Global Gods: My Believer is Galen

Chapter 832: happy eating

Under the young man's gaze.

The knife light flashed.

Metal shatters.

Cao Dahua's teeth were not damaged at all, but the blade was directly shattered!

The young man was stunned when he saw this scene.

The blade installed on that battle puppet is not a weapon made of divine gold, but a low-level divine weapon that I got by giving up my mind!

That fat man's teeth actually shattered a low-level divine weapon in one bite!

Cao Dahua gnawed the blade in one bite, chewed a few mouthfuls in the eyes of the boy and swallowed it directly, and then turned his mouth towards the metal body of the doll again!


A tooth mark appeared in an instant, and the metal body doped with the Conferred God Stone was like a crisp apple in front of Cao Dahua.

In an instant, Cao Dahua's mouth was like a cutting machine, gnawing directly on the battle doll, and in an instant, he forcibly ate half of the battle doll's body!

"This guy..." The young man's face was horrified, and then he gritted his teeth fiercely: "You must die here!"

The silk thread was pulled again, and the manipulated puppets reversed direction and rushed towards Cao Dahua.

However, just when the remaining 20,000 combat dolls were about to pounce on Cao Dahua.

Cao Dahua raised his head and grinned: "With so much food, it happens that my followers are also hungry."

"Stop calling, let's all come out together to find food!"


A terrifying aura descended.

Beside Cao Dahua, dense figures instantly appeared.

It was a seven or eight meters tall...

"A rooster?" The young man was stunned.

Aside from this huge size, it does look exactly like a domestic chicken.

But the details are completely different. The gorgeous feathers reflect a fiery red color in the sun, and the cockscomb on the head is like a fire.

Beneath the feathers are hard dragon scales!

The huge chicken claws were even more like dragon claws, with hard scales and sharp nails reflecting the red glow like red crystals.

Even the chicken breast was bulging with two buds, as if something was about to grow.

"You've even got the **** out, do you really think I'm easy to bully?"

The young man had never seen such a strange believer, so he sneered and manipulated those fighting puppets to slaughter them.




Not only did those huge roosters not dodge, their huge sharp beaks pecked down fiercely, and they even pierced through the fighting puppets that rushed towards them.

The hard golden body of the fighting puppet was pierced directly by the sharp beaks without any hindrance.

This is as sharp as a medium artifact.

Those gigantic roosters pecked wildly, and the more than 20,000 fighting puppets were like worms in front of them, only worthy of being their food.

Like Cao Dahua, these dragons and phoenixes have not yet grown fully, and their blood vessels have not been fully stimulated, so now they look like big roosters.

But it is precisely because the bloodline is not fully stimulated that the hunger in their bodies is exactly the same as Cao Dahua!

At this moment, their eyes flashed red like Cao Dahua's, and they also lost their minds. They were dominated by the instinctive hunger, and only the desire for food remained in their minds.

Not to mention steel puppets, even if it is sand, they still eat it!

In an instant, nearly half of those battle puppets were directly lost, swallowed whole by these hungry dragon and phoenix cubs, and the remaining battle puppets were still decreasing.

Those dragon and phoenix cubs almost pecked out the afterimage!

Giant dragon foraging!

The sturdy body of the battle puppet made of divine gold is proud of, but it has absolutely no blocking effect in the face of the sharp beak. For those dragon and phoenix cubs, these things are like potato chips, each bite is crunchy and delicious...

And Cao Dahua, who had recovered some energy after eating a few battle dolls, became more and more fierce.

The huge dragon claws manifested again, grabbed a battle puppet with one hand, and ate frantically.

For Cao Dahua, this is not a battle at all.

This is a buffet!

For a moment, Cao Dahua even wondered if he had come to heaven, and all he could see was food!

"What the **** are these things!"

"How could they even eat divine gold!" The young man looked at the scene in disbelief, "Can't the conferred divine stone hold them down?"

Of course, the Fengshen Stone can hold it down, but Cao Dahua has powers that do not belong to gods in addition to his divine power.

The strongest bloodline, the **** of dragon and phoenix!

At this moment, without the blessing of divine power, not only did Cao Dahua not fall into weakness, but the power of the dragon and phoenix bloodline was fully revealed!

Although the dragon's claws are sharp, they are not the hardest part of the dragon's body at all.

The dragon's tooth is the existence that makes people fear.

As for Shenjin, it is also edible food for the powerful digestive ability of the giant dragon family.

The young man didn't dare to care anymore, he hurriedly manipulated the remaining battle puppets to escape back to his side, and then he was about to take them back to the realm of the gods.



Cao Dahua roared and rushed to the side of the boy, held him down, and opened his mouth toward his neck.

But he didn't say anything, but looked at the young man with a cold gaze, as if warning something.

In the blink of an eye, the young man seemed to understand what Cao Dahua meant.

"If you dare to take back my food, I will treat you as food."

Looking at Cao Dahua's open mouth and the sharpened teeth inside.

The young man's face was pale, and he only felt like he was facing a hungry dragon. He could even feel the oppression that did not belong to the gods exuding from the other party. It was the oppression from the top predators.

As if he was just the other person's food.

In front of Cao Dahua, the young man took the initiative to cut off the threads that connected him to the battle doll.

The boy's heart was bleeding... These battle dolls were made by himself, but he had to force out a smile, trembling like a restaurant waiter and forced a smile: "I wish you a happy meal. …”

For a time, the originally flexible combat puppets lost their ability to act in an instant, while Cao Dahua loosened the boy's collar and began to enjoy this self-help feast with his dragon and phoenix followers.

Zhang Xiaoying looked at this scene with extremely complicated eyes.

Originally, these battle dolls that she was fighting desperately with the army of half-orcs, after facing Cao Dahua and his followers, suddenly became food without the qualifications to resist...

This is a bit shocking.

"What the **** is this fat man..."

And the other side.

An Ning, who was about to fight with Lin Fan, was interrupted by the terrifying sword energy, and glanced at the battlefield on both sides of the bag boy and the scroll girl.

His eyes were a little surprised.

I really didn't expect that the two I brought with me would be completely suppressed by Lin Fan's team.

Although it was two to four and the number was at a disadvantage, the two people he brought with him were carefully selected by the Dark Moon Divine Kingdom royal family.

Even if the true geniuses and powerhouses of the Dark Moon Divine Kingdom are in the hands of the major financial groups, they can become the personal guards of the second prince, and the strength of these two people will naturally not be underestimated.

As a result, one of them became the target of sparring. When fighting, he was tied up, for fear that he would actually hurt the opponent.

The other became a food supplier, and the dolls that were supposed to be weapons were eaten one by one...

"That guy is Bai Zhaoyun?"

An Ning looked at the boy in white, who stood with his hands behind his back, exuding a strong sword intent and a tyrannical aura.

"Afraid?" Lin Fan was expressionless, "It's too late to beg for mercy now."

"Oh, begging you for mercy? What if Bai Zhaoyun is here, anyway, I won't die here today." An Ning said in a very determined tone, "As long as I want to leave, Bai Zhaoyun can't stop me!"

Lin Fan was stunned for a moment. He really didn't want to understand that this guy still had such confidence after he recognized Senior Brother Bai.

Doesn't he know that Bai Zhaoyun is the first sword **** officially recognized by Lieyang Divine Kingdom?

But before Lin Fan could figure out what An Ning meant.

I see.

An Ning's divine power suddenly rolled backwards, and the divine power of Aoki surged again!

The surrounding vegetation stabbed at Lin Fan again, the vines rolled, and the blades of grass instantly became as sharp as knives!

"Come back?" Lin Fan's face sank.

But this time, Lin Fan didn't dodge.

It was because the other party had too much advantage. For some reason, this forest where Lin Fan and Lin Fan had made friends was all used by the other party and became a weapon manipulated by the other party.

On the other hand, I can't expect to fly out of the forest because of the rules of not flying.

In this forest, even if you hide again, where can you hide?

Whether it is a flash, a golden body, or a little murloc's [Ancient Spirit/Spirit], they can only hide for a while, not forever!

Facing the forest that was attacking him from all directions, Lin Fan did not dodge, but stood on the spot.

"Since this forest is all for you."

"Then I will simply freeze this forest!"

Lin Fan took a deep breath and stretched out his hands, palms facing out.

The fire of ice jumped and burned, and light blue divine power surged out.

The ice element in the air condensed instantly, the temperature plummeted, and a cold wind blew in the dense forest!

In the biting cold wind, there was a faint cry!

Ice Crystal Phoenix R skill, [Glacier Storm]!

The wild blizzard is coming in an instant!

Thousands of cold winds spread out.

Under that low temperature, in just an instant, crystal snowflakes condensed in the Frost condensed on the ground.

Those thorned branches were instantly frozen and solidified, and the crisp green leaves were instantly covered with a thick layer of ice crystals, like ice sculptures.

this moment.

Within one kilometer, the vibrant forests have turned into glaciers!

Lin Fan looked at the frozen trees and flowers and smiled.

"Although I don't know how you did it, I admit that the forest is indeed your battlefield."


"Now, this is my battlefield."

this moment.

The ice and snow were flying, swirling and rising around the boy under the support of the cold wind.

Lin Fan is like the king of ice and snow.

There was a cold wind beside him, and a thousand meters of ice were frozen under his feet.

But even so, this [Glacier Storm] still does no harm to Anning.

The biting ice element couldn't penetrate the strange tortoise shell at all. The tortoise shell from the three-generation Xuanwu bloodline not only has a strong defense against physical attacks, but also has strong resistance to elemental attacks.

As for the deceleration effect, it doesn't work at all.

At this time, the holy fire on An Ning's body was still burning, and the 12th-order holy rune he had inspired earlier was enough to give him two hours of immunity.

But even without any injuries.

An Ning's face was still slightly ugly.

Elemental gods are particularly dependent on the influence of the environment.

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