Global Gods: My Believer is Galen

Chapter 905: Bloodthirsty Werewolf

The smell of the blood that filled the air was so sweet that it made the blood of these beasts tumble in their bodies, and their **** broke through the shackles!

Under the stimulation of blood, the wildness in their bodies exploded completely, and their instinctive desire made their speed of chasing blood extremely exaggerated.

Zaun Furious Beast W skill, [Blood Hunt]!

The speed is increased by 50%. If the enemy is in a state of residual blood, the speed bonus is tripled!



A wolf moo was heard one after another on this **** chaotic battlefield, as if the wolves were organizing to attack their prey one by one.

Fifteen hundred werewolves were like purple afterimages on the battlefield, rushing left and right following the smell of blood, tearing the **** enemies into pieces, chasing the smell of flesh and blood like ghosts, exuding death. .

A flame warrior is holding a fiery sword and banging against Poppy's great hammer.

That Poppy skill has cooled down, and this flame warrior has the upper hand with his eighth-order strength!



On his left side, a sudden wolf moo sounded.

This strange wolf moo was so terrifying that it made the flame warrior's heart tighten, and he turned his head to look subconsciously.

I see.

A few dozen meters away, a purple figure rushed forward!

It was a ferocious beast with a body size of four or five meters. It was wearing a strange apron and had purple hair growing on its exposed body!

The apron that was supposed to be worn on the kind grandmother did not make the werewolf look kind, but made it more crazily distorted!

Under the reading glasses, there are scarlet eyes, there is no reason and emotion, only the instinctive desire for killing and flesh and blood!

The flame warrior turned around and wanted to hide first.


He just took a step back when he saw the werewolf jumping high from dozens of meters away!

Like purple lightning, it rushed in front of this flame warrior in an instant!

The yearning for flesh and blood makes this werewolf burst out with incredible speed.


The flame warrior had no time to think about it.

Seeing the purple wild figure rapidly magnifying in his eyes, he subconsciously raised the sword of fire to his chest, ready to block the werewolf.



Before he could raise the sword of fire,

There was a warm gasp on his cheeks, and a werewolf face suddenly appeared in front of him!

That face, twisted and crazy!

With scarlet eyes, he stared at the flame warrior. And the big mouth full of fangs was already open, biting towards his throat!

"This guy, when did he pounce!"

The flame warrior wanted to push the werewolf away, but was stunned to find that his arms could no longer be raised.

It was only at this moment that the powerful eighth-order flame warrior discovered that the werewolf had already used his legs to ride on his waist, completely pounced on him, and his wild and strong body was like shackles.


Complete suppression!

At this moment, this flame warrior has become the prey of these pure beasts, like a lamb to be slaughtered by a wolf!

There was a whisper like a wolf moo in the ear.

"Submit to the beast."

The sharp claws that were transformed into metal were raised high!

It was forcibly added to it by the vicious alchemist, who regarded it as a curse, but for the beast, it was an unrivaled weapon of slaughter!

It is also the most suitable for opening the stomach and pulling out the claws of the heart!

Pure killing machines were the original intention of the alchemist to create them, and it was also the fate that these werewolves hated but could not defy.




The claws are like shadows!

The werewolf waved the afterimage with both claws, and regardless of it, frantically grabbed the flame warrior who was caught by him.

Shred the skin and shred the flesh!

This is the madness unique to the beast.

In the face of this mad werewolf, the flame warrior could not stop it at all, and he couldn't even make a move. In an instant, his whole body was covered in bruises and bruises, and the tragic marks left by the wolf's claws were clearly visible to the bones!

A flame warrior around saw that the situation was not good, and quickly stepped in to help, and the blade wrapped in flames slashed at the werewolf.


Under the scorching flames, a ferocious wound was split on the werewolf's back.

The tough purple wolf fur was instantly melted by the flames.

But the werewolf still just ignored it, tore and devoured the flame warrior under him, and swallowed the flesh and blood of the opponent!

only momentarily.

The wound on the werewolf has completely recovered!

Werewolf R skill, [Endless Binding].

Suppresses an enemy, inflicting high damage several times in a row, and uses the opponent's flesh to heal itself during this period.

The healing effect is 100% damage value!

The hunger and thirst of these beasts for flesh and blood comes from instinct, and they can make full use of the nutrients in their flesh and blood, absorb them greedily, and turn them into their own flesh and blood.

The flame warriors who were eaten could not understand what these beasts were and how they were cultivated.

Even from the beginning to the end, he did not get rid of the repression of the werewolf!

On the battlefield, these werewolves occupied by wildness didn't care about the enemy's attack at all, they just followed their hunting instinct and ripped apart the enemy frantically.

Sharp teeth gnawed at the throat, claws cut open the chest and pulled out the heart.


The sweet and juicy heart burst between the teeth, and the fragrant **** taste burst in the mouth!


A werewolf stood up from an enemy whose chest had been hollowed out, his crazy eyes lingering in aftertaste, and he let out a soothing howl.

This **** battlefield is a hunting paradise for werewolves!

However, those flame warriors and water warriors with eighth-order attack power were stunned to discover that these terrifying beasts were not only crazy and wild, but they couldn't be beaten to death!

Under the influence of the passive [Hunger of Blood] and the Q skill [Mouth of the Beast], coupled with the three generations of werewolf bloodlines awakened together with Lin Fan, the recovery ability of these werewolves is extremely terrifying, even Ping A is recovering blood and is injured. Not only will it not make them weak, but it will stimulate the wild recovery even more, and the ability to restore blood is even more amazing.

The teammates also cooperated with these werewolves. In order to fully stimulate their animal nature, Garen and other melee warriors deliberately cut off the feet and legs of several flame warriors, but instead of killing them, they threw them on the ground and ignored them. UU Reading

The **** smell and heartbeat of these dying enemies let the werewolf's **** instincts unfold and run like a gust of wind.

"Tear them apart!"

"This beating heart!"

"Damn hunger!"

"Annie is in the realm of the gods behind us, and we can't let these invaders enter the realm of the gods!"

"Protect Annie, protect Annie's friends!"

"Don't kill, don't go crazy! Look down at your apron and think about our granddaughter waiting for us to go home and cook!"

a time.

With the addition of Indestructible Thunder, Sacred Hammer's Resilience, Nuo Shou, Galen, Dog Head, and Werewolf, the already weak team of sharp knives stood on their heels in an instant!

Following the opening torn by the sharp knife team, the melee tanks rushed into the enemy line with the momentum of a charge. _

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