Global Gods: My Believer is Galen

Chapter 904: Dog head: add 3

But then, the disdain in the flame warrior's eyes turned into a deep shock!

"This flame is not right!"

"This is not the flame we are familiar with!"

The faint blue flame, although it was a flame, was extremely cold.

It was a flame these flame warriors had never seen before.

Burning on the body, the terrifying pain goes straight into the soul, as if the soul is roasting on this flame!

Even their flesh-and-blood skin was faintly melted at this moment, and the tough skin, which had been astonishingly defensive, instantly became fragile!

Desert Death E skill, [Soul Flame]!

Nasus unleashes soul flames at the target area, dealing magic damage.

For the next 5 seconds, weaken the armor of enemies in the area and deal magic damage every second.

"These flames..."

"it hurts!"

Those flame warriors and water warriors wailed in the flames of their souls.

They have never seen such flames!

To be honest, these flame warriors, because of their own attributes, are not afraid of burning flames at all.

And those water warriors are naturally restrained against fire, and they will not be burned by fire.

But... this blue flame is not something they can resist at all!

The fire that burns the soul!

"Kill them now!"

"These guys are mages who summon weird flames!"

"Don't be afraid, go and fight them!"

A flame warrior with a quick brain response shouted instantly.

For a time, other flame warriors and water warriors rushed towards those dog heads.

In fact, their thinking is correct, these dog heads can release such terrifying flames, they must be mages!

And the mage is well known.

Although it can release terrifying magic, it has a fatal weakness.

Frail body.

To deal with mages, just rush to their side and fight them directly and you're done!

For a time, these flame warriors and water warriors who had gone astray, endured the roasting of the [Soul Flame] and rushed towards the dog's head!

On the contrary, this made the dog heads stunned for a while... I have never seen such a cooperative enemy.

You must know that the biggest trouble of the desert **** of death is that he moves slowly, and sometimes the enemy can't catch up if the enemy runs fast...

Seeing that these warriors took the initiative to step on the [Soul Flame] and ran towards them.

The dogheads who originally wanted to release [Wither] to slow down the enemy all gave up the idea of ​​releasing [Wither], took the axe, and rushed into the enemy's line!

"Haha, I didn't expect it, I rushed over!"

A flame warrior laughed excitedly, raised the sword of flame towards the dog head in front of him, and jumped high!

Above the blade, the fire swept!

【Blade of Fire】!

"Accept the punishment, Mage!" The flame warrior roared excitedly, slashing the sword of flame to the dog's head.



The dog's head hit him with an axe to the ground.

He just smashed his head off.

The fiery blade that was about to hit the dog's head suddenly stopped in the air, and instantly hit the ground vertically with the body of the flame warrior, stirring up a layer of dust.

Until the death, the smile on the face of the flame warrior has not dissipated, and his eyes are full of joy to hack the mage...

Above the giant axe, dark flames burned.


The flames swept away and swept across the body of the flame warrior, and a silent and miserable howl came instantly, and the soul that was supposed to go to the other shore to rest in peace was swallowed by the black flame!

Q skill, [Draining Soul Blow]!

Devour souls and increase attack power!

The life of the living will eventually become the power of death.

For a time, the flame warrior and the water warrior who had rushed to the front were stunned.


"I was hammered to death in one fell swoop?"

"What kind of power is this!"

"No, they're not mages, they're... warriors! And extra powerful warriors!"

"Run away from them!"

Those flame warriors and water warriors never imagined that among Lin Fan's followers, there were believers who could knock them to death with terrifying power!

They are obviously only sixth-order!

Why is there such a terrifying power!

And didn't they cast magic before to summon that weird blue flame?

Why is it a soldier!

What the **** is this shit!

For a while, the mentality of these flame warriors and water warriors is about to collapse... Since you are warriors, what kind of magic do you have to learn when you are idle?


It's too late!

Seeing the flame warriors and water mages rushing forward, the desert reapers held their axes high.

On the axe, the dark flame is beating, with the desire for life!

Their eyes were indifferent, like death watching.

"Your soul will be weighed by the goddess."

"You have no afterlife to speak of."

"Your legacy will drift away, into eternity, like the yellow sand in the desert."


The golden axe, burning with pitch-black flames, slammed down with a huge force!

It's all smashed to death!

"Huh." The dog heads raised their heads and smiled with satisfaction: "+3."



Some are even complaining: "It's weird, I only added three. I thought these guys were all full of fire and water, but I thought they were quite powerful... It turned out to be no different from ants..."

"Are they great?"

"I didn't try it. Anyway, it was similar to an ant, and it was knocked to death at once...but the sound was quite loud."

The indifference in the eyes of the dogs and the indifference in their words are not fake.

They really didn't take these flame warriors and water warriors as human beings. In their opinion, isn't it the same as the termites they knocked on in their usual days...

Looking at the tidal flame warriors and water warriors in front of them, there was not a trace of fear in the eyes of the desert gods of death, but full of surprises.

"So many termites."

"You can't find it in God's Domain."

"Hey, I can have a good knock today."

a time.

on the battlefield.

Rolling yellow sand.

And under the cover of the yellow sand, the black aura of the dog's head appeared and disappeared from time to time, spreading death.

Every time the axe fell, a flame warrior or water warrior was directly knocked to death!

They are the **** of death walking in the yellow **** of death, Nasus.

These simple and honest dogs who have started knocking termites since they appeared, face the enemy with a kind smile.

But they are not yet the most feared by the enemy.

What frightens those flame warriors and water warriors the most is the fierce beasts that slaughter wildly!

Fifteen hundred werewolves, like fifteen hundred purple shadows, roared and slaughtered wildly in the battlefield.

Sharp teeth gnawed at his throat.

The claws tore open the guts.

Their bodies are full of wild power, as if they were weapons specially built for killing.

"Bang, bang, bang..."

The medicine pump behind them poured the rage potion from the vicious sorcerer into their veins, the thirst for killing and the rage that had nowhere to vent occupied their minds. _

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