Global Gods: My Believer is Galen

Chapter 859: other battles

Although these giant bears are extremely powerful, the elementalists have no entity at all, they are just elements gathered together.

They are strange creatures, and this strange life form is very similar to the state of elemental gods after elementalization.

This kind of life, even the virtual battle system can't fully simulate it. For example, when Lin Fan played against the elemental disciple from the fifth middle school student on the virtual battlefield in the freshman game, he smashed them with the believer's slashing.

But in fact, for this strange life.

A pure power bombardment can only hit them hard, at most it will disperse a part of the elements in their bodies, making them a little weak.

But it can't kill them completely.

If you want to kill the elementalists, you must use another elementalist to obliterate them from the elemental level, or the elemental gods will do it themselves.


"Here," a Fire Elementalist Senran sneered, "We are invincible!"


"Well, Xiao Ju, do you want to come out and play too?"

In the grass, a dull sound suddenly came.

Ivern, these clumsy treemen, even sneaked over from the grass at some point!

"Okay, then come out and see your new friends."

"Have fun with new friends."

"High-five with your new friend, Xiaoju!"

"Little Ju, be gentle!"

With a kindly exhortation, Ivern opened his arms, and the branches touched the ground.

As if calling for something.

next moment.


The ground trembled at this moment, the soil tumbling and cracking, and the earth elementals composed of huge stones and sand climbed out of the ground.

Thick and hard.

The rich earth element surges in their bodies, declaring their identity as earth element messengers.

The mountain-like body is extraordinarily powerful. These earth elements happily climb out of the ground and jump around happily around Ivern. They don't seem to be here to fight, but to make friends.

There is even a beautiful little flower growing on the stone head, like a girl who loves beauty.

The next moment, these little chrysanthemums turned around and happily rushed towards the fire elementalists.


"New friend!"

"bear hug!"

Xiaoju is an earth element envoy who loves bear hugs and likes to make friends.

For a time, those fire elementalists were directly hugged by Xiaoju and threw them up high!

Ivern's R skill, [Little Ju].

Xiaoju will happily bounce around Ivern, repeatedly knocking Ivern's attack target into the air for 1 second, and can only trigger once within 3 seconds.

The little chrysanthemums are very happy.

They don't think it's a fight at all, it's just a warm bear hug when meeting new friends.

There are too many new friends here, including fire elementalists who are as tall as me, and those bears who like to hug...

But for those Fire Elementalists, the heavy bear hug was as if the entire mountain was pressing down on them. The terrifying Earth Elemental was wrapped in a huge force, crushing their bodies made of Fire Elemental inch by inch!

This is a collision between elements!

"Let go!"

"We don't want to be friends with you!"

"Hurry up! Let it go! I can't hold it anymore!"

"Damn, why are you so enthusiastic!"

Those fire elementalists were desperately stirring up their flame bodies, but no matter how vigorously they burned, they couldn't burn down those passionate little chrysanthemums.

Stone, don't be afraid of burning.

The little chrysanthemums with rough skin and thick flesh don't feel pain at all...

This is the restraint of the elements.

Fire can't burn stone, but dirt can put out fire.

At this moment, the Fire Elementalists were constantly thrown up by Xiaoju, and finally dissipated one by one... Of course, the Xiaojus also suffered from the backlash of the rules, but for them, it was just returning to the ground again, waiting for Ivern. next invitation.

Those Galen, who were cleaning up the remaining flame warriors, saw those tall and powerful Xiaoju, their expressions changed slightly, and their expressions became complicated: " are also quite strong..."

The Galens were pondering, if they really wanted to hit hard, if they didn't use their skills, they might not be able to beat those giant stone giants.


"We really don't fight. We love peace."

The Iverns explained indifferently, "We just have some warm friends... You know, we have a lot of friends."

Galen: "..."

You are really humble.

this moment.

The three religious races sent by Huo Rulong were completely crushed by Lin Fan's three believers!

And the other side.

At the same time when the fire was like a dragon.

The two teammates beside him also attacked at the same time!

"Offended!" The fat man took out a spatula and a kitchen knife, and rushed towards Cao Dahua with a gleam in his eyes.

He has been jealous of Cao Dahua for a long time!

He could smell the sweet smell emanating from Cao Dahua's body. He could even feel the terrifying energy contained in Cao Dahua's body.

This will be the perfect ingredient for you!

With this guy, Fatty believes that he will make the greatest delicacy ever!

"I will treat you well!"


Before Fatty could rush over, Zhang Xiaoying was already in front of him.

"You want to stop me from foraging?" The fat man held the spatula with a gloomy expression.

Zhang Xiaoying glanced at him with a complicated expression, and said complicatedly, "You may have misunderstood..."

"I'm saving you."

"If it wasn't for Lin Fan and Huo Rulong joining forces, I wouldn't stop you from courting death."

Zhang Xiaoying had seen Cao Dahua's terrifying appetite.

Swallow the divine gold mixed with the Conferred God Stone!

This mouth... If the fat man dared to go to Cao Dahua, Zhang Xiaoying pondered, who might be the ingredients...

"Heh, save me?" The fat man smiled coldly: "Okay, then I'll go find that fat man after I defeat you!"

Without saying a word, Zhang Xiaoying slashed with an axe!

"excuse me!"


What surprised Zhang Xiaoying was that the fat man didn't stop him at all, letting his axe slash at him!

But even if the axe fell **** him.

But not a drop of blood came out.

That bloated body of fat actually completely wrapped the sharp blade of the axe, and even if it was cut with all its strength, it would not be able to completely penetrate that body of fat!


Taking advantage of Zhang Xiaoying's distraction.

The fat man slapped Zhang Xiaoying on Zhang Xiaoying's shoulder with a spatula. Zhang Xiaoying was about to back away subconsciously, but her face suddenly changed.

"It doesn't hurt at all?"

The fat man smiled and said, "Of course, it doesn't hurt at all."


However, Zhang Xiaoying seemed to have suddenly noticed something, and her face became solemn.

This fat man's divine power is strange!

His original supernatural power was slapped by the fat man, and his appearance was reduced by one-twentieth!

That fat man's divine power has no lethal power, but he is like a hungry eater, gobbling down his divine power!

"Is this how the God of Cookery fights?" Zhang Xiaoying quickly pulled the distance between herself and looked at the Fatty with a dignified expression.

The fat man wiped his mouth.

The fat, greasy lips showed a smile, and the tongue licked the yellowed teeth.

"Now, you are my food."

"I'll eat you up one bite at a time."

The fat body walked towards Zhang Xiaoying step by step, exuding an unparalleled sense of oppression.

And the other side.

The girl named Little Leopard suddenly threw a long javelin at Cao Dahua like an ancient **** of hunting.

Ji Long summoned a dwarf mecha and rushed towards him, but the brown-skinned girl with short hair turned into a nimble cheetah before everyone saw it, and disappeared into the depths of the forest after tossing and turning.

"You can catch up with me if you have one."

"Oh, the forest is my home ground!"

This is more flexible than the gods.

The little leopard, the goddess of hunting, and the goddess of cheetahs!

These two are priests that are very suitable for jungle combat, especially when she transforms into a cheetah, her movement speed in the forest is much higher than that of a god.

In this forest, the gods must be careful every step of the way, so as not to step on flowers and plants and violate the rules.

However, she was like returning to her homeland, her dexterous figure belonging to a cheetah walked freely through the grass, and even stepped on tree trunks to and fro.

At the moment, Ji Long, who was wearing a dwarf mecha, couldn't catch up at all.

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