Global Gods: My Believer is Galen

Chapter 811: We feel ashamed too

Lin Fan was stunned for a moment.

I really didn't expect this to have the "@XXX" function... This is really a WeChat chat group, isn't it?

It's too down-to-earth.


Lin Fan felt a heavy breath slowly awakening, and the powerful vibration seemed to come from the ground and spread throughout the root network.

"Who, find me."

For a moment, Lin Fan felt like he was being watched by a powerful being, and a cold sweat broke out.

The noisy chat group was also silent.

But this serious and tense atmosphere only lasted for two seconds.

Xiaoxiaoqing: "The group leader is here!"

Little Little Little Big Big Little Red: "The group owner sends a red envelope!"

Xiao Xiao Da Xiao Da Xiao Qing: "Group owner, don't keep diving, come out to pick up guests!"

Xiao Xiaohong: "Group master women's clothing!"

No respect in tone...

"Can't you let me set up an unfathomable image..." The dull vibration seemed to be full of helplessness, "I pulled you so much, and I also set up a group for you, it's easy for me."

Having said that, the administrator randomly banned a batch of accounts.

"XiaoXiaoXiaoXiaoXiaoXiaoXiaoXiao has been banned from speaking, and the remaining time is five minutes."

"Xiao Xiao Da Xiao Xiao Qing has been banned from speaking, and the remaining time is five minutes."

Xiaoxiaohong: "One day, with a knife in hand, I will kill all the dogs in the world, group leader, if you have the ability, don't..."

"Xiao Xiaohong has been silenced, and there are five minutes left."

The corners of Lin Fan's mouth twitched slightly. He seemed to understand why this administrator was being ridiculed by the group members.

A proper authority dog.

As the first being born in the resting place of the gods, he must have terrifying strength. He should have led these descendants all the way against the sky. As a result, the administrator actually built a group with this terrifying strength, and was banned from speaking. For fun, let these descendants who are not doing their jobs in the chat group have fun all day long...

"That," Lin Fan said embarrassedly, "Administrator, I mainly want to ask..."

"Don't call me the administrator first." The dull vibration interrupted: "I have my own name, please call my name."

Lin Fan tentatively asked, "Big Green?"

no respond.

"Da Qing?"

Still no response.

"Big red?"

Lin Fan pondered, the names of these guys seem to be big and small, similar to codes, as the first one, it must be like VIP01, full of dignity...

But seeing that the other party still didn't respond to him, Lin Fan finally couldn't help but ask, "I dare to ask your name..."

"Can't you guess this, as the first born life, my name is easy to guess." The dull vibration carried some dissatisfaction, "Forget it, since you asked the question sincerely."

"Then I will tell you mercifully."

"Remember my name, I am... the super supreme invincible powerhouse Dawei Tianlong Boruo Buddhas, Northern Lone Star, Shadow Sakura Killing, Astonishing Heavenly Light, Infernal Hell's Fall, Illusory People's Faith, Disgusted The philosophy of the writer, the truth of all things in the universe, the destructive teeth of smashing time and space, the cursed fallen angel, the dark cross, the feather coat of the phoenix, the 9981 monsters and the monsters, the reunion song, the equivalent from the other side no The Burning Fire of the End, the Great Red Lotus Long Aotian!"


Lin Fan was silent for a moment: "Why did you choose such a name?"

Are you sure this name is easy to guess?

"Don't you think it sounds great?" There was some pride in the dull vibration, "I am the first life to appear here, and I have the autonomy to name it!"

"Definitely have to give yourself a great name."

Xiaolu: "Dad, that's not what you said when you named me. You just need to say that the name is easy to remember."

"Little Green has been silenced, and there are five minutes left."

Xiao Xiaohong: "Haha, I'm here again, Grandpa, admit it, you just like to pretend, every time you say that name, it takes five minutes..."

"Xiao Xiaohong has been banned from speaking, and the remaining time is one hour."

Lin Fan was silent.

He felt that the resting place of the gods was becoming more and more unreliable.

The rules are already very wrong, why are these trees so wrong?

Which senior could have such a strange life after his death?

A proper middle school sickness!

Not to mention a group of plants that blow water in the dark and chat and gossip every day. The person who carries the handle in this plant is still in the late stage of secondary disease... Just that name, can a normal person come up with it?

Let's say it was named a ghost, but the names given to its descendants are all big and small.

Say that it doesn't care about the name, but it has made such a long list for its own name, which is crazy and cool...

This guy should be the kind of narcissist who is in the middle and late second grades.

Lin Fan even pondered, this guy's original intention to establish a chat group, if he can't make it, he hopes that a group of descendants will surround himself with what he is called the Northern Lone Star, what the Shadow Sakura Kills, what the philosophy of the hated, and the end of the equivalent from the other side. The bathing fire big red lotus.

It's a pity that it didn't expect its descendants to be as unscrupulous as itself...

"So, what exactly do you want to ask?" The dull vibration came again, "Friend, say my name and I will answer your question."

Lin Fan was silent for a moment: "So you just want me to repeat that name to make it sound better? Or, you chose this name to make yourself feel better when others call you, right?"

"Ah, this..." With the embarrassment of being dismantled in the dull vibration, he said embarrassedly: "Don't care about those details, come on, take courage and say my name..."

Lin Fan interrupted: "To be honest, I forgot."

"It's okay, I'll repeat it for you again, the super supreme and invincible powerhouse Dawei Tianlong Boruo Buddha..." The dull voice seemed to have a special hobby for his own name.

The main reason is that the children in the group are neither big nor small, and they don't call them their real names, not even Mrs. Wife... Grandpa doesn't bother to call them, so they call themselves the administrator, or the group owner.

It's a good thing that I still tried so hard to come up with such a loud and awesome name Klaas!

Therefore, this plant ancestor is extremely hopeful that he can hear someone call his real name... It feels so good to think about it!

"Okay, Dalu, stop making trouble, tell me what's going on here?" Lin Fan sent a message with a blank expression.

"Oh, okay... Wait, I'm not called Dalu, you call my real name first!" The dull vibration almost didn't respond.

Lin Fan sighed, "Forget it, don't ask."

The dull vibration instantly became anxious: "Ah, don't ask, if you call me my real name, I will answer you!"

"I really forgot." Lin Fan was speechless. "And the most important thing is that your name is so unreliable. I doubt whether the information you told me was made up by yourself."

"To be honest, you don't know anything about this place, do you?"

Lin Fan looked suspicious: "Don't you know who the **** buried here is, what are the rules, and where is the burial?"

Da Lu, who was full of second-hand feelings, became anxious when he heard it: "I, why didn't I know! I am the first life born here!"

"Boy, listen to me, a **** of morality is buried here. The rule is to obey morality and courtesy. As for the burial location, it's right next to me, next to the stone tablet at the top of the island, and the tomb is right next to me. Down!"

"It's easy to find, I'm the biggest plane tree!"

"Boy, do you hear clearly? Do you still suspect that I don't understand anything?"

Lin Fan smiled and said, "I didn't expect you to really know all this."

"Of course!" Dalu said proudly: "I am the first life here."

"Boy, start reciting my name reverently now. As long as you recite my name sincerely, I will answer your doubts."

Lin Fan said cheerfully: "No need, I know it now, thank you, Dalu, I saw you back and gave you ten tons of dung water."

"Ah, you're too polite. Wait, why don't you ask? How did you know?" Da Lv was stunned for a moment, and then he reacted: "No, boy, are you cheating on me?!"

"I'm not called Big Green!"

"I've already answered you, call my name quickly!"

Seeing that Lin Fan ignored him, Dalu's tone suddenly softened: "Why don't you ask me something else? Do you really have no other questions to ask?"

"Just ask."

"As long as you call my name, I will answer you everything... Hey, are you still there, ask me, I can really answer you everything..."

How Dalu hopes that someone can call him by his name, after all, it is such an awesome name...


"Lin Fan disconnected from the root network."

For a while, Lin Fan's vibration disappeared into the root network.

Little Xiaohong: "Hahahahaha, I'm dying of laughter!"

Little Little Red: "The administrator has been tricked again!"

Big Big Little Green: "Group owners are deceived every day!"

Xiaoxiaoxiaodaqing: "Group leader, give up, who can remember your name?"

Big Big Little Green: "Even if I remember it, no one can bear the disgust to say it! Group leader, why did you choose that name?"

Big Big Big Little Green: "If someone really calls me by that name, I'm afraid I'll die on the spot. What's the fall of the endless hell... Group owner, are you really not ashamed? How can you be so self-proclaimed name?"

Da Lvqi's whole body trembled: "Name can't be regarded as!...The matter of choosing a name, can it be regarded as self-promotion?"

The root network is filled with merry laughter.

But soon it was quiet again.

"Little Xiaohong has been silenced, and the remaining time is five minutes."

"Little Xiaohong has been banned from speaking, and the remaining time is five minutes."

"Big and small green has been silenced, and the remaining time is five minutes."

"The big and small green has been banned, and the remaining time is five minutes."

The dull vibration reverberated in the root network, and Dalu's roots were trembling: "Let you laugh, let you laugh, what's so funny!"

"Anyway, it's also your ancestor, you don't even call me by my name, and you still laugh at me!"

"You wait, sooner or later I will let that kid call my name willingly!"

And the other side.

Lin Fan released his hand from the tree trunk, broke away from the root network, and looked at the fruit tree in front of him helplessly.

"Your ancestor, is your brain not quite right? I heard that the taller the tree is, the more likely it is to be struck by lightning. Has it been struck by lightning before?"

"Oh, I'm used to it." The fruit tree smirked a little, and the branches and leaves rattled.

Lin Fan was even more helpless: "Is he angry now?"

"To be honest, he's used to it." The fruit tree smiled bitterly: "Who asked him to have that name, and he kept asking other plants to call him his real name. He doesn't feel embarrassed, we all feel embarrassed. I don't know about this kid. When will I grow up and become more mature, don't be so middle school."

Guoshu was stunned for a moment, and then said helplessly: "Oh, I was also blocked for five minutes, I just couldn't help laughing twice..."

"But you don't have to take it to heart. Although the administrator is very strong, at most friends are banned from talking. Forming a group to tease him is basically our greatest joy every day. You know, there are very few people on the island. Something interesting happened, and we're a little bored here..."

This is true.

These trees and flowers stay on the island and can't move freely, but it's boring.

Although there are chat groups for entertainment, but after so long, there is nothing to chat.

At most, we will talk about which rabbit gnawed on which unfortunate grass, which golden-horned deer urinated on which unlucky tree, which monkey gave which fruit tree, and whether turtles climbed the island...

Even an unlucky little grass broadcasts himself being bitten by rabbits in the group, which can trigger strong onlookers, and a bunch of grasses around them like crazy.

There are so many gods on the island today, which is the first time in history.

Lin Fan was speechless: "So, your biggest entertainment every day is to organize a group to tease your ancestors..."

Lin Fan suddenly felt that these plants were not very serious...

Lin Fan really wanted to know now, which God of Morality created the resting place?

But to be honest, these plants are indeed very quality and moral, at least after chatting for so Lin Fan didn't hear a single **** from them.

I didn't even hear the daily inquiries like "Grass, is your mother at home", and everyone used the names "Big Green" and "Xiaoqing" instead of a certain plant...

As for flirting with Big Green, it's just a joke at best.

Of course, if he hadn't seen Dalu before, Lin Fan might have thought it was not good. After all, treat elders with respect.

But after seeing this big green, let alone these plants, even Lin Fan couldn't look directly at the first born plane tree...

Be respectful to your elders, but when an elder tells you his name is "Northern Lone Star... The Feather Clothes of the Phoenix, Nine Nine Eighty-One Monsters and Demons Return to One Sonata, The Equivalent End from the Other Shore" When Yan Zhi was bathed in flames and a big red lotus", he really couldn't respect it!

The key point is that the elder also eagerly asked you to pronounce this name face to face.

Not to mention respect, it is simply unbearable to look directly, and even if you don't laugh directly, your endurance is extraordinary.

It's no wonder that those little reds don't have the slightest reverence for their ancestors... I can only say that although a name can't determine a person's quality, it can determine whether a person is funny or not.

Looking at Lin Fan's twitching mouth.

The fruit tree in front of him shook its leaves helplessly: "Don't look at me, we also feel embarrassed to have such a middle-aged ancestor."


What should I do when my parents are too naive and like to give themselves strange names, which is too embarrassing?

Online wait, very urgent.

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