Global Gods: My Believer is Galen

Chapter 833: You better not stir my veins

The forest is frozen, the vegetation is frozen, and An Ning's ability as the God of Aoki has been difficult to exert.

"I really thought the forest was frozen, so I can't do anything about you!?"

This sudden blizzard seemed to anger An Ning, this guy even rushed towards Lin Fan directly against the cold wind.

"Oh, do you want to fight meleely?"

Lin Fan looked at Anning with a sneer, threw out cards one after another, and spun them against Anning.

But An Ning's tortoise shell directly blocked the poker cards that were spinning like snowflakes, leaving no scars.

"This guy's defense really lives up to its reputation." Lin Fan silently put away his playing cards.

Originally, Lin Fan wanted to fly a kite and use long-range attacks to kill him, but this guy's strong defense made Lin Fan clearly realize that no matter how many basic attacks he used playing cards, he couldn't really hurt him. .

Lin Fan took out a huge sword from God's Domain and rushed towards Anning!

The two rushed towards each other with a gesture of not giving in to each other.



The moment the two made contact, Lin Fan instantly jumped up high, and the sword in his hand slashed down!

Above that giant sword, the light flickered.

【Fatal Strike】!

【Wuji Kendo】!

[Beat the first blow]!

All kinds of skills are activated to increase damage.

In the face of Lin Fan's heavy sword smashing from top to bottom, An Ning was not afraid at all, and his head was instantly retracted into the turtle shell. At the same time, the skin of his left fist turned blue, from bottom to top. hit Lin Fan's body!



The giant sword slashed on the tortoise shell.

An Ning's fist also hit Lin Fan's chest from the bottom up.

"Just this little strength?" An Ning stuck his head out again, smiling wildly.

Lin Fan's attack this time still failed to break the defense of his tortoise shell.

However, An Ning was a little surprised that Lin Fan, who was only at the sixth rank in front of him, punched himself with a punch, and there was nothing at all!

That was a punch that used the power of Xuanwu!

"This shield..." An Ning looked at Lin Fan in amazement, and saw that Lin Fan was covered with different layers of shields, and there was even a layer of sharp spikes protruding, counter-stabbing at the one he just hit. One punch.

Garen's W skill, [Courage].

Prince's W skill, [Golden Shield].

Werewolf E skill, [Ancestor Moo].

Dragon Turtle W skill, [Spike Defense].

Fire Girl E skill, [Lava Shield].

Wind Girl E skill...

Lin Fan doesn't have too many shields and damage reduction skills!

Therefore, even if it was a hard fight against An Ning's punch, Lin Fan only felt a little panic in his chest.

"Come again!"

Lin Fan smiled, picked up the sword, and started spinning with a bang.

An Ning's face sank: "I don't know whether to live or die!"

The next moment, the two of them fought each other head-on, without evasion.

Lin Fan held the giant sword in his hand, like a small whirlwind, slashing the turtle shell fiercely. Even if he couldn't break the turtle shell's defense, he still stubbornly fart!

An Ning, on the other hand, used the tortoise shell to carry Lin Fan's attack while hammering Lin Fan with his blue fists.

After a few seconds.


Lin Fan groaned.

An Ning relied on the eighth-order boxing power that contained the power of three generations of Xuanwu, and with a few punches, all the layers of shields were shattered.

And as the duration of the damage reduction skill expired and the shield skill went into a cooldown, Lin Fan was already using his body to resist An Ning's fist!

"Haha, good physique."

Seeing Lin Fan slashing wildly with his sword, looking like he could still fight, An Ning couldn't help but exclaimed and looked at Lin Fan's body excitedly, and once again unreservedly shot a shot with the power of Xuanwu. fist.

The moment when the punch was thrown.

Behind An Ning, a ten-meter-sized Xuanwu figure even appeared, and the giant tortoise phantom that exuded a heavy meaning collided with Lin Fan along with the wave and the punch.

His fists also turned blue again, and his skin became rough.

This is a skill from the basaltic bloodline, basaltic collision!


But even so, Lin Fan's face was only slightly pale, but he didn't hold back.

In fact, Lin Fan's physique is already a bit too strong. The fire of power and the fire of the earth have the effect of strengthening the body, and Lin Fan has the gene blessing of the ancestor of the werewolf in his body.

Although the genes of the werewolf ancestor were not fully stimulated, even so, Lin Fan's body had reached the level of almost three generations of werewolves.

In addition, Lin Fan's whole body was covered with yellow sand and ice crystals at this time. The flowing ice sand was like waves of sea water, and it was able to cancel out most of the force on An Ning's fist.

That was the method Lin Fan learned from Mengsihe before, using the armor of the ocean to absorb damage and transfer it.

"Oh, I want to see how many punches you can resist!"


An Ning punched again ruthlessly, and at the same time used the tortoise shell against the spinning blade, and said excitedly, "Your body should already feel the danger."

"That hidden bloodline, it shouldn't be able to suppress it soon, right?"

"Come on, let me see, that is the bloodline of several generations of werewolves."

An Ning could feel that as he punched Lin Fan's body, there seemed to be a kind of power awakening in Lin Fan's body, and it looked like it was about to come out!

He wants to help Lin Fan stimulate his blood!

He wants to make Lin Fan's body feel the danger between life and death. Only in this way can he force Lin Fan's hidden bloodline to wake up completely!

On the other side, Lin Fan was carrying An Ning's hammer, spinning like a small whirlwind with a giant sword, looking at An Ning with the look of an idiot: "I advise you not to inspire my hidden secrets. blood."

"The reason why I suppressed it was not that I couldn't turn it on, but the strength of that bloodline was beyond your imagination."

Lin Fan is telling the If Lin Fan really wants to fully activate the bloodline of the werewolf ancestor in his body, he doesn't need to do anything at all, he just needs to eat a god's heart raw.

But Lin Fan couldn't guarantee that when the werewolf's bloodline was fully stimulated, he would be able to withstand the bloodthirsty impulse and instinctive animal nature.

At the beginning, Lin Fan was only faced with the inactivated werewolf gene, and he was almost attacked.

That is the gene of the ancestor of the werewolf!

If it was really fully activated, Lin Fan really didn't know whether he was standing up again, or whether he was a killing machine that only knew how to devour his heart.

From a certain point of view, Lin Fan's refusal to stimulate the bloodline of this werewolf ancestor was protecting Anning...

However, when Lin Fan's words fell in Anning's ears, they became a dead duck with a hard mouth.

"Heh, a Werewolf Gene is very powerful." An Ning snorted coldly and punched again: "Feel it, I have three generations of Xuanwu Gene in my body!"

"Can the genes implanted by Mr. Ji be more powerful than the three generations of Xuanwu genes?"

"If I were you, I would simply give up resistance now." An Ning looked at his tortoise shell, "You see that you have left a mark on me after cutting for so long..."


An Ning's voice stopped abruptly!

Looking at the tortoise shell on his body, An Ning's pupils suddenly shrank!

There was a crack in the indestructible tortoise shell.

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