Global Gods: My Believer is Galen

Chapter 858: The only one who can defeat the Elementalist is the Elementalist

Those flame mages were stunned when they saw that the Annies gave up the fight and turned around and walked back.

next moment.

They laughed.

"Hahaha, these guys were repelled by us!"

"Have you felt the power of fire?"

"Faced with our magic, surrender and fear!"

"Little girl, you shouldn't be on the battlefield, go home and cry in your mother's arms!"

The laughter was full of joy.

Originally thought that these little girls were powerful enemies, these flame mages even prepared for a hard fight, but they never expected that just throwing a big fireball technique, these little girls were so scared that they backed away.


It was unexpectedly smooth.

Sure enough, how could these little girls be able to adapt to the cruel battlefield?

At this moment, the eyes of these flame mages were extremely surprised.


Seeing that Annie, who was still carrying the flames they released, was getting closer to the grass, a flame mage with a quicker mind frowned slightly: "Wait, why does it feel like something is wrong?"

The other fire mages laughed.

"What's wrong, they were scared away by us, isn't that normal?"

"That's right, our flames are enough to burn everything. Who wouldn't tremble when they saw this, of course these little girls wouldn't dare to face us."


Just as they were laughing, an Annie had approached the grass.

"I know what's wrong, they want to..." The flame mage suddenly exclaimed.

But the words were only half finished.

Annie, who was still burning with flames, walked into the grass.


The moment she walked into the grass, the flames burning on her body instantly burned the few grass branches she touched into ashes.

It has to be said that these eighth-order flame mages did not lie.

This flame is indeed very powerful, but anything that is contaminated will be burned.

at the same time.


The surrounding trees suddenly had no wind at this moment, and the leaves rattled like a roar from the forest!


The dense branches slanted down from top to bottom from all directions, directly piercing the faster-reacting flame mage in place!

A root of vines rolled from the depths of the forest, tying up the corpse of the flame mage, which was riddled with holes, and then dragged the corpse directly when the other flame mage had not recovered. into the depths of the forest.

And until this time, those flame mages hadn't reacted yet, and they laughed out loud for two seconds.

After two seconds.

The laughter stopped abruptly.

The smiles on the faces of those flame mages froze instantly, and their eyes looked at the companion who suddenly died and was dragged into the depths of the forest, their eyes filled with unknown fear.


"What's the matter?"

But the Annies didn't give them time to think. At this time, fifty Annies walked into the grass with flames!


The leaves started shaking again, as if the forest was roaring with rage!


At this moment, the branches and leaves danced wildly.

At this moment, those motionless trees showed their murderous intent, turning this place into a green hell!

Countless vines and roots bound the bodies of these flame warriors, and sharp branches pierced from all directions!

Because everyone is still on the periphery of the resting place of the gods, the surrounding trees themselves are not strong.

Although each of these thorn branches is only equivalent to a seventh-order attack.

But even if these flame mages are of the eighth rank, it is impossible to face hundreds of thousands of attacks of the seventh rank at the same time!

"Puff puff!"

Only momentarily.

More than fifty flame mages were directly pierced by the branches and nailed to the ground, and then their bodies were dragged into the depths of the forest by the vines.

This dense forest is like a beast that has been opening its mouth and waiting to be swallowed.

this moment.

The remaining flame mages were stunned, they finally understood!


"Don't go, don't go into the grass!"

These flame mages finally understood that those Annies were not frightened by their flames at all, but like the strong men before, they had to use the rules to completely kill them here!

The flames that were burning on Annie's body turned around and killed them!

It's no wonder that the flame mages didn't expect that Annie's operation was too clumsy...

I never imagined that these innocent looking little girls would have such sinister thoughts!

He didn't fight them at all, he burrowed into the grass with a whole body of flame!


In an instant, more than a dozen flame mages were strangled by this forest.

At the same time, a dozen Annies with flames on their bodies got into the grass.

"There's no point in begging them for mercy, take back the flames!" The leading Fire Mage Chosen shouted, "Quick! Take back the fireball technique!"

At that moment, the remaining flame mages came back to their senses.

Before the remaining Annies got into the grass, they chanted in a low voice, and the flames burning on Annies swept back to their side again.

But the Annies got into the grass anyway.

Then hide in the grass and throw skills out.

At this time, the faces of those flame wizards are all green, and everyone is a fire element wizard who throws flames, but why can these Annies throw skills in the grass?

The flames thrown by Annie stained the grass, but the grass branches didn't even burn any traces.

Even the [Lava Shield] surrounding him did not cause the grass to burn.

after all.

lol's skills will not have any impact on the environment.

Annie, who was hiding in the grass, didn't need to worry about destroying the plants and causing the forest to strangle.

"How do we beat them?"


And those flame wizards didn't dare to release flame magic towards Annie at all. The grass where Annie was the most indestructible barrier at this moment.

For a time, these flame mages were completely crushed by Annie, who was hiding in the grass.

The scene presented a gesture of unilateral beating.

the other side.

The Tibbers scuffled with the Fire Elementalists who were equally huge.

Although there are only fifty Fire Elementalists, they are all eighth rank!

And although these Tibbers have rough skin and thick flesh, they only have the strength of Tier 6, and since they are summoned creatures, they don't have the blessing of equipment at all, and they can only wield bear claws with their own strength.

Not to mention those Fire Elementalists, who can also unleash their skills!

The raging flames burst out from the fire elementalist, and every punch made those teddy bears smell of burning.

These fifty Fire Elementalists actually had the upper hand!

"Roar!" A fire elementalist knocked back a giant bear with one punch, looked at the flame mages who were being tortured by Annie, and said solemnly, "Hold on."

"When we get rid of these bears, we'll help you."

"In the end, these bears are just toys. Toys, facing the flames, commanders were burned to ashes!"

"The Elementalist is the real opponent, only the Elementalist!"

The fire elementalists suppressed those bears.

They were right.

There is only another kind of elementalist that can defeat the Elementalist, this insubstantial, strange life that is condensed by the elements.

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