Global Gods: My Believer is Galen

Chapter 810: @administrator

It's a wonderful feeling.

There was no sound, but Lin Fan could feel the slight shaking of countless flowers and trees.

The weak vibration penetrated deep into the soil, spread along the huge root network, and finally transmitted to every plant that participated in the construction of this root network.

That's right, the web.

Whether flowers or trees, as long as the roots touch, they will become part of this network.

They integrate their roots into this network, receive vibrations from other roots, and pass it on.

Each root system is like a high-speed channel of information, and countless root systems are densely intertwined with each other, forming a huge information network.

It is more efficient and faster than those virtual networks in the God Realm that use electronic signals to build servers to achieve information transmission. Every plant included in this natural network is a user of the network, and in the process of using it, they also form part of the network, and the vibration continues to spread on their root system, transmitting messages to other plants.

Fast and efficient.

This is the strongest network bred by nature and unsurpassed by technology.

Even Lin Fan suspected that even the **** of technology could not invade this network.

Because this network, born of countless plants, is completely free from technology and the shackles of electricity.

For a while, Lin Fan only felt that his hands were turning into branches, as if they were shaking indiscernibly with the breeze.

His fingers touched the vibrations from other plants on the leaves, and at this moment, the vibrations turned into news that Lin Fan could understand. At this moment, all the flowers and trees on the island greeted Lin Fan.

For a moment, Lin Fan was in a trance.

As if I had just joined a WeChat group on Earth...

I really did not expect that these trees, flowers and plants seem to have no wisdom, but in fact, they have formed such a developed information network with the help of the roots below the surface, and they even chat and blow water every day...

Lin Fan's fingers vibrated slightly, stroking the fruit tree in front of him like branches in the wind.

This vibration extended along the branches of the fruit tree to the roots below the ground, and then merged into the root network.

Lin Fan: "Hello everyone, my name is Lin Fan."

And the other side.

Ji Long is imitating Lin Fan's appearance, setting up a table under a mutant peach tree and placing tributes and incense burners.

Seeing that everyone else was picking a lot of fruits, he picked five of them himself and was beaten every time he picked them. Ji Long had to think of something.

Since Lin Fan is friends with them, he might as well learn from Lin Fan to swoop!

Ji Long fell to his knees with a plop, and beside him was a vigorously growing fruit tree full of mutated peaches.

"The sky is above, and the thick soil is the proof!"

"From today onwards, I will live and die with this peach tree! We share honor and disgrace! We will become brothers with different surnames!"

"I don't want to be born in the same year, the same month, and the same day, but I want to die in the same year, the same month, and the same day!"

"Bang bang bang!"

Ji Long gritted his teeth and kowtowed three times fiercely. In order to collect the mutant fruit, he also fought hard. He kowtowed loudly at the moment, and even the peach tree leaves on the side were shaken slightly.


"Now that we are brothers, I can pick your fruit!"

"If you don't speak, I'll take it as your promise." Ji Long stood up, rubbed his hands excitedly, and grabbed the huge peach.



The lush branches and leaves swept out the welcome, and the peach tree directly pumped him away.

"What the **** is this guy talking about, I don't understand at all." Taoshu sent a message in the chat group, "Everyone, be careful, it seems that a mental illness has been muttering, and was kowtowing beside me just now. "

"By the way, that guy has already picked five fruits just now, don't give him any more!" Peach Tree added.

Ji Long stood up dumbfounded,

He rubbed his flushed cheeks.

A little lost.

"Lin Fan, what the **** is going on?" Ji Long felt that he was being targeted...

But at the next moment, Ji Long was slightly taken aback and rubbed his eyes.

For some reason, he had a feeling.

The aura emanating from Lin Fan seemed to be integrated with this forest.

It's as if Lin Fan is not a guest of this forest, but is completely integrated with these flowers, plants and trees, and even has almost lost the breath of a god, a feeling of completely becoming a grass and trees!

Ji Long could even see Lin Fan's arms swinging in the wind like branches.

"I actually wanted to marry a peach tree... Am I crazy or the world is crazy?" Ji Long looked at the incense burner, and then at the peach tree he wanted to worship, with a complicated look on his face.

And the other side.

"This time my little brother came here in a hurry and didn't bring any gifts." Lin Fan sent a message in this weird chat group: "I have prepared some river bottom mud for everyone, which is rich in nutrients. Please accept it with a smile."

There's nothing wrong with Lin Fan's self-proclaimed younger brother. When he said hello just now, Lin Fan found out that these trees have lived for hundreds of years to tens of thousands of years, and even some flowers and plants can be his grandfather...

All I can say is that this place is really weird. These trees, flowers and plants polluted by the energy of the Divine Experience Path have a very long lifespan.

Xiaoxiaohong: "Forget it, you and I are 100 kilometers away, and we won't be able to deliver it in a while. Don't bother, I understand."

Little Little Green: "Yeah, we are also 80 kilometers apart, so I understand."

Lin Fan was slightly taken aback.

so far?


Lin Fan suddenly thought of an extremely terrifying fact. Except for the beach just now, this small island with a radius of 50 kilometers was completely covered by forest.

In other words, this huge network of roots directly covers the entire island!

And you can communicate with all plants through this information network, that is to say, the entire forest is your own eyeliner!

This will be a ubiquitous spy network!

As long as someone enters, his position, his every move, will be watched by the ubiquitous flowers and trees, and then tell himself...

"It's good to have more friends."

Lin Fan hurriedly sent a message: "No, no trouble, I'll send you all the fertilizer in a while! It's not too far away for dozens of kilometers, I'll fly over there."

After all, now is the time to quickly flatter these good friends.

Only when the relationship is in place, can these good friends be spies for themselves!

Sure enough, as soon as these words came out, the flowers, plants and trees were moved.


"No, that's not right." Xiaoxiaoxiaolu suddenly sent a message: "Don't fly, there is a rule here that you are not allowed to fly."

"Although we already know each other."

"But there are some bottom lines that cannot be violated."

"Last time when the island surfaced, I saw a seabird flying over to rest, and I waved a branch to drive it away, but it had to fly over. In the end, because of the island's no-flying rule, I could only do so. Nail it to death."

"If you break the rules here too, even if we know each other, it's impossible to open up."

Not allowed to fly?

Lin Fan thought to himself, this would not have much impact, and the forest was not suitable for flying combat.

However, it seems that he can't violate the rules, even if he has become friends with the forest here.

This rule is like the bottom line for these friends.

When there is no real violation of the rules, these friends can still turn a blind eye, such as picking more fruits and the like.

But if you really violate the rules and touch the bottom line...even if you are a friend, you will turn your face.

"Wait." Lin Fan was stunned for a moment, then excitedly said, "Apart from not being able to fly, are there any other rules?"

Only then did Lin Fan discover another function of this information network!


The way to let yourself know the rules of this resting place of the gods!

You must know that these trees have lived here for millions of years, so you must know a lot about it!

But before waiting for these little reds to reply, Lin Fan suddenly felt that something was wrong.

"No, doesn't it mean that the rules cannot be discussed in the resting place of the gods?" Lin Fan looked up and saw a black bird swept past: "And there are birds flying here!"

"That's different," Xiaoxiaohong replied. "We were born here, so the rules don't matter to us."

"But for you guys who weren't born here, there are rules."

"So we will tell you this, there will be no problem. But if you dare to tell others about these rules here, we... still have to shoot, not just us, those animals that were also born here will attack you."

Lin Fan was thoughtful.

It seems that life born in the resting place of the gods is not restricted by rules.

Because this is their world.

Lin Fan has also heard that there are some unique planes, just like the resting place of the gods, there are rules, even the gods need to abide by.

The beings born in that world do not need to abide by it, which leads to the fact that although some planes are not strong, because of the rules for outsiders, the God Realm cannot be attacked.

"Actually, we don't want to do this either, but... we were born in the flesh and blood of a unique life after death, and naturally we will also bear the obsession left by that life."

Xiaoxiaohong said: "Although we are not restricted by the rules, if outsiders really violate the rules, we will not be able to control ourselves, and will be controlled by that obsession to kill those who violate the rules."

"After killing the seabird that time, I was sad for three days."

The other plants also chimed in. To be honest, they were sometimes very distressed. Some foreign fish, turtles or seabirds occasionally broke into the island and violated the rules, and they didn’t want to kill those innocent lives.

But they couldn't control the obsession that pervaded the resting place of the gods.

"That should be the influence of Shenzang." Lin Fan frowned slightly and sent a message: "I can take that Shenzang, and that effect should be gone."

"Shen Zang?" Xiao Xiaohong and other plants were a little puzzled: "What Shen Zang?"

Lin Fan explained: "There is a resting deity here. He embarked on the path of divine experience during his lifetime. Generally speaking, after a deity dies, the divine power dissipates in the divine realm, but the energy contained in the divine journey is different from divine power and cannot be Dissipate on its own."

"So, the flesh and blood of that **** polluted this place, growing powerful mutant animals and plants, and even the space was affected."

"And because of the influence of the energy beyond divine power, his obsession before his death will also be preserved to form rules."

"Where his remains are, it's called Shenzang. There may be a way to experience the gods, and if it doesn't work, there will be a taboo."

"As long as I take away Shenzang, this obsession should disappear, and you will not be affected by the obsession."

When Lin Fan said this, he gave a slight pause, "So, helping me is also helping you, and you don't need to thank me, good friends have to help each other. But now I have to know what the rules are here, and where the **** is hiding. "

As soon as this word comes out.

The originally noisy chat group instantly became quiet.

"So it is." Xiao Xiaohong couldn't help but sigh.

Although they grow here, they don't know about the way of divine possession and divine experience, and they just grow here naturally.

After Lin Fan explained it, they realized that the land where they grew up was influenced by a **** who had gone through the path of divine experience, and those rules were also formed by the obsession of the dead god.

For a while, there was a lot of discussion in the chat group.

"The rules...I know I can't fly anyway."

"You've only been born for five hundred years, you're still young, and I know you can't spit anywhere."

"And you can't speak swear words. Last time, a floating seaweed said a swear word, and he died miserably."

"And also, you can't defecate anywhere, there was an alien turtle before..."

"I also know that you can't step on flowers and plants casually."

"Also, don't fight."

Lin Fan was stunned.


Is it so positive?

Lin Fan was a little stunned at the moment. He really didn't expect the rules here to be so positive and down-to-earth, that he couldn't even step on flowers and plants casually!

And what the **** is it that you can't fight? After the next few teams come in, is it possible that everyone is still calmly grabbing Shenzang?

"Why so many? Are you sure?" Lin Fan frowned slightly.

Zhang Chengfeng said that a resting place for a **** generally has only one rule, which is the greatest obsession of that **** during his lifetime.

Unless two gods who have taken the path of divine experience die here, the rules will increase accordingly.

The plants didn't know how to answer for a while.

"Actually, we are not sure... After all, we are not restricted by the rules. UU reading" Xiao Xiaohong replied.

To be honest, the plants don't even know what the rules are here.

It wasn't written after all, and the plants weren't restricted either.

They have only lived here for a long time. Occasionally, some alien life such as seabirds and seaweeds set foot on the island and violated the rules and died. Only then did they know, oh, there is such a rule...

a time.

Lin Fan's scalp felt a little numb.

What the **** is this place? Could it be that hundreds of gods who have embarked on the path of divine experience died?

Shouldn't he have walked to an ancient god's battlefield?

But how rare is the road to divine examination, even in the battlefield of the ancient gods, it is impossible for hundreds of gods who have embarked on the road of divine examination to die!

"The specific rules, the clearest one should be the administrator who has lived the longest." Xiao Xiaohong said suddenly.

Lin Fan was slightly taken aback: "Administrator?"

"Ah, it's the administrator of this group chat." Xiaoxiaohong explained, "It is the first sapling born here. To be precise, this network is built based on its root system."

"Sometimes someone in the group quarrels too fiercely, and he disconnects the quarrel's network, and the group becomes quiet. Over time, we call it the administrator."

As soon as these words came out, Lin Fan was a little confused.

This is really an administrator!

Isn't this a ban?

"Then can you call the administrator for me?" Lin Fan tentatively asked.

Xiaohong: "@Administrator."

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