.

The devil finally came.

This is the real Lucifer.

Wrapped in a terrifying demonic energy, Lucifer flew in the air with the waving of sixteen wings, looking down at Lin Fan.

Only the left hand holds the first blade.

Although the first blade seemed to pose little threat to Lin Fan, and Lucifer couldn't cut it out at will.

But even just holding it.

The remaining strength of Cain in the first blade is also enough to keep him in an unstoppable state.

Lin Fan's so-called control effects were like children's jokes.

"It's an honor for you," Lucifer said indifferently, looking down at Lin Fan, "to be able to see me with my own eyes."

Lin Fan raised his stick expressionlessly.

"Hehe, are you still trying to use that stick?"

"Put down that poor wooden stick." Lucifer said indifferently, "If I'm not mistaken, your stick can only block the attacks of tangible things."

"You said, did I guess right?"

Holding the left hand of the first blade, he pointed his finger at Lin Fan.

Lin Fan's expression changed suddenly.

But there was no time for Lin Fan to step back. The moment when the index finger flicked up, a terrifying pitch-black demonic energy burst out, rushing towards Lin Fan!

Demonic energy, invisible thing!

The real eye in Lin Fan's hand can withstand any real attack, but it can't stop magic at all!

It has to be said that Lucifer deserves to be the existence who fought countless angels at the beginning, not to mention his strength, the combat experience alone is not comparable to Lin Fan!

With just one glance, he saw the loopholes in the seemingly indestructible True Eye.

only momentarily.



An infinite shield appeared on Lin Fan's body, an invisible shield gathered by strong winds wrapped him tightly, and a golden holy shield appeared on Lin Fan's body.


Garen's W skill [Courage] with damage reduction effect.

Fire Girl Annie's W skill [Lava Shield] also has the effect of reducing damage.

Lin Fan even closed his eyes and crossed his knees under this terrifying demonic energy, and instantly entered a state of meditation. His breathing was almost still. He was clearly under the demonic energy, but his heart seemed to be on a calm water.

A mysterious aura emanated from Lin Fan's body.

Promise Sword Saint W skill, [Meditation]!

Huge damage reduction!


even so.

Under the pitch-black demonic energy pouring down like the ocean, Lin Fan was still like an ant!


A terrifying demonic energy slammed into Lin Fan.

The devilish energy, which was born with an evil aura, was completely opposite to divine power. In an instant, it broke through all of Lin Fan's shields. It was like tearing a piece of tissue paper. Come.


Under the scouring of this terrifying demonic energy.

Lin Fan couldn't even maintain a state of meditation, his calm state of mind was instantly shattered by the magical energy captured by this huge wave, and the whole person flew backwards!


Lin Fan flew out 100 meters and smashed into the wall of the crypt.


Lin Fan only felt a warmth gushing out from the depths of his throat, and he opened his mouth and spat out a mouthful of blood wrapped in demonic energy!

That demonic energy, which was originally opposed to the gods, raged in Lin Fan's body, shattering all of Lin Fan's divine power!

If it weren't for the damage reduction effect, just this blow would have already strangled Lin Fan!

Even so, Lin Fan couldn't move.

Heart-piercing pain came from the whole body, and all the tendons and muscles were torn apart under the extremely evil demonic energy.


Just a random finger from Lucifer!

It wasn't even the most basic demonic magic, it was just a magic energy that popped out of Lucifer's finger.

It's so simple that it can't be called an attack.

But even so, Lin Fan, who had activated the heavy shield skills, was almost instantly killed!

This is the power of the original sin of arrogance.

"Now, do you feel the gap between you and me?" Lucifer sneered at the corner of his mouth. "Now, I will dig up your Divine Realm with my own hands and take out my arm."

The sixteen-winged fallen angel fluttered its pitch-black wings and floated towards Lin Fan.


Just the next moment.


The entire crypt suddenly began to tremble.

Numerous root systems drilled out from the surrounding soil and stabbed at Lucifer from all directions!

Rules, no flying!

What's more, the **** of morality who gave birth to this resting place of the gods died here in order to hide Lucifer's arm.

Those trees that have been nourished and grown by his blood also have a disgust for demons and Lucifer!


Countless roots are like long spears, stabbed towards Lucifer fiercely.

This time, the resting place of the gods seems to have a will of its own.

The attack launched by this forest on Lucifer has long exceeded the intensity of punishment against Lin Fan and others before!

The terrifying roots are endless.

Don't forget where this crypt is built.

The very center of the forest.

It is directly below the administrator!

The part of the tree on the ground, the trunk and crown look tall and vigorous.

But don't forget, what really matters to a tree is not the trunk, nor the leaves, but the root system that draws water and nutrients from the soil.

For trees.

The trunk is tall and the branches and leaves are lush.

The real tough part is the roots!

That is the basis for the survival of the tree, and it is also the most developed and prosperous part of the tree!

And in the soil around this crypt, I don't know how many roots there are!


The earth is roaring.

The trees are roaring.

A terrifying mighty force that had been dormant for a long time erupted underground!

Under this power, the entire island trembled.

In the crypt, the surrounding mud walls were shattered at this moment, and countless dragon-like root systems were protruding.

The countless root systems occupy all space and swarm towards Lucifer!

It's like a 360-degree, dense network.

At the same time, those who bypassed Lin Fan and others and stabbed Lucifer's roots directly became a natural obstacle between Lucifer and everyone.


Lucifer didn't come back to his senses at all, and was **** by this dense root system, and there were countless root systems that penetrated into his terrifying demon body like thorns!

"Puff puff!"

For a moment.

The noble and indomitable Lucifer was directly **** by the dense tree roots, together with the sixteen jet-black wings, and the whole person was suspended in the center of the crypt.

That tree root was like a huge cocoon, wrapping him, and black blood seeped out between the layers of overlapping tree roots, dyeing the huge cocoon red and dripping slowly.

in the crypt.

A weak laughter came: "Lucifer, I've been waiting for you for a long time."

An illusory figure slowly appeared in front of Lin Fan, looking up at Lucifer.

The figure is an old man in white robe who looks very decent. UU Reading

What's even more bizarre is... this phantom was actually condensed from the shards of light points that were turned into skeletons that had been shattered by Lin Fan before!

It is the **** of rest!

God of morality!

Lin Fan's guess was correct.

In that bone, there is a trace of strength remaining.

A trace of power preserved by the resting god.

At this moment, after the demon was revealed, the resting **** also woke up again with the last trace of strength.

"This is my burial place." The **** who had already rested looked at Lucifer, "It is also the last trap I prepared for you."

"The original sin of arrogance, Lucifer."

"You didn't disappoint me, you came here in person."

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